Tuesday 23 November 2010

Muslim Reviews "Jesus or Muhammad" (ABN Sat Show)

Nonsensical Title

Muslims believe in BOTH Jesus and Muhammad so the title of the show puts the Muslim off straight away.

The “Anal Sex Claimer” RETURNS!!

Wow, just plain wow. I have seen the most recent flier for the “Jesus or Muhammad” marathon and guess who is listed – none other than the “anal sex claimer” himself – I.Q Al Rasooli!!!

IQ al Rasooli is infamous for his anal sex claim on You Tube. Well, it gets worse because this “Christian” missionary even has the audacity to claim he has studied Islam for “THIRTY YEARS” whilst introducing himself on ABNSat to Samar Gorial and the viewers. I guess “THIRTY YEARS” of study meant he never opened up page 327 in Bulugh al Maram. Wow, just plain wow!

Sounds more like a freak show, it really does!

The “anal sex claimer” (IQ al Rasooli), sick sex-hoax-purveyor extraordinaire (David Wood), the bestiality bloke (Sam “Islam allows sex with animals” Shamoun) and Usama “all Muslims are demons” Dakdok. Crikey! Are you sure it is not Halloween?

Come on ABN! How about you move away from attention seekers/charlatans off the net and bring us somebody with academic clout. Can you not bring in Dr Habermas or Norman Geisler? Even the shamed Ergun Caner would be more authoritative than the current brigade.

You are a TV STATION not a YouTube outfit!!!

No job too dirty

The problem with ABN is that they want to link EVERY event in Muslim current affairs with Islam. No scholar will oblige so the rent-a-mob they currently employ are utilized as no job is too dirty for the likes of IQ, Wood and Shamoun.


We KNOW there are some terrorists within Muslim countries who DO murder Christian minorities BUT it doesn’t take Einstein to figure out sending David Wood’s sex hoax into Egypt via Satellite TV is hardly helpful in combating these misguided Muslims. You don’t need IQ Al Rasooli’s “THIRTY YEARS” of study to figure that out!

Our scholars HAVE been warning against this puritanical element (terrorists); the LAST thing we need is a bunch of crazy “Christians” from the net sending absurdly offensive lies their way. Don’t allow your hatred for Muslims cloud your common sense.

Anjem Choudary as a “Sheikh”?

Crikey, yes I’m not pulling your leg; they consider Anjem Choudary as a representative of Islam; he is even called “sheikh” whilst on ABN. Wow, just plain wow!

The man would be trounced by scholars the world over.

Of course, our buddies on the Jesus or Muhammad show don’t refer to figures such as the Shaikh Zayed Lecturer in Islamic Studies at Cambridge University (Abdul Hakim Murad).…they go to the three amigos (Wood, Shamoun and AlRasooli). True scholarship!

Expect more shrieks of “sex with a nine year old” and “he had more than one wife

Do me a favour. I am due to unveil a review of the scholarly effort of critique by Dr JM Buaben and these internet polemics would not have been considered as academic by any of those whom he critiqued. An acid test on how much a missionary knows about Islam; if he argues using internet claims then you know he knows next to nothing. Now, that speaks volumes against the ABN crew.

In fact, we have already denounced ABN’s sex hoaxer extraordinaire on similar internet claims here

Home Alone and Islamophobic oddballs
I recall a scene from Home Alone Two; the foster father of McCauley McCulkin’s character asks the hotel manager what type of fools do you employ? He says, "The finest in New York"! Well, it goes something like that.

What type of anti-Muslim oddballs have ABN Sat got in their employ? The finest off the internet! We KNOW one of their “finest” has spent time in a mental institute for attempted murder. I always hear the bells of irony when this chap bangs on about Muslim violence. Wow, just plain wow!

A redundant Anti-Muslim mafia?

Crikey, come on ABN!!! Seriously, you can be much more academic by bringing in true scholarship and not the internet anti-Muslim mafia. Is it so daunting to even attempt to bring in a genuine intellect on the subject? Or is it a case of a true scholar being unwilling to hum to your anti-Muslim tune? Really?

But we have Dr James R White…

I grant you, James White does know something about his OWN religion that is why you do NOT see Dr White going all cowboy with claims of paedophilia, polygamy, war etc (basically all the contents of David Wood’s bag of tricks, heckles and gags (Kudos to TGV for that quip)).

