Monday 27 April 2015

Muslims Should Protest Against Domino's Pizza

Muslim sister in America gets insulted in Florida whilst buying Pizza with her 2 year daughter, because she was wearing hijab. They gave her very bad service and when she went back to complain they called the Police and said that she threatened to blow them up. Disgusting case of Islamophobia. MPACUK

Muslim Woman Discriminated by Florida Domino's Pizza

Did Muslims or Zionists Send Death Threats to Jenny Tonge?

QURAN MIRACLES] The Miracles of the Number 19 in Quran | Dr. Shabir Ally

Does Sharia Teach Throwing Gays off Buildings?

Recently they thrown a man from the highest building in a town. But he survived it, so they stoned him to death. And the reason was he was a gay. Accordingly to Hanafi School of Thought, punishment cannot be set up by except by Quran and Mutawatir Sunnah. And the above mentioned punishment is one of two opinions of Ibn Abbas RA. And in the second opinion he says; the punishment is a normal stoning. And many sahaba gave many more opinions. Based on the principle hanafis don't apply death penalty. Anyway, is opinion of one sahabi is enough to apply death penalty in Islam? By keeping in mind that; this opinion is narrated by ahaad way. In another narration ibn Abbas disagrees with this narration. Sahaba gave many other opinions. From Sheikh Atabek Shukurov's FB

American Anti Muslim Websites: Slave Rape Lie Exposed

Reveal Muslim Scholars Views on Rape For All
 Did Prophet Muhammad p Die in 666 CE? No. Dr Yasir Qadhi
Reza Aslan on Gospel Writers, Luke and Matthew

More about the Paraclete

[QURAN MIRACLES] The Miracles of the Number 19 in Quran | Dr. Shabir Ally
Sharia Law against terrorism

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam

Learn about Islam



Do not allow your tongue to mention the faults of other people because you are covered in faults and other people have tongues too. If you fall upon something displeasing of your brother, then conceal it and tell your eye that other people have eyes too. ~ Imam al-Shafi‘I

Taken from Yasir Qadhi's FB

More about the Paraclete

Prophecies of the Messiah - Reza Aslan

Sharia Law against terrorism

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam

Learn about Islam


Walid Shoebat's Son Exposes American Islamophobes

I posted a video of Ukrainian satanists crucifying a Russian Christian. If the killers were Muslims you guys would have been all over it. But I guess if the victim is Russian, your sympathies decline. [Ted Shoebat]

Ted Shoebat Challenged to Debate a MUSLIM!

Vladimir Putin invited to Islam

Get Down There If You Can...

is pleased to announce a public lecture by...
Ustadh Ali Ataie
“Finding the Qur’anic Jesus in the Christian Gospel:
Muslim Interpretive Approaches to the New Testament”
7:30PM - 9:00PM
SODA CENTER, Saint Mary's College, Moraga, CA.

Ali Ataie section

Friday 24 April 2015

Hadith Rejectors Refuted

Shaykh Hamza Yusuf states the religion falls apart without the Sunnah, he mentions that without Hadith one cannot know how to pray, perform Hajj of Umrah. Hamza Yusuf states it's Kufr to deny Mutawatir Hadith.

According to Dr Jonathan Brown the Quran-Only approach is a modern movement which is inconsistent and intellectually dishonest.

Hamza Yusuf and Dr Jonathan Brown On the Deviant Group of Quran Onlyists


What is Isnad in Hadith Studies

British Muslims in Preston Helping to Save Lives

Sharia Law against terrorism

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam

Learn about Islam


Ted Shoebat Challenged to Debate a MUSLIM!

Ted Shoebat's been asking for it for a long while now. Well, Ted, you're being called out now. When you talk about Islam, you sound ignorant. In fact, you sound like the typical ignorant Islamophobic Christian fundamentalist.

Ted, your claim that Islam is from the Devil backfired on you here and made you look silly:

Refuting Christian Fundamentalists Who Say Islam is from Devil

And now for the challenge: I challenge you to debate a MUSLIM in a moderated debate. The debate can be entitled: What is the Truth, Islam or Christianity?

