In all honesty, stories of Muslims attacking innocent people through terrorism should shock people as Islam does not allow such acts. On top of this, to attack school girls should be even more surprising especially considering the high regard Muslims hold females in - in fact a Muslim country recently was ranked best in respecting women.

I would also like to direct the haters of Palestinians to the story of a Palestinian bus driver who saved Jewish girls
Snip from the story about the terrorist attack:
“Firebombs on Bat Mitzva Girls’ Bus, Only Arutz Sheva Reports It,” Israel National News, May 15, 2014
Four terrorists hurl firebombs at bus near Hevron, engulfing it in flames, but media ignores story, preferring to cover Jewish graffiti. A well-planned firebomb attack on a bus full of Jewish schoolgirls Tuesday could easily have ended in tragedy, but no news source even reported that it took place, except for the one you are currently reading – Arutz Sheva. The girls were sixth-graders from a religious school in central Israel. They were on a bat mitzva tour of the Cave of Machpela in Hevron, a site recognized by the government as an official heritage site, when four terrorists ambushed it with firebombs. [source]
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