However, Dr James White knows little about Islam (he knows less than IQ al Rasooli and that’s being honest). We have rebuked White’s errors previously and have further rebukes in the pipeline.

Editing the Bible (Von Tischendorf or “Christian”)

You may be thinking he’s going to bang on about Von Tischendorf’s 1859 find? No. I’m going to bang on about somebody less cerebral; Christian Prince. When this show first came to air ABN had a regular caller (“Christian”); this bloke, when he is not spreading lies about Islam (or partaking in lecherous talk or calling for the NUKING of Pakistan) he is changing the BIBLE for cash, converts and non-Arab speaking approbation. Don’t believe me? See here.

Talking about changing the Bible our Sam Shamoun does bizarre eisegesis but Walid Shoebat takes the biscuit. There is no fabricating like that of the ex terrorist!!!

Walid Shoebat – the coup

I admit having Walid Shoebat on the show is quite the coup. A real big name. I guess he is the Fernando Torres (or for the Americans; Shaquille O Neil) of ABN. That’s where the comparison stops. Dr Dan Wallace and ABN’s James White have already denounced Walid Shoebat’s misuse of the Bible. Do we have dissension in the ABN camp? I don’t know and don’t care but I will like you to view the Walid Shoebat “Mark of the Beast” hoax which we have in video form (with easy to follow commentary, from yours truly). Wow, just plain wow, see here.

Christian TV shows: a dime a dozen

Just in case you are wondering as to what came of our pal, Christian Prince (“Christian”); no, he’s not at the funny farm but I can to tell you the sobering news of him running his OWN Christian missionary TV show now. I guess they are handing out Christian TV shows like raffle tickets. First Sam Shamoun, then IQ al Rasooli and now ChristianPrince. Wow, just plain wow!

Kamal Saleem: “For those who are taking notes”

Another coup for ABN. A big name. But come on! This man has TWO versions of his conversion story knocking about. Furthermore, people doubt his ex terrorist charade. However, more importantly in terms of apologetics; he FABRICATES ahadith. What, you don’t believe me? See here. And who can forget his conversion figure propaganda. Propaganda for which he has NEVER answered for. Wow, just plain wow!

Taking the ignorant for a ride

OK, I admit, the sensationalism, hoaxes and internet slur laden arguments may sway the ignorant BUT when these people scratch the surface they will know they have been taken for a ride.

In the UK, we have a saying; fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.


OK, Yahya it’s a review and you have just presented negativity, do you have anything positive to say? Right, in my limited exchange with one of their presenters I have realised they are not all the unreasonable “Christian” fundamentalists one initially suspects them to be. Dr Bassam Gorial and his wife seem to be sincere and even Usama Dakdok dropped me a polite response email. Oh that reminds me, excuse me for the segway..

Osama Kamal Dakdok, a list of names please…

I am still waiting for you to let me know who are all these anonymous (ex Muslim) professors and doctors who helped on the translation. Apparently Usama Dakdok had EX-MUSLIM experts who TAUGHT at AL-AZHER helping him translate the Quran. I have NEVER come across exMuslim teachers from Al-Azher. Sounds fishy. A list of names would help us put this one to bed, Usama…

The flier

The flier says November the 26th. Yep that's when it all kicks off. I hope everybody is wearing their best suit. Kamal Saleem has no issue in the business attire department (nice suits, tailor made? I assume they are as the fit is impeccable) but our Sam Shamoun could do with some sprucing up.

Sam Shamoun Upstaged?

Such is the variety in Islamophobic oddballs on offer our Sam is simply a sideshow. It’s not often Sam Shamoun is overshadowed but the return of the shamed “anal sex claimer” (IQ al Rasooli) is generating real waves. I have just seen some of the initial reaction from YouTube. Wow, just plain wow! Yes, our IQ has all the star quality to make it to the top of the pile. Sam Shamoun putting his free computer (paid for by Christians donors!) to effect

ABN Potential

Infrastructure-wise they have the capacity to be “better” than they are. Instead they choose a hit squad from the net - this is the frustrating thing. Do they have anything of appeal to me? No, I don’t see scholarly intent. The only reason I comb through it is in order to fish out hoaxes and crazy Islamophobic episodes such as the homosexuality episode.

Banging on about Muslims

They spend most of their time banging on about Islam and Muslims (much of it inaccurately and/or sensationally). This just gets repetitive and boring, for me. Did anybody suggest they should bring in SCHOLARS to talk about CHRISTIANITY? Is their faith so unappealing?