What do you say, are you up for it or are you going to continue making ignorant comments about Islam on an unchecked platform?

Ted, I will allow you to bring your dad, Walid Shoebat, with you too if you want. A two on one match if you want. Both of you against a Muslim debater.

ABN Christian Pastor Learns About the Hijab the Hard Way - Jason Evert Are You Watching?

[QURAN MIRACLES] The Miracles of the Number 19 in Quran | Dr. Shabir Ally

ISIS Members Having Dreams of Jesus?

People having dreams and visions showing Jesus is not divine

Russell Brand Exposes Muslim Terrorism Percentage

Walid Soebat's Son on Islam and Rape

Many Christian fundamentalist Islamophobes who attempt to demonise Muslims have this lie in their locker. The old lie of painting Muslims as rapists. Nothing new here.

Here's the son of a well know Islamophobe, Walid Shoebat, smearing Muslims in  a similar way.

American Anti Muslim Websites: Slave Rape Lie Exposed

Reveal Muslim Scholars Views on Rape For All
 Did Prophet Muhammad p Die in 666 CE? No. Dr Yasir Qadhi
Reza Aslan on Gospel Writers, Luke and Matthew

More about the Paraclete

Prophecies of the Messiah - Reza Aslan

Sharia Law against terrorism

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam

Learn about Islam


Refuting Christian Fundamentalists Who Say Islam is from Devil

Yeah, there are still some Christian fundamentalists out there who make such silly arguments against Islam.

The Christians who do make such a claim do expose their own ignorance of Islam and Christianity. This is because whenever a Muslim intends to read the Quran he/she will seek refuge from the Devil and if we look into the Quran we realise that the Quran in chapter 2 and verse 168 teaches us that the Devil is an enemy to mankind: 2:168. O ye people! Eat of what is on earth, Lawful and good; and do not follow the footsteps of the evil one, for he is to you an avowed enemy.

So the obvious conclusion we draw from this knowledge is that the Quran is not from the Devil as the devil would not teach such teachings. The Christian may continue to make this claim despite this information, if this is the case then the humiliation and exposing of a lack of knowledge on the part of the Christian who makes this claim continues as the Muslim can easily point to the misery that alcohol causes mankind (including the misery that is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome). Christianity allows the drinking of alcohol while the Quran forbids the consummation of alcohol. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) occurs "when a woman drinks alcohol during pregnancy, she risks giving birth to a child who will pay the price — in mental and physical deficiencies — for his or her entire life". Some of the symptoms of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome affecting the child are delayed development, organ dysfunction, failure to thrive, facial abnormalities and can lead to mental helath problems and troubles with the law in later life.

Why is all this relevant to the Quran? Well, the Christian claims that the Quran is from Satan yet the Quran has saved millions of children from this horrendous disease while the Bible has not. So this is further humiliation and refutation poured upon the mindless claim of the missionaries.
The question to ask them is; how did the Quran (which they say is from Satan) save millions of children from Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (and from other alcohol related diseases) while the Bible (which they believe to be fully from God) allowed the drinking of alcohol and thus did not prevent Fetal Alcohol Syndrome to affect millions of children?

On top of this, use some stats too. Statistically, Muslims have the least sex outside of marriage. Surely, if some group is following something from Satan then they would feature prominently in stats for sexual sins:

Muslims Have Least Sex Outside of Marriage (Least Fornication and Adultery By Muslims)

And we also see Muslims are up there for giving charity too:

Muslims give the most charity and have least sex outside of marriage!

Here's a fundamentalist Christian, the son of an infamous Islamophobe, getting refuted:


Nabeel's Kitchen getting HOTTER!

:) Ali Ataie!!!

After putting in what Christians considered a dismal performance in a debate with Dr Shabir Ally, could it get much worse for Nabeel Queshi's Christian apologetics debating career?

Well, when the biggest hitter in Muslim apologetics towards Christians puts Nabeel on his to do list it begins to get even hotter in Nabeel's kitchen.

