Wednesday 10 November 2010

Pornographic Lies on ABN by David Wood

ABN employ David Wood and the “Sex Secret” to Demonize Muslims

People have been suggesting/thinking David Wood is a hate-monger and the ABN (Aramaic Broadcasting Network) is infiltrated by nefarious individuals.

Recently we showcased the two infamous and frenzied verbal onslaughts by an ABN employee, Sam Shamoun.

Today we present the debauched David Wood purveying Googled hate-material to his “Christian” audience on the ABN show called “Jesus or Muhammad”. Guess what? The hate-material he presents to his baying audience in order to demonize Muslims is none other than the well-known “thighing” HOAX.

There is video evidence of David Wood misguiding his “Christian” audience by using a well-known anti-Muslim LIE. Our friend, David, even presents it as a FACT and PROOF for his debauched claims!

Make No Mistake

Make no mistake; David Wood was presenting this material to demonize Islam and Muslims. Quite how he can claim he was doing it for any other purpose is beyond me as a simple Google search would have led him to material DENOUCING his “fatwas” as hoax, fabrication and stuff of ill-repute and outright dishonesty.

Our pal, David Wood, has no regard for honesty, scholarship or responsibility and presents the material as fact and subsequently misleads thousands of Christians and non-Christians alike. Sad, but true.

Here is the awful truth of David Wood on an ABN show demonizing Muslims. Please note; David Wood presents a very disturbing sexual hoax – those who are offended easily please do not play the video. It is very insulting to Islam too.

(PS: I know of the spelling mistakes, it should be “addressed” and "Christian")
See here if the video does not play:

If you are struggling to read the text in time, please pause the video and read the text before moving on. Did David Wood really expect us to believe he was keeping this a secret because he "does not like talking about it"?

Please note, we have already denounced this “sexual hoax”, previously, here:

David Wood’s “Sex Secret” Shame

Aside form David Wood’s sick sexual hoax we also note another key feature of the video; that is David Wood’s hesitation and floundering upon being pressed for evidence and source material for his hoax. He knew he had NOTHING to give as tangible and credible evidence so he responds with a lame misdirection which goes as “I don’t like talking about the thighing issue because it is gross”. How enigmatic is David Wood ?

What type of search words did David Wood employ to find such a “gross” hoax on the net?

“Gross” or not – it CAME from YOU, David Wood

Well David, yes it is gross but YOU brought it up and described it in DETAIL in front of your Christian audience; many of whom would have been elderly and young alike. Do you expect us to believe you don’t want to talk about it? Are you for real?

Furthermore, David Wood and his chums regularly churn out crazed sex-related fabrication and level it at Islam. Therefore, one would expect Wood to have NO hesitation in talking about the “thighing issue”. It is gross – it was MADE up by your “co-religionists” (more apt; co-haters), perhaps that’s why you are so reluctant in talking about it.

David Wood’s “best material” is NOT presented on ABN, why?

For David to expect us to believe he sits on ALL this copious “evidence” (fabrications) without showcasing it because it is “gross” is implausible to say the least. In fact it was a ridiculous and obvious cop-out. David KNEW he was busted on Christian TV by his COLLEAGUE (Pastor Joseph Najm) hence his squirming.

David Wood of Acts 17 Apologetics; clearly intent on hatred and vilification

David, we are ALL dying to see your fabricated “fatwas”. I have already blogged about these fabrications here and Iqraproductions have a revealing video on the said matter. There is NO excuse for you not to know it is a hoax especially considering your counterpart, Osama Abdallah, has publicly denounced the whole affair (that’s to say your caboodle of “fatwas”) as fraudulent.

So if David Wood pleads ignorance we shall find it vey difficult to swallow as this material would have been the mainstay of the argumentation espoused by Wood and his colleagues along time ago (if it was genuinely believed to be accurate).

