Sunday, 4 May 2014

Condoleezza Rice Speech Cancellation

A right wing blogger claimed the cancellation of Condi Rice's speech was due to 'Muslim protests'. As far as I can see, there is nothing saying it was an exclusively Muslim protest. I get the feeling it was due to anti-war protests consisting of Muslims and Non-Muslims.

Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has backed out of delivering the commencement address at Rutgers University following protests by some faculty and students over her role in the Iraq War.

Rice said in a statement Saturday that she informed Rutgers President Robert Barchi that she was declining the invitation to speak at the graduation.

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  1. On Friday, German Chancellor Angela Merkel met with President Obama to discuss the ongoing situation in Ukraine, Russia’s aggression, and US-EU trade relations. The two heads of state united behind the idea of imposing additional sanctions on the Kremlin.

    "We will not have a choice but to move forward with additional more severe sanctions," said President Obama. Chancellor Merkel agreed. “Further sanctions will be unavoidable,” she said

  2. On Friday, German Chancellor Angela Merkel met with President Obama to discuss the ongoing situation in Ukraine, Russia’s aggression, and US-EU trade relations. The two heads of state united behind the idea of imposing additional sanctions on the Kremlin.

    "We will not have a choice but to move forward with additional more severe sanctions," said President Obama. Chancellor Merkel agreed. “Further sanctions will be unavoidable,” she said

  3. Acts 17 Apologetics is a 501(c)(3) organization. Donations are tax-deductible.
