Saturday, 10 May 2014

Comment: Libya grand mufti urges ban on racy lingerie imports

I'm not too sure what to make of this. Before the Islamophobes get their knickers in a twist (pun intended) just respect the man's desire for modesty. Modesty is something that we in the West are being deprived of.

Libya should stop importing overly racy lingerie and undergarments, the country’s grand mufti said in a letter sent to the office of the prime minister, Egypt’s al-Wafd newspaper reported on Friday.

Sadek al-Ghariani, who is considered to be Libya’s top religious authority, said these undergarments come in lewd designs and fashions which contradict the virtue of Islamic modesty, urging the government to regulate these imports.

According to al-Wafd, women’s underwear items in Libya are usually imported. [Source]

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam:

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