Yahya Snow Addressed on ABN Sat by David Wood

Many of you will be unaware of this fact; the snip I have presented was extracted from David Wood’s address to me (Yahya Snow) in a debate on whether Islam allows sex with prepubescent girls. You can view ALL the debate material (including what he presented) here:

However, the more observant will realise this snip of “thighing” was not presented in the debate. Why? Because David Wood did NOT feature it on his YouTube channel – he OMITTED this clip (of him presenting hoax as fact). He KNEW I (and other YouTube users) would have had an absolute field day over this subject as he KNEW it was a hoax.

If he genuinely felt it was credible evidence he would have presented it on his channel in an attempt to “win” the debate. He didn’t; that speaks volumes in telling us David Wood KNEW what he was doing!

David Wood DECEIVES Christian audiences

Wood was presenting a hit-piece to a less challenging audience (the Christians on ABN) whilst omitting it from the YouTube video as there are a number of people (Muslims, Atheists and Christians) who would have demanded EVIDENCE. The YT audience is one of the most demanding audiences on the internet - if not the most demanding audience. Simply put; Wood KNEW he would have been found out on YT!

In fact; in my concluding comments (see the debate material) you will realise I warned David Wood from replying to me with the internet hoax. I was totally unaware of this footage of David actually USING the hoax. In fact a YouTube friend of mine emailed me the footage and timeline of the FULL SHOW (from ABNsat’s website).

If he did not inform me of this matter I and the rest of us would have been clueless to David Wood’s deceptive and hate-filled episode!
Kudos to this YouTube user who has helped us to expose the misleading manner of David Wood further. I wonder what ABN’s Bassim Gorial will think of this unpleasant episode.

It is Hate

Let’s not kid ourselves here. It is all about hatred of Muslims and attempting to smear malign and traduce the reputation of Muslims. Quite simply put – they are trying to demonise Islam and Muslims. You may recall I have featured a video of one of David Wood’s colleagues (Usama Dakdok) calling ALL Muslims “demons” and a FRIEND of David Wood’s (Sam Shamoun) calling us a “cancer”.

This, my friends, is all about hatred!

Did David Wood spend time in a mental institute (and prison) for trying to kill a man?

Yes. I bring this up as people (essentially David Wood and his pals) are continually misunderstanding this issue – the “Christian” fanatics on the internet, including Wood, think this issue was brought up by Paul Williams for no other reason than to traduce David Wood. That is not the case.

Many of you may not know this; I was aware of David Wood’s violent and criminal past prior to it being a genuine issue on the internet. However, the reason why people are bringing it up now is because David Wood has become a certified hate-monger, thus people are trying to ascertain why an individual who claims to be “Christian” is resorting to hatred.

The Reason behind David Wood’s Hatred and Dehumanization of Muslims (Islamophobia)

The answer people are giving is that it is linked to David Wood’s violent past; that is to say David Wood has never been able to shake off his demons and has just transferred the manifestations of his deep-routed hatred from physical violence to cyber hatred of Muslims and a prolonged campaign of smear and demonizing.

His association with the shamed missionary, Sam Shamoun, was brought up on this blog many moons ago, in fact, I suggested Wood’s behaviour began to become more troublesome after his association with Sam Shamoun became stronger.

Please do not be fooled; the reason why Paul brought up this episode in Wood’s life is simply because of his aberrant behaviour on the internet etc. David Wood is NO victim; the Muslims on the end of his hate-filled sieges are indeed victims.

It is abnormal for a grown man to be spending so much time and energy on hatred, yet alone a grown man who acts under the guise of the “Church””. It just goes to show people do abuse religion for their own ends, therefore we should judge a faith based on its teachings rather than its alleged adherents.

Responsibility and Rationality

David Wood should quit his lame attempt to present himself as a victim; nobody will buy it except a few fundamentalist “Christian” haters on the internet. In fact, he would do well to realise his demonizing of Muslims could well increase the level of Islamophobia (hatred for Islam and Muslims) on the internet and in real life.

Certainly, presenting sick hoaxes such as the “thighing” canard only serves to demonize and dehumanize Muslims. Is that what you want to do, David Wood?

David, your mission at Acts 17 Apologetics has come in for controversy based on deceptive and hate-mongering actions by yourself and your affiliates. Are you bent on doing the same to the ABN?

