Friday, 25 April 2014

Afghanistan: Muslim Condemns the Killing of American Doctors

This is a disgusting act of terrorism.

I as a Muslim am appalled to hear about the three American doctors who were killed by an Afghan security guard. It's shocking and unislamic. We have already seen a top Muslim intellectual, Sheikh Abdal Hakim Murad, outline Sharia Law's complete opposition to terrorist attacks on civilians.

My thoughts and prayers are for the families of the American doctors and I pray the nurse who was injured in the disgraceful attack has a speedy recovery. May Allah bless and guide the family members of murdered doctors and may Allah heal and guide the injured nurse. May Allah bring peace to Afghanistan. Ameen.

Of course we may have the right wing trouble makers disingenuously using this dark incident as fuel for their personal agendas of promoting Western foreign intervention and/or demonization of Muslims but we need to recognise that Muslims have been condemning terrorism for a long while now so there has to be a renewed focus on why all this killing is really taking place.

Rather than wrongly and irresponsibly blaming Islam, why not look into matters in a fair and rational manner? Asghar Bukhari makes some points of interest as to why Al Qaeda and such organisations kill Americans. Here's Asghar Bukhari cutting to the chase; AlQaeda and AlShabaab are killing people in response to Western foreign policy and conflict:

Fox NewsThe U.S. Embassy in Afghanistan confirmed Thursday that three American doctors -- including a reported father and son -- were killed by an Afghan security guard who opened fire at a Kabul hospital.

"With great sadness we confirm that three Americans were killed in the attack at CURE Hospital," said a statement posted on the Embassy's Twitter page. "No other information will be released at this time."

The shooting was the latest in a string of deadly attacks on foreign civilians in the Afghan capital this year.

Two of the dead Americans were a father and son, Minister of Health Soraya Dalil said, adding that the third American was a Cure International doctor who had worked for seven years in Kabul.

Dalil said an American nurse was also wounded in the attack.

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam:

Invitation to Islam

Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother/sister of Jesus? If yes, become a Muslim.

Learn about Islam:
Tags: alqaeeda, Taliban, afghan, barack Obama, walid shoebat, Robert spencer

1 comment:

  1. Islamic group turns church in Syria into a headquarters

    [+] | Default size | [-]

    Raqqah (Syria) April 24 / MCN /

    Daash, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant in Syria seized the Martyrs church in Syrian district of Raqqah. After removing the crosses and icons, the Bashar al-Assad opposition then proceeded to turn it into what they call the “Office of the Ombudsman,” where they control the city.