Trashing is NOT evangelism

Since when was evangelism replaced by trashing other faiths? Since the internet! More specifically to ABN since the internet fame-hunting brigade of Shamoun, Wood, and IQ al Rasooli brought their circus act to town. Sad, but true.

Invitation to Islam

Would you like a relationship with God? Would you like to worship the God whom all Prophets worshipped? If yes please come to Islam today. God willing, learn about your new faith here:

Feedback: yahyasnow@hotmail.com


  1. For a guy who'd spend 30 years of his life studying Islam, you'd expect him to make some contributions to scholarly journals. But since he doesn't have any, I guess all those 30 years he had been learning about one thing only-anal sex. God, why are these bigots so sex obsessed?

  2. I edited chunks out in order to truncate the post. One of the rejected chunks. I its a real question, David:

    Professor? Since when?

    This potention has been thrown into the comment section in order to keep the post shorter.

    This segment is not part of the review but an observation (from the NEEEEEEEW flier) which tickled my curiosity; could somebody explain to me why David Wood has the title of professor? Back in the day, as Bart Ehrman mentions they bred scholars young but our David, at the age of what 35 (?) is a professor, are you sure? Interesting, as I have never heard him speak on this issue.

    It gets even more interesting when you consider this man has spent time in prison and a mental institute but STILL had time to go through undergraduate study and Phd study and on top of htat he has produced research to qualify for the appendage of professor all before the age of 35 (if not earlier, who knows when he was prancing around with the title of “professor”, when I was at university there was a professor (a real one) who took umbrage to being called “doctor”. Interesting; either that or America is a funny place and people such as Kent Hovind are handed doctorates willy nilly.

    Professor in googling hate material and sex hoaxes? Really, can somebody explain this to me?

  3. aThe same goes for robert spencer. guy claims he's been studying islam for 30 years but was nowhere before 9/11.

    also, what the hell are those "ex terrorists" doing on talk shows and running around freely when they should spend time in jail? where can i find police reports on them? where can find documents concerning their arrest and trial? this is a major christian flaw. they can't even lie (follow philippians 1:18) properly.

  4. yahya u can decimate and pwn ppl with videos and blogs buuuutttttt doing the same in liiiiivvvveeee debate is diffrent

    ur the biggest cowaaaaaaaard on the web. sam has called u out ssssssssooooooooooo many times but ur little frightenned rabit

    so lets see if u can do wat u do here and in ur vidios in LLLLIIIVVVE debate.

    call the show coward. sam has chalenged u for debate night but ur yellow

    everyone wil hav a piece of us on the show.

    oooh im yahya snow white with my posh english accent. u sound like queen of england. u related or inbred

    maskerading as intllect lets see how intellect u really r live thnkin on the spot

    even nadir has more heart then u. wimp.


  5. ehteshaam gulam will pwn them

    nadir ahmed will call in

  6. ali the same could be said about david wood. he tried to butcher his father to death in cold blood
    i agree nadir would clean house

  7. With the name of Allah, Peace be unto those who follow the guidance from their Lord,

    "Come on ABN! How about you move away from attention seekers/charlatans off the net and bring us somebody with academic clout. Can you not bring in Dr Habermas or Norman Geisler? Even the shamed Ergun Caner would be more authoritative than the current brigade."

    Too true! It is amazing because as a previous poster (I believe his name was Mike) said they are basically refuting their own religion.

    As I mentioned to them over at AM If you can swallow 1 Samuel 15:3 God explicitly commanding you to murder infants and suckling babies than the morality bar is set exceedingly low according to this standard.

    Every time they attack Islam they are attacking Christ Jesus (as his foundation is from the Old Testament) and they attack Islam it becomes a veiled attack upon the teachings of the Old Testament (to a great degree).

    Oh the irony.

  8. "Anonymous said...

    "yahya u can decimate and pwn ppl with videos and blogs buuuutttttt doing the same in liiiiivvvveeee debate is diffren"

    Anonymous maybe you could tell me where the debate is that was done between Abdullah Kunde and James White on Salvation back in September on ABN???

    If liiiiiivvvveee debate is so different could you pleaseeeeeee tell me where on the Answering-Islam web site I could go and watch some liiiiiiveeeee debates between Christians and Muslims?

    I have seen Sam Shamoun debate -tossing papers around a room for every argument he could not answer.