The lunatic asylum is NO place to garner support

David, you have already been denounced on the ominously titled “loon watch” website. Please realise your actions do nothing but repel the rational and responsible folk. If you want to attract and appeal to a bunch of loons on the net then continue to do what you are currently doing.

Your support base includes a bloke who names his dog “Muhammad” in order to insult Muslims in an immature and disgusting fashion. This is the same bloke who undertakes a 100 mile round trip in order to collect court documents on an internet Muslim who you happen to have a beef with.

Your friend and colleague (Shamoun) has a prolonged campaign of hatred which spans years. You are so much in league with your friend that you bought this hate-monger a 2000 dollar computer (paid through DONATIONS from CHRISTIANS). A computer which he puts in to use for his hate-filled activities, here he is putting that computer to full use:

Here he is again putting the computer, paid for by DONATIONS, to full use:

Perhaps you would like to reimburse the CHRISTIANS who donated cash for your pal’s computer whilst under the impression it would be used to further the church rather than debase the church. Did you forewarn them that the computer would be used for hate purposes? I did not think so.

I shall not go through a catalogue of misdemeanours, we all get the point.

David Wood featured on Loon Watch:
Part 1:
Part 2:

Scholarship: David, Racist Thugs and Criminals Use the “Thighing” Hoax

David, you maybe unaware, I am sitting on footage of an EDL thug (who has a criminal conviction for his hatred) using the SAME hoax as you in order to gee-up his “troops” in their attempt to wreak havoc in a northern city in my country (the UK).

God-willing I will disclose such footage in a future blog post. For those who are unaware, the EDL are an Islamophobic outfit infiltrated by many NAZIS. ABN may as well employ one of the EDL thugs in the stead of Shamoun/Wood etc as the level of scholarship will certainly not diminish.

Muslims and Christians SHOULD work together

The much respected imam (Shabir Ally) has an emphasis on greater understanding and cooperation between Muslims and Christians. I think this imam is an excellent representative of the Muslims and there are representatives who real Christians will be proud of (with regards to their community). The Christians mentioned in this post are certainly nothing to be proud of.

Saddening, Apology and Repentance

On a personal note, I live in the UK and grew up near a vicarage; I went to a Christian school and thus have a working-respect for genuine Christians. In the UK, the Christians are generally sincere and the yahoo-merchants who operate under the guise of “Christianity” on the net are a far cry from sincere Christians.

The mode of behaviour Wood and other fanatics on the net exhibit is unedifying and saddening.

I ask David Wood and the fellows at ABN Sat (including Bassm Gorial) to have a rethink. I call David to public repentance and to an apology

Learn Islam from the Muslims NOT from haters on the internet

Jibreel has a good site here (with an “ask the scholar” function):

Here is a good resource for those who want to research Islamic beliefs:

May Allah guide us all. Ameen



  1. Being mindful of the legth of the blog post I will spill over into the comment section

    I wanted to add:

    Muslims: Jesus Supports You

    In the face of crazed lies about Islam and bouts of dehumanization with regards to Islam, Muslims are very much the victims of abuse on the internet. Alot of the abuse comes from the fundamentalist “Christian” camp that dislikes the Muslim belief in Jesus. Muslims can draw comfort from the alleged quotations of
    Jesus from the Gospel of Matthew, the “haters” who operate under the false guise of “Christianity” can take admonition from such:

    Matthew 5:11-12 (New International Version)

    11 “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.

    12 Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

    Muslims, do not be too concerned at the level of hatred being poured upon you. It is to be expected.

    The Prophets were subjected to wicked opposition too.

    Muslims are indeed those who love Allah and His Prophets

    Peace be upon the Prophets

    May Allah guide us all. Ameen

  2. Again, I don't want to increase the length of the post so will add the initial reaction to the hoax used by "Christian" missionaries here:

    • omgodsword
    3 hours ago
    each lie told by a christian (and exposed) is another victory for shows that they are so overwhelmed by truth that they have to LIE

    • BeAwareToAvoid
    5 hours ago
    The fact that david is presenting these lies in a christian TV tells that a lot of christians losing their faith in modern christianity and entering Islam.. cuz they realized that Islam is what Jesus was calling for...

