Saturday, 31 May 2014

Message About Sharia and News Report About Abu Hurayra al-Amriki

Abu Hurayra al Amriki is being linked to Al Qaeda by the media. Learned Muslims don't like Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda kill innocent people and go against the Sharia.

Here we see Abdal Hakim Murad's 10 second comment destroy the Islamophobes' false narrative of 'Islam preaches terrorism'. He states, according to Sharia, terrorism is classified as Hiraba (Hirabah) which is punishable by death. Thus we learn, Sharia is against terrorism.

Adal Hakim Murad Destroys Islamophobes' Big Terrorism Lie in 10 seconds!

What is Hirabah?

The term hirabah refers to public terrorism in a war against society and civilization.  In legal terminology it is defined as “spreading mischief in the land,” but its precise meaning, as defined by Professor Khalid Abou el Fadl, is “killing by stealth and targeting a defenseless victim in a way intended to cause terror in society.”  This is the Islamic definition of terrorism.  It is the very opposite of jihad.
The term hirabah comes from the root hariba, a verb that means to become angry and enraged.  By derivation the nown harb (pl. hurub) means variously “war” and “enemy.” 
[Dr. Robert D. Crane, Hirabah versus Jihad,]

AlShabaab and Alqaeda, why they commit terrorism - Asghar Bukhari:

Muslims against terrorism

News Report about Abu Hurayra Al Amriki:
WASHINGTON—An American citizen linked to al Qaeda terrorists has carried out a suicide bombing in Syria, CBS News has learned.

The picture on radical Islamic websites shows a smiling bearded man holding a cat, but U.S. officials believe the man, who called himself Abu Hurayra al-Amriki is the first American suicide bomber to die fighting for al Qaeda in Syria.

Al Qaeda affiliate Jabhat al-Nusra recently released a photo showing four jihadis. The fighter on the right, wearing a suicide vest, appears to be Abu Hurayra.

The terror group claims he was killed Sunday in an attack in northern Syria. An al Qaeda video released Monday shows a truck being loaded with bombs and a subsequent explosion at a government complex.

Al Qaeda had promised an attack from an American. Just last week, an English-speaking man with his face blurred called on his brothers to defend Islam.

U.S. officials say they have identified Abu Hurayra's real name; it has not been released. But he was not alone. The FBI says several dozen Americans have gone to Syria to join the fighting. (Source)

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam:

Invitation to Islam

Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother/sister of Jesus? If yes, become a Muslim.

Learn about Islam:

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