If Nabeel hasn't already hung up his debating suit, this could be a debate career ender for Nabeel Qureshi.

Why is the Trinity doctrine so difficult to understand? - Dr. Shabir Ally answers Nabeel Qureshi

The Nabeel Qureshi section

Is the Gospel of John Reliable?

[QURAN MIRACLES] The Miracles of the Number 19 in Quran | Dr. Shabir Ally

ISIS Members Having Dreams of Jesus?

People having dreams and visions showing Jesus is not divine

Russell Brand Exposes Muslim Terrorism Percentage

Sunday 19 April 2015

Rohingya Muslims Persecuted in Burma

Police officers sexually abused a Muslim woman and arrested her husband in Burma for listening to a religious sermon. On April 06, the Burmese police were taking a look inside Muslim households when they noticed a couple sitting around a mobile phone and listening to a Muslim religious sermon.

The police then went on to assault the wife and in the process sexually abused her. The 24 year old husband was severely beaten and taken to the police station. The Rohingya community in Burma face some of the worst atrocities by the hands of extremist Buddhists who have been on rampages; burning down schools, villages, market places and mosques.

The Rohingya community has been brutally attacked, slaughtered and in some cases been set alight! Yet again and again we hear only silence from the media. With social media at our fingertips we have no excuse not to highlight and object to the brutal atrocities committed against our brothers and sisters in Burma and elsewhere. Our religion orders us to defend the helpless and oppressed. [MPACUK Facebook]

[QURAN MIRACLES] The Miracles of the Number 19 in Quran | Dr. Shabir Ally

ISIS Members Having Dreams of Jesus?

People having dreams and visions showing Jesus is not divine

Russell Brand Exposes Muslim Terrorism Percentage

Scandal: Mirza Masroor Ahmad Hate Preaching Against Muslims!

Apparently Mirza Masroor Ahmad said this about people who do not accept a man called Mirza Ghulam Ahmed (1835-1908 CE):

“...rejection of the Imam of the age in itself takes one to the satanic abyss and one who is taken in by satanic temptation cannot have any connection with the Gracious God. To follow the Satan is in effect to worship him.”

Look, I don't have any regard in accepting this person called Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, who is said to have declared himself to be the Mahdi and the Promised Messiah.

Come on, does Mirza Masroor Ahmad really expect people to believe that the Messiah and the Mahdi have come and gone. Mirza Masroor Ahmad is the leader of this small group/cult. I'd imagine their numbers are dwindling as more and more people have access to proper Islamic education.

Guys just follow Islam as it's meant to be followed. No need to add this Mirza Ghulam Ahmad character onto Islam. Pop over to a street in Cairo, Jeddah or Sana'a and ask who this fella was - you'd be hard pressed to even find somebody who has even heard of him.

Give it up folks. And stop hate preaching against people who just aren't duped by this Ahmadiyya movement.

Refutation of Ahmadiyya, Must Watch For Ansar Raza and Ahmadis

Ahmadiyya Conversion Rates in UK

Ahmadiyya Hate Campaign Against Ex Ahmadiyya Member

Ahmadiyya And The Muhammadi Begum Allegation

[QURAN MIRACLES] The Miracles of the Number 19 in Quran | Dr. Shabir Ally

ISIS Members Having Dreams of Jesus?

People having dreams and visions showing Jesus is not divine

Russell Brand Exposes Muslim Terrorism Percentage

Vladimir Putin invited to Islam

I do wonder whether any Muslim has, in person, invited Vladimir Putin to Islam. I'd love him to convert to Islam (if he's not a Muslim already). If he is not a Muslim, I invite him and Non-Muslim Russians to become Muslim.

Islam is a simple religion that teaches us to worship God alone and to believe in all the Prophets of God including Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (peace be upon all the Prophets). Interestingly enough for Christians, Islam is the religion that Jesus (p) will follow upon his second coming.

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam:

Invitation to Islam

Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother/sister of Jesus? If yes, become a Muslim.