    • muslim610
    7 hours ago
    What do you expect from a hater, these guys are clowns. Thanks for the upload.

    • sightuponlight
    18 hours ago
    For them to lie they must know they are losing the battle of religion via debate. Lying is not helping them either. Ha ha ha...
    Wood's evidence is a Fatwa online, lol. This guy is nothing but a used toilet paper.

    • helookslikefamousppl
    20 hours ago
    If he had any shame he'd stay quiet... A fool's hope brother.

  3. Let me again turn over to the famous bible verse Philiipians 1:18


    "But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice. Yes, and I will continue to rejoice,"


    "But that doesn't matter. Whether their motives are false or genuine, the message about Christ is being preached either way, so I rejoice. And I will continue to rejoice."


    "What then? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is proclaimed, and in that I rejoice. Yes, and I will rejoice,"

    lying, cheating and decieving is commanded here by pAUL

  4. I know Wood tried to kill his father, but what made him go ballistic in the first place? I reckon its years of sexual abuse. Or, it could be that Wood is just a plain loon, and by loon I mean insane, and by insane I mean criminally insane. As Fatman said, we Muslims are going to end up in Hell. If heaven is populated by thugs like Wood, I'll gladly accept the infernal option.

  5. Yahay Snow

    Thank you for proving my case from my last post against you to be correct.

    I find it interesting that the classic Muslim argumentation is used.
    DENIAL sir is not a argument.

    Thighing is a Shia practice it is permissible in SHIA sects of Islam. It is not a hoax. Not all Shia sects practice this, not all agree with it, and most do not know about it. But it does not change the FACT that it is permisable in Shia Islam.

    You may not like it, you may disagree with it. But putting your fingers in your ears and saying La LA ILlahh LA LA LA LA, all you want will not make it go away.

    Now on David's blog there is a post about Islam in action. A Pakistani Christian woman is sentenced to death for Blasphemy. Her crime she brought water to her Muslim co workers who wold not drink it because this Christian woman made it unclean.

    I suppose I shouldn't fear that either. Just like you said I shouldn't fear those that want to impose the Shaffi school of Islamic Jurisprudence on Christians.

  6. Fat Man

    Stop lying.

    You give Christians a bad name by lying for other liars. Shias do not believe Muhammad did this. Stop lying. Ask any Shia in Pal Talk.

    I will admit David has been a silly boy. This reminds me of Ted Haggard. I wonder if he will repent or just keep quiet

  7. I will always maintain that david and co preach to the southern racist americans,these people,are so sick in the mind i think it is a lost cause brother yahya to try and guide them i know i shouldnt say that but only they can come upwith some the disgusting stuff they preach and only people with sick and perverse minds think those stuff up.I just went on james white's blog and he has requested muslims send him any links which denounce the violence done against christians recently (btw james they were catholic and judging by your material you dont even think they are christians so i dont know what your fake concerns are about)i dont know if he is serious with the request or just trying subtlety to bash muslims again, if he was serious he would just do a quick google search and find these posts by Islamic institutions in usa condemning the violence

  8. anonymousing said...

    Denial is not a argument or a refutation.

  9. The Fat Man

    Neither is lying

    If you cannot admit David Wood should repent and is caught lying then you are a joke and disgrace to the stars and stripes.

    How do you sleep at night?

  10. Hello again,

    This is anonymousing.

    I have scrolled back a few threads and noticed that some Muslim is still deceiving readers by using my tag and now pretending im becoming "islamized".

    I can assure you that with every word on yahyas blog, which i never really waste my time on reading anymore, my faith and love in Christ has grown stronger and deeper.

    Besides, think about it good sincere Muslims and Muslimas. You might say: "so what its some stupid Muslim is being an impostor" - but that is YOUR religion at work. Impostors.

    I would drop in from time to time, but i believe yahya to be a drug addict by the way he structures his writing. It is just so logically incoherent and poisoned by blind rage and ingrained hate, it is the only conclusion i can come too.

