Thursday, 8 May 2014

Dawah to a Retired US Marine

Photo: John is a retired Marine that I met in the laundry mat. He was washing his mothers clothes and I was washing my mother in laws clothes. He tried to have conversation with Muslims and they rejected him. I had a wonderful conversation. He accepted his copy of Quran and looks forward to reading it. Alhamdulillah, He believes that God is one and that Muhammad (saw) was a messenger of God. May Allah guide his heart to the truth. Many of his characteristics are that of a Muslim. Make dua for him and please start having conversations with people you meet everyday.John is a retired Marine that I met in the laundry mat. He was washing his mothers clothes and I was washing my mother in laws clothes. He tried to have conversation with Muslims and they rejected him. I had a wonderful conversation. He accepted his copy of Quran and looks forward to reading it. Alhamdulillah, He believes that God is one and that Muhammad (saw) was a messenger of God. May Allah guide his heart to the truth. Many of his characteristics are that of a Muslim. Make dua for him and please start having conversations with people you meet everyday.

From Jamal Omar

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam:

Come to Islam today:


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