German Scientist and Poet on Prophet Muhammad p

What the Chinese Emperor said about Prophet Muhammad p

[QURAN MIRACLES] The Miracles of the Number 19 in Quran | Dr. Shabir Ally

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam

Learn about Islam


Indonesian Muslims Converting to Christianity?

People are claiming 2 million Indonesian Muslims convert to Christianity every year. This seems like more Christian propaganda. More nonsense. More falsehood.

Evangelical Christians have previous form when it comes to offering inflated conversion statistics. Here we see a Christian make the ludicrous claim of 17 million Iranians converting to Christianity in one year amongst other claims.

[QURAN MIRACLES] The Miracles of the Number 19 in Quran | Dr. Shabir Ally

ISIS Members Having Dreams of Jesus?

People having dreams and visions showing Jesus is not divine

Russell Brand Exposes Muslim Terrorism Percentage

Thursday 9 April 2015

Ijaz Ahmad Rejects Sam Shamoun

Alright, following yesterday's quasi-debate, a NY Christian Theologian has reached out to me and is asking me to do a moderated debate on his radio show. Funny enough, he also offered Shamoun as an opponent. I declined on that basis, and to my surprise he threw Sam off of the set up LOL So someone else will debate me from the Christian side. Alhamdulillah.

That was taken from Ijaz's FB. You know that long list of silliness and classless behaviour from Shamoun spanning a number of years is a heavy load that Shamoun carries and it just means people reject him as a credible opponent to share a podium with.

I know Shamoun was doing a funding drive to fund his activities recently. One wonders who actually donates cash to him and his 'ministry'!

When respected folk on the opposition just don't take you seriously then one must start asking questions..

The Nabeel Qureshi section

Is the Gospel of John Reliable?

[QURAN MIRACLES] The Miracles of the Number 19 in Quran | Dr. Shabir Ally

ISIS Members Having Dreams of Jesus?

People having dreams and visions showing Jesus is not divine

Russell Brand Exposes Muslim Terrorism Percentage

Ignorant Nabeel Qureshi 'Outclassed' in Debate with Shabir Ally

It appears as though Dr Nabeel Qureshi did not impress certain folk who were in the Christian camp during his debate with Dr Shabir Ally. Here's a critical comment by a user called Eli Santana who states he's on the side of Nabeel Qureshi yet he considers Nabeel Qureshi to be lacking in skill and ultimately outclassed by Dr Shabir Ally:

Dr. Ally is a phenomenal debater, Hope Dr. Nabeel "ups his game" for future debates as he seemed to be outclassed here, And this is coming from someone who's on his side of the debate.

... Deconstructing the other side of the argument is perfectly acceptable in a debate, especially if the person you're debating allows you to do so. It was Nabeel's responsibility to force Dr. Ally into a defensive position, however he lacked the skill to do so.

Tony Arsenal offers his analysis and criticises Dr Nabeel Qureshi for not understanding the doctrine of the Trinity:

Now, I want to get some things straight. I understand that Qureshi is not a theologian. I understand that this is not his specialty. I understand that the Trinity is complicated and people are bound to make mistakes. However, when you put yourself forward to debate the leading Muslim apologist on the subject… you better have your doctrine straight.

 ...I think it is safe to say that Dr Qureshi has a lot to learn. I appreciate his desire to reach Muslims, but at this point I don’t think he has an adequate command over the doctrine of the Trinity to be debating these things.

Tony Arsenal is a graduate of Bethel University (BA: Biblical and Theological Studies, Minors in Biblical Greek and Biblical Languages) and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (MA: Church History, MA: Theology). He currently resides in Enfield, CT with his wife Lee.
Tony’s interests are Patristic theology, Trinitarian and Christological theology, Reformed Dogmatics, and Historical Theology focusing on the Conciliar period of the 4th and 5th centuries.
He serves in his local church as occasional preacher, as well as unofficially as a theologian in residence. He also occasionally helps with youth events and worship.

I personally have not viewed the debate. I've followed Nabeel for a few years talking about Islam and I have noticed he is prone to presenting misinformation and low level internet arguments. One wonders whether Nabeel will one day value accuracy with a better regard.

