Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Saudi Arabia and Russia Calling To Morality...

Russia and Saudi can help the West
Muslim Good News!

Hearing voices of sanity
It's reported that Saudi Arabia and Russia have criticised Norway for not doing enough to combat religious intolerance and that Saudi Arabia has called for  all criticism of religion and the Prophet Muhammad (p) to be made illegal in Norway.
I salute the Saudi Arabian authorities on this. Saudi Arabia needs to be more active in calling for morality and Islam in the West. America is constantly pumping pornographic material, Hollywood and MTV into Muslim countries yet Muslim countries seem to be doing very little in terms of attempting to influence the West towards morality and pure monotheism (Islam).
It's time for Muslim countries to realise they have a duty to the whole world. They need to stand up and be proud in calling the West to morality and the worship of God alone (Islam). It's time for the Muslim countries to speak up and be heard. Muslim countries should also be alert to the corruption and falsehood of atheism which is spreading into Muslim countries from the West.
I see in the report below that Saudi Arabia spoke out against the increasing cases of domestic violence and rape in Norway. Great! It also spoke out against hate crimes against Muslims in Norway. Again Great!
According to the Independent:
The gulf state called for all criticism of religion and of prophet Mohammed to be made illegal  in Norway. It also expressed concern at “increasing cases of domestic violence, rape crimes and inequality in riches” and noted a continuation of hate crimes against Muslims in the country....
Russia meanwhile called for Norway to clamp down on expressions of religious intolerance and criticised the country’s child welfare system. They also recommended that Norway improve its correctional facilities for those applying for asylum status.
Another report:
Saudi Arabia has called for all criticism of religion and of the prophet Mohammed to be made illegal in Norway. The call came during the United Nation's Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Norway this week. The UPR is a process by which the UN reviews a selection of member states on their human rights performance.
Saudi also charged the Norwegian government with doing too little to counter criticism of the prophet Mohammed in the country, and failing to protect its Muslim citizens amidst a continuation of hate crimes against Muslims in the country.
Russia was also vocal in its criticism of Norway in terms of religious intolerance, calling upon Norway to do more to combat it.
Christians having dreams and converting to Islam:

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