    Does it necessarily show that Sam Shamoun is a prankster who couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper bag (of course it does) but it also shows that a person cannot possibly answer every particular issue raised in a debate setting.

    Hence the same topics are debated again...and few months latter with a different opponent etc...

    but Yahya is doing more damage to AI and AM with his blog.

    The obvious proof to me that what brother Yahya is doing is making waves is this. Every time he lays out the cheese, the vermin take the bait...

  9. btw...there is a passage of the Bible that describes the Chaldean people...

    For indeed I am raising up the Chaldeans, A BITTER and HASTY nation Which marches through the breadth of the earth, To possess dwelling places that are not theirs. They are TERRIBLE and DREADFUL; THEIR JUDGMENT AND THEIR DIGNITY PROCEED FROM THEMSELVES. Their horses also are swifter than leopards, And more fierce than evening wolves. Their chargers charge ahead; Their cavalry comes from afar; They fly as the eagle that hastens to eat. "THEY ALL COME FOR VIOLENCE; Their faces are set like the east wind. They gather slaves like sand. They scoff at kings, And princes are scorned by them. They deride every stronghold, For they heap up earthen mounds and seize it. THEN HIS MIND CHANGES, AND HE TRANSGRESSES; HE COMMITS OFFENSE, ASCRIBING THIS POWER TO GOD."

    Habakkuk 1:5-11.

    This reminded me of a certain Chaldean Christian missionary who has intense hatred and malice towards Muslims.

    Time for reflection.

  10. are they not really lowering thier God with that title? Or without realising it raising the status of our beloved prophet by comparing him to thier failed God? I mean it is obvious to anyone there is no comparision between the jesus of the new testament and Muhammed pbuh one was a failed doomsday messiah and one was succesful lawgiver who proved himself as a prophet from God almighty. One you can document his entire life the other one barely has three years and thats near the end!!! it s stupid title with dumb presenters targeted towards people who cannot think.

  11. Funny to see the name of Dr James White next to the frauds Walid Shoebat and Kamal Saleem. What a shame!

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. Ehteshaam Gulam is a dummy who got humiliated by James White and made to look like a fool @ the person who says ehteshaam gulam will own them...

    yahya snow is a snake like mohamet who won't show his face or debate live. He is a little text and video terrorist.

    Thanks for telling me about this show I didn't know about it now I do :D

  14. Anonymous: He is a little text and video terrorist.

    Text terrorist? did Yahya blow up people with his online scribblings? You idiots come up with the funniest terms.

  15. to anonymous

    Ehteshaam gulam buried james fake phd white here


    and why is sam running from nadir?

    yaya would beat sam but nadir or ehteshaam would destroy sam so badly that he would go running home to his mommy

    so tell sam to come and get some if he wants destroyin

    do you know sam hides his debates and edits them. do you know sam does not have a job. do you know sam is a clown with a pc. he is the clown of chicago when the circus comes to chicago they dnt bring a clown because sam is available

    if i was the girl presenting the show with sam and david the hammer i would run a mile

    nasty and weak human beings like these guys wil over be on the run

  16. anonymous your false holy spirit is a snake

  17. Yahya,

    Why did you remove MY COMMENT? Anonymousings comment saying:

    "Thanks for letting me know about the show. I probably would have missed it"




    -A. Mousing

  19. Wow some of you Muslims are down right nasty mean.

    One thing that caught my eye was the comment about ABN not mentioning Sam.

    UH?? LOOK AT THE POSTER WITH HIS GIANT HEAD ON IT! First thing you see is Sam.

  20. Intriguing. Very intriguing.So the show is rubbish but you dont call.Unusual.A Mr Muslim Snow is very unusual. I have never met a Muslim Snow.And to the comment head of me I can tell you Sams bold Assyrian beautiful head is on the poster. haha

  21. Pastor Joesph,

    Why should he call your filth that you call a sat channel. Its trash that's bankrolled by a bunch of Chaldean inner-city liquor store owners who abuse indigent people. They also happen to be the only viewing audience you have, no one watches your shit other than them and a few freaky evangelicals.

    JZK Yahya keep up the great work exposing these miscreants.

  22. @Pastor Joseph

    Paying for a 5 minute call is hardly wise when you have more than 5 mins worth of material to present. Thus the better option is a blog post and/or video.

    In true Dr Naik style:

    I hope that answers the question