Here's Nabeel Qureshi using a couple of ignorant internet arguments against Islam:

Here's another one where he seems to have just plagiarized from a shoddy Christian internet apologist:

The Nabeel Qureshi section

Is the Gospel of John Reliable?

[QURAN MIRACLES] The Miracles of the Number 19 in Quran | Dr. Shabir Ally

ISIS Members Having Dreams of Jesus?

People having dreams and visions showing Jesus is not divine

Russell Brand Exposes Muslim Terrorism Percentage

Wednesday 8 April 2015

Ibn al-Qayyim Quote

Ibn al-Qayyim writes,

"Of the most unbelievable realities is that you know Allah, yet still do not truly love Him; and that you hear His caller (i.e., the Prophet salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam), but still do not respond to him; and that you are aware of how profitable it is to deal with Him, yet you choose to deal with other than Him; and that you are cognizant of the power of His anger, yet are still blind to it; and that you taste the pain of being cut off from him as you sin but still do not find comfort in worshipping Him...

But even more unbelievable than all of that is that you know you need Him and cannot do without His help, yet still you turn away, and busy yourself in that which distances you from Him."

From Dr Yasir Qadhi's FB

[QURAN MIRACLES] The Miracles of the Number 19 in Quran | Dr. Shabir Ally

ISIS Members Having Dreams of Jesus?

People having dreams and visions showing Jesus is not divine

Russell Brand Exposes Muslim Terrorism Percentage

Tuesday 7 April 2015

Challenges & Solutions of Muslims living in the West ~ Dr. Yasir Qadhi | 21st March 2015

As Muslims in the west living in the 21st century our challenges are different to those before us. The problems we face internally within the Muslim community and the threats that attack us from external sources are unique problems for which we require unique solutions.

The quantity of young Muslims that leave the faith in our times is astounding, and as for the major sins of alcohol, drugs and pornography that is destroying our youth, the statistics would shock any one of us. Internally many in the Muslim community suffer from a spiritual weakness and an overall disconnect from God by overindulging in the sins of the body to fill the emptiness inside of them.

From the outside we have external issues such as Islamophobia whereby conservative practising Muslims are banned from practising certain elements of their faith.

Many are clueless about these problems, others just turn a blind-eye to all of this and don't want to talk about these issues thinking they will just go away. These spiritual, physical and societal problems will only increase if we choose to ignore them.

Join Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi in this frank talk where he addresses the problems of the Muslim community in the west head-on without any political correctness and provides solutions on the unique challenges of Muslims living in the west.

Link to video

~ [YQ Admin]

Sunday 5 April 2015

Ayaan Hirsi Ali Exposed

History of fraud
Hirsi Ali’s highly suspect statistic is only the latest deception by one of the world’s most prominent opponents of Islam. While other anti-Muslim activists like Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller have marginalized themselves on the fringes of the far-right, Hirsi Ali remains a darling of the American mainstream media. In Heretic, a polemic recycling many of her past arguments against Islam, she calls for the emergence of a Muslim Martin Luther — the authoritarian 16th-century zealot who called for burning down the synagogues of Jews, whom he compared to a gangrenous disease.