    Besides, I can never get past the first few paragraphs out of uncontrollable laughter. And I AM NOT KIDDING. I actually used to LOVE reading this blog just because it was like comedy hour to me. The ridiculous nonsense this kid comes up with is mind-blowing, roll on the floor funny stupid. But seriously - not a lot of time in the upcoming months. And im finding yahyas trashy polemic trashier every time I visit, NOT surprising.

    But don’t fret, like Terminator said, ILL BE BACK.

    Hmmm...I think someone else might have said that also.

  11. Anonymousing 4 CHRIST10 November 2010 at 20:55

    actually it seems that onemoremuslim being the impostor. who knows, maybe its yahya or ibn, all of the fake muslims collaborating togeher. eh.

  12. Anonymousing 4 CHRIST10 November 2010 at 20:56

    must excuse me written text today. i am sitting about 20 feet from the computer screen and cant really see what im writing :]

  13. Fatman,

    it figures yahya blocked you! He cant even handle ONE SINGLE Christian posting at his blog! Think of what would happen if 10 Christians actually decided to kill time by reading through this “highly methodological investigation” and refuted him LOLOL I think yahya would get a hernia.

  14. 1moreibnoryahyaorwhaaa?10 November 2010 at 21:08

    cmon yahya, admit it

    you drop a few extacy pills before hitting the keyboard

    get all intimate and loving for your readers, repeat their name over like talking to little children, demean them a little

    and then offer them a "chill pill" -just drop a chill pill bro, you dont need to build your church bro, you dont need to walk on the same side of the street bro, take a chill pill bro. just do it man, numb your mind man, chill our on allah and a hookah, eh?

  15. BTW,

    did Patty ever read that Bible?

  16. With the name of Allah, Peace be unto those who follow the guidance from their Lord.

    I agree with maratsafin,

    "I will always maintain that david and co preach to the southern racist americans,these people,are so sick in the mind i think it is a lost cause brother."

    I was deeply troubled when Anthony Rogers mustered up all the intellectual prowess that he had to respond to my annihilation of his hodgepodge articles and had the following to say:

    "Do you really think your rhetorical skills are that much better than that of my four year old or of Aishah at the time your prophet bedded her? (I would have compared you to my nine year old, but I didn't want to compare her to a mental midget.November 10, 2010 3:06 PM"

    taken from:

    That he would think of his four year old daughter and me and the idea of an older man having intercourse with a younger woman is very troubling.

    This is very telling indeed about the state of his heart.

    I am a pretty patient person, but if Anthony Rogers (that's right you Anthony Rogers) I can promise you if I was child protection services I would rescue that little girl out of your 'care'.

    I know he couldn't do much a bout it (hence the need for a bull-mastiff). I would set that ol' boy straight.

    But these are just the kind of statements they (Rogers, Sam, the dude from Anaheim) want to run with. They are the ones who are apologetically bankrupt.

    Anthony Rogers has reached a very desperate point, putting me, his four year old daughter and images of an older man and a younger girl having sex in the same sentence.

    Way to lay the cards out there on the table Anthony!

    Challenge to Anthony Rogers to debate the issue: "What is the appropriate age to get married according to the Bible".

    My bet is that Anthony's favorite color is YELLOW.

    Now fat-man run along and be sure to tell our friend.

  17. @TGV19

    Talking about four year olds it appears as though some of them from that blog have moved over into this comment section; these anonymousing, 1morechristian, 1moreibnyahyaorwha characters seem to be immature

    As for Anthony Rogers, with thta attitude how does he expect to convince anybody he has a holy spirit inside him?

    Sadly, many of the AI folk have this tendency of malice. In my view you hit the nail on the head - it's due to their aplogetic being bankrupt and thus the frustration and nastiness sets in as they are uncontrolled folk. You were on the end of his degrading comment this time but it will be somebody else next time. The same applies to their leader, Shamoun, he was trashing imam Shabir Ally previously but he will move onto his next victim without any second thought at all.

    I really wonder what their wives think of their cyber ways

    I think his latest victim was you, judging by the comments Shamoun was sending your way.

