Sunday, 27 April 2014

Pamela Geller Abusing Sexual Abuse Victims' Misery

Islamophobes and their shameful misappropriation of the sexual abuse of a school girl is pathetic but  so predictable as they've been rebuked for their insensitive actions before

Image of Pam Geller
Here's the thing, you have a group of men, believed to be Muslims, who have been sentenced for sexual abuse of a 14 year old girl in Buckinghamshire, UK. NORMAL people feel for the abused girl and pray for the girl. Islamophobes (ABNORMAL people) decide to misuse the suffering of the girl and use it to bash Muslims and even falsely claim Islam is behind it.

My message to Pamela Geller is to develop some sensitivity - life is not about making money through bashing Muslims and Islam. Find a decent way of making money because what you are doing is distasteful and corrupt.

Oh and Muslims are not allowed to rape ANYBODY (even slaves). There has been Muslim condemnation of sexual grooming gangs throughout the UK, here's a Muslim community leader speaking out against such vile acts of abuse.

Does allow rape? No

Now you tell me if a normal, decent person would misuse the following horrific case of abuse just to make some money out of hating on Muslims and Islam:

FOUR men from south Buckinghamshire have been found guilty of sexually abusing a vulnerable schoolgirl over an eight month period.

Nazakat Mahmood, Ghulfaraz Nawaz, Haroon Rauf and Omar Sharif were convicted of committing a string of sexual offences against the girl between December 2011 and July 2012.
She was just 14 years old at the time of the abuse.

Mahmood, Nawaz and Rauf forced the girl, who was often plied with alcohol, to perform sex acts on them and pressured her into having full sex on several occasions in the Chesham area, Reading Crown Court heard.

After the trio were arrested, Sharif blackmailed her into having sex with him - including in her pyjamas in a graveyard in the middle of the night, jurors were told.
Full news story here

May Allah help the victim at this time of suffering and need. May Allah support her family. May Allah bless them further and guide them. May Allah make those who misuse these stories to hate Muslims see the error of their way. Ameen.
Christians having dreams and converting to Islam:
Learn about Islam:
tags: pam geller exposed, pam geller refuted, atlas shrugs


  1. For far too long Liberal and Neo-Con supporters of Ayaan Hirsi Ali have either ignored, evaded, denied or flat out refused to acknowledge the existence of her hateful beliefs and agenda. One likely reason is that they have spent years promoting Ayaan in every conceivable way and instead of facing the reality of her philosophy, and the implications of her proposed policy solutions to the so-called “Muslim problem,” they have chosen to bury their heads in the sand.

  2. Pamela Geller Wrong About “Sexual Jihad” Fatwa

    by Sheila Musaji
