Sunday, 11 May 2014

Islamophobe Scandal: Strip Clubs, Drunks, and Scantily Clad Women Getting Sexually Harassed in Ex Churches!

Muslims are the warriors of today to battle the devil - FACT for those who want to think!

I'm not going to discuss whether the Hagia Sophia should be used as a mosque or not - let's get Muslim scholars to discuss this point.

However, the interesting side note that nobody seems to be chattering about; it seems we have a bunch of Islamophobes in the West making a big deal out of this. They make a big deal out of any Muslim action that they feel able sing to their own wicked anti-Muslim tune.

Let's be honest, a NUMBER of churches in Europe are becoming derelict and/or financially unsustainable. Why are these Islamophobes primarily focussing on Hagia Sofia whilst churches in the UK and mainland Europe are being converted to restaurants, offices, pubs and clubs al the time? Oh, and whilst we are at it, did they squeak when one church in Hungary turned into a venue which hosts a stripper? A strip club!? Are Islamophobes so debauched that they will rather hate on Muslims over the internet than campaign against lewd conversions of churches?

Are dens of iniquity, sin and rampant capitalism not the focus of the ire of the right wing? Do they not bother opposing the real tools of the devil?

Looks like they spend more time bashing Muslims and attempting to demonize Muslims. The irony being, Muslims are indeed following a religion that shuns materialism and shuns the dens of iniquity and fornication (pubs and clubs) that churches in Europe are being converted to.

The Islamophobes are full of hatred towards Muslims so much so that they just don't see the big picture. Everybody with unclouded vision can see it - Muslims are indeed the warriors of today to battle the tools of the devil (ie. rampant capitalism, night clubs, alcohol, drugs, racism, egoism etc). Whose side are you on? The side of the devil or the side of the Muslim?

Message to the Islamophobe: Do not focus your energy on hating a group of people (Muslims) who oppose strip clubs, bars, night clubs, pubs and materialism. Learn about Islam and join the Muslims to oppose the tools of the devil which are destroying the social fabric in the West.

Report on Hagia Sophia that Islamophobes are zoning in on

(ANSAmed) – ANKARA, MAY 8 – Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s government plans to turn Istanbul’s Hagia Sofia Basilica into a mosque in the afternoon and evening and a museum in the morning. The historical monument, which draws millions of tourists every year, will have the Byzantine frescoes covering its walls cast into shadow by ‘dark light’ so as to avoid offending Islam. The government would thus like to turn what is today seen as a symbol of Christianity back into a place of worship for Muslims, as it was after the Ottoman conquest of Constantinople in 1453.

Confirmation of the plan came on Thursday from the Turkish pro-government daily Yeni Safak, after press leaks last week in Radikal reported the prime minister’s intention to pray in the Byzantine basilica prior to the August presidential elections, possibly as early as May 29. The date is a highly symbolic one, as it marks the 561st anniversary of the fall of Constantinople into the hands of the Ottomans. A few days later the basilica became a mosque on the orders of Mehmet II the Conqueror ad remained so until 1934, when on the decision of the father of the modern Turkish ‘secular Republic Mustafa Kemal Ataturk it was made into a museum.

A campaign to turn the Hagia Sofia back into a mosque has been brewing for quite some time in the country, raising alarm among Christian communities in the east. Over the past few months appeals have been made by Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc and the imam of the Sultanhamet mosque, Mustafa Akgul.

Pakistani hero defeating porn

For Gay Men: What's Better Islam or Unitarian Universalism?

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam

Invitation to Islam

Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother/sister of Jesus? If yes, become a Muslim.

Learn about Islam:

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