    To be fair, Green is unlike Shamoun. Through my conversations with Green I have realised he's a more thoughtful and balanced chap.
    This could well be due to him being his own man in the sense that he does not feel overshadowed by Shamoun as well as him having a greater deal of self-control.

    I sifted through some of the comments and I recall you asking Green for bio details and Shamoun trashing you and warning Green against it (rather melodramatic stuff from our Shamoun) BUT Green paid little/no heed to Shamoun's smear and was more than cordial and helpful in your request. That was quite classy from Samuel Green. Kudos to him!

    Perhaps Green is due a promotion? How about Green gets his own site and moves away from the melting pot that is AI. Folk such as Shamoun and Wood do him no favours at all.

    I'm not surprised Rogers is not over here making his rebuke of Wood known.

    Where are the internet Christians with genuine rebukes?

    Are they not concerned a "Christian" is essentially lying in public about Islam?

    The problem with these Christians is one of inconsistency. If a Muslim had done the same thing and claimed something nasty about someone revered within Christianity they would have been up in arms.

    Instead I get the immature brigade coming over and asking me whether I'm popping pills!

    You gotta love the net about you take up the challenge of Lou Rugg? Lou Rugg is a pleasant enough bloke...early next year would be interesting. Just a thought.


  18. @maratsafin

    Brother...I think you are right. their audience does seem to be the hardcore fundamentalists in America. Much of their work seems to be politicized to an extreme whereas we (Muslims on the net doing dawa) are more theologically based and are genuinely interested in preaching the Truth of Islam to people rather than demonizing a select group

    I must say they are giving American Christians a bad reputation. As a Brit I was unaware of Christians who this extreme and most of the extremist types I encounter are from America and thus skews my view of American Christians. I know I am generalising and I am certain there are normal Christians in America too.

    However, this misconceived idea I have gained from my experience with these guys is difficult to shake off as there are loads of them on the net!

    Either there are loads of them or they really strive to get into people's eyeline.

    Most of these extremist American Christians spin, lie and demonize.

    I hope the normal Christians of America can do something to help keep this crowd in check. Can you imagine the mess which would inevitably ensue if they gained the upperhand?

    I feel sorry for Muslims living in America.

    As for Dr White I will check his blog out. thanks for the heads up. I hope you sent him those links and I hope he features those links on his site to let his crowd know Muslims do not approve of killing Catholics in Iraq.

    The fact there are Coptic Christians in the Arab world is testimony to the fact that Muslims are not the butchers the fundamentalist Christians make us out to be.


  19. Anonymousing: I have scrolled back a few threads and noticed that some Muslim is still deceiving readers by using my tag and now pretending im becoming "islamized".

    Don't worry. Your posts stand out by their sheer stupidity.

    FatMan:DENIAL sir is not a argument.

    Neither is an assertion that Muslims are in denial. Evidence counts, and Muslims have shown that there is no evidence for what Wood and his groupies say about the Prophet(Saw).

    Fatman: Now on David's blog there is a post about Islam in action. A Pakistani Christian woman is sentenced to death for Blasphemy. Her crime she brought water to her Muslim co workers who wold not drink it because this Christian woman made it unclean.

    That's so totally a red herring!

  20. TGV,

    Your reading comprehension is commensurate with your verbal skills. The comparison was between your mental faculties and those of my four and nine year old children and Muhammad's nine year old. The fact that you would read into this an invitation to court my daughter, whom I would never give to a muslim no matter how old she is, especially not one as depraved as you, only gives further evidence that Islam appeals to those who have warped and perverted minds. (Of course I recognize that it works in the other direction as well, and rather than coming to Islam with perverted tendencies many people have their thinking channeled in perverted directions only after they become Muslims and because they have become Muslims.)

    The worst about this for you is, if what you misread me as saying is in fact wrong, as you clearly assert that it is, then you unwittingly condemn your false prophet for engaging in this very thing. This is one of the reasons semi-illiterate people like yourself and your pals here who agreed with your interpretation of my words, shouldn't be be in the business of promoting and defending Islam.

