Sunday, 27 April 2014

Jihad Watch Exposed

Here's Robert Spencer caught red-handed in presenting a lie. The modus operandi of Islamophobes such as Robert Spencer is to foment an atmosphere of fear, that's to say these folk want people to view Muslims as the bogey-man. Inciting such emotions will obviously be a factor in increasing the revenue Robert Spencer and those of his ilk are generating. $$$

Robert Spencer is rebuked for his false allegation that Prophet Muhammad (p) raped his wife, Safiyyah (ra). This is a huge lie. A lie which flies in the face of scholarship. In this video we see scholarship expose Robert Spencer for the liar that he is.

Robert Spencer's Rape Lie

Video also uploaded here and here

Robert Spencer just highlighted his ignorance as Saffiyah was given the choice between being set free and going back to her people or marrying Prophet Muhammad (p). She chose to marry Prophet Muhammad (p), see this citation from the biography writer Martin Lings:
He [the Prophet Muhammad - Ed.] then told Safiyyah that he was prepared to set her free, and he offered her the choice between remaining a Jewess and returning to her people or entering Islam and becoming his wife. “I choose God and His Messenger,” she said; and they were married at the first halt on the homeward march.5 Sourced from:

There was no rape.

A quick synopsis on the situation of Safiyyah (ra). After the battle of Khaiber she became a captive. Prophet Muhammad (p) gave her the option of going back to her people or staying with the Muslims and marrying him. She CHOSE to marry him.

She loved the Prophet a great deal and even mentioned that she never met anybody with better character/manners than the Prophet (p).


Debate: Robert Spencer v Nadir Ahmed on whether slave girls are allowed to be raped:

Islam on slave girls/concubines:

Christian apologist appears to believe rape is allowed in Bible:

Miracles performed by Prophet Muhammad (p):

Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother of Jesus? If yes, become a Muslim. Now is the time.

Learn about Islam:

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