With the book’s release, Hirsi Ali has been welcomed with open arms by the BBC, CNN’s Anderson Cooper, and a relatively accommodating Jon Stewart. ABC News has even run an excerpt from Heretic, while the New York Times Book Review hosted her for an interview filled with hardball questions about her favorite children’s books.
Hirsi Ali’s power to persuade lies in her dramatic personal story and the public persona she has constructed. She has marketed herself as a expert native informant who has emerged out of the dark heart of radical Islam and into the light of Western civilization. Her tale is an uplifting, comforting one that tells many Westerners what they want to hear about themselves and their perceived enemies. With anti-Muslim attitudes at their peak across Europe and the US, her sweeping critique of Islam as an endemically violent faith has enormous cachet. The only problem is that like her writings on Islam, much of what she has told the public about herself is questionable.
In May 2006, the Dutch television program Zembla thoroughly debunked the dramatic story Hirsi Ali had told to advance her career, concluding that Hirsi Ali had sold the Dutch public “a story full of obscurities.”
Born Ayaan Hirsi Magam, she migrated to the Netherlands in 1992, changed her name to Hirsi Ali, and lied to Dutch authorities about her past. Contrary to the story she told the government, she arrived in the Netherlands not from war-torn Somalia, but from Kenya, where she lived in a secure environment and under the protection of the United Nations, which funded her education at a well-regarded Muslim girls’ school. Though she told immigration authorities and the Dutch public she had fled from civil war in Somalia, she left that country before its war broke out. Indeed, she did not live through a war there or anywhere else. Thanks to her fabrications, Hirsi Ali received political asylum in just five weeks.
Hirsi Ali told astonished audiences on Dutch talk shows that her supposedly devout family had forced her to marry a draconian Muslim man, that she had not been present at her own wedding, and that her family had threatened to kill her for offending their religious honor. However, Zembla told a drastically different story. Hirsi Ali’s brother, aunt and former husband each testified that she had indeed been present at her wedding. It turned out that Hirsi Ali’s mother had sent her brother to a Christian school, not exactly an indication of Islamic fanaticism.
“Yeah, I made up the whole thing,” Hirsi Ali admitted on camera to a Zembla reporter who confronted her with her lies. “I said my name was Ayaan Hirsi Ali instead of Ayaan Hirsi Magan. I also said I was born in 1967 while I was actually born in 1969.”
Hirsi Ali’s claim of honor killing threats also appears to be empty; she remained in touch with her father and aunt after she left her husband. In fact, her husband even came to visit her in the Dutch refugee center where she lived after leaving him. Even though he had paid her way to Europe on the grounds that she would join him in Canada, Hirsi Ali’s husband consented to the divorce she sought. (Watch the full Zembla program on Hirsi Ali.)
Fabrications that toppled a government
In 2003, just a decade after gaining political asylum in the Netherlands, Hirsi Ali was elected to the Dutch parliament on the ticket of the People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy. VVD leadership knew that the story Hirsi Ali told on her immigration forms was a gigantic lie — she had told them as much — but covered up the fraud and even advanced it to propel her career.
“She’s witnessed five civil wars in her youth, and has fled with her family many times. She’s made of iron and steel,” the VVD’s Neelie-Smit Kroes said of Hirsi Ali at the time, reciting claims her party knew were false.
Taken from:

[QURAN MIRACLES] The Miracles of the Number 19 in Quran | Dr. Shabir Ally

ISIS Members Having Dreams of Jesus?

People having dreams and visions showing Jesus is not divine

Russell Brand Exposes Muslim Terrorism Percentage

Islam Growth Rate - Global

It is projected that within the next few decades, Islam will have the largest number of adherents in the world. Islam is the fastest growing religion in America, and the fastest growing in the world overall. The study below claims that this is primarily because of high fertility rates.

However, one cannot ignore three other realities:

Firstly, converts to the faith are frequent and ever-present. Just go to any mosque in the Western world and you will see this reality for yourself. In contrast, it is rare to find an ex-Muslim in another place of worship.

Secondly, Muslims tend to retain their faith and pass it down to their children, whereas many other faiths seem to lose a higher percentage, either to agnosticism or to another faith, of the next generation. (True, it is sad that amongst Muslims this percentage is increasing, but I would venture it is much less than with other faiths, and would love to see some studies done on that issue).

Lastly, regardless of actual numbers, I would argue, even currently, that the number of Muslims who at least regularly attend Jumah is actually more than the number of Christians who go to Church every Sunday. (Again, would love to see studies done in this regard). If that is the case, that would be an interesting twist as well.

From Yasir Qadhi's FB

[QURAN MIRACLES] The Miracles of the Number 19 in Quran | Dr. Shabir Ally

ISIS Members Having Dreams of Jesus?

People having dreams and visions showing Jesus is not divine

Russell Brand Exposes Muslim Terrorism Percentage