    As for your debate challenge, I am not sure what about our past interactions would give you the slightest idea that I would not jump at the opportunity to do so, especially since I've had a standing challenge to debate you (and Yahya) on the divine identity of the Malak Yahweh. Of course I suspect you were just trying to make a good show of things here for your co-belligerents and were hoping to Allah that I wouldn't see your challenge, but I have. And I accept. We can debate the first subject at your nearest convenience on paltalk and the second any time thereafter when you think you are ready. Let me know, and let's get ready to rumble.

  21. A couple of things:

    First, pardon the duplication of "be" above. I am writing from my phone.

    Second, the first debate I referred to above will address my original challenge to you from many months ago. The second debate will be on your recent challenge.


  22. A couple of things:

    First, pardon the duplication of "be" above. I am writing from my phone.

    Second, the first debate I referred to above will address my original challenge to you from many months ago. The second debate will be on your recent challenge.


  23. First, the good. I give IBN, WomanofTruth and Sam1528 credit where credit is due.

    During the 100 or so comments on a previous post. The topic I brought up was should Christians fear Muslims who wish to practice The Pact of Umar on non Muslim citizens of a Muslim State?

    After the usual round of denials offered by Muslims it finally came down to the question.

    All three of the above mentioned Muslims were smart enough to know not to answer that question.

    Yahya Snow you could learn from your Muslim brothers and sister. Instead your response exposes the religious bigotry of Islam.

  24. Muslim Argumentation Lesson 101.

    Christian makes claim.

    Muslim responds with "Lies all Lies"

    Christian provides proof

    Muslim "This has already been proved to be a lie"

    Christian provides more evidence Tasfirs, Hadeeths, Historical biography's etc...

    Muslim repeats "Lies all lies... proven false etc.... Then adds "I have a youtube video refuting you where I just deny everything again claim its all lies and then claim to have refuted you" And usually but not always blames the Jews for something, or points to a passage in the old testament.

    So you see Christians we are always refuted.

  25. shame is on david woods

    he is exposed. his crusade has been stopped

  26. to roger

    we does not no u

    ac room does not no u but ur invited. thespiritoftruth wil debate u.

    bring ur preast and pastar also

  27. Manny,

    I don't know you.

    I don't know spiritoftruth.

    And no honest debate can take place in that room.

  28. With the name of Allah, Peace be unto those who follow the guidance from their Lord.

    @ Anthony the thing that was quite worrying was your cognition. The fact that your thought process allows you to talk about your 4 year old daughter, myself, and an older man having sex with a younger girl.

    That this was the cognition and how your mind's thoughts flowed was very troubling for me.

    And Yes for Muslims to imagine our own children in such a way is disgraceful.

    What our children do with other people once they are married (are between them their spouse and Allah).

    Anthony said,
    "Second, the first debate I referred to above will address my original challenge to you from many months ago."

    And what did I tell you about that Anthony? Do we need to post links and remind you of your failure to contact the respected Pastor for debate?

    I told you as a Muslim I have no problem with Jesus having an existence prior to coming to earth so the debate would be a moot point. I see nothing to debate over.

    Next you have never responded until this very day to this annihilation of your hodgepodge that you put up at answeringmuslims.

    I wonder why....because I am a 'lessor mortal'. I bet.

  29. Next your recent proposal to debate:

    "The Trinity or Tawheed? Which Provides the Preconditions for Solving the Philosophical Problem of 'The One and the Many'

    The proposed topic is clearly out of touch with understanding about the basics of Islam.

    It assumes that Islam has a Philosophical problem of solving the 'one and the many'.

    Either you are very naive about our theology (which you have proven to me you most definitely are hence your need for 500 dollars so you can read up more).

    Or you were trying to be sneaky with the proposed topic.

    "What is the appropriate age to get married according to the Bible"

    I can't wait to see Anthony go running to the book of Romans this should be a gas!

  30. Let us say Anthony that there is no need to debate Malak Yahweh issue as I already informed you that I believe that Jesus had an existence prior to coming to this Earth.

    But if does massage your ego how about before the proposed debate were to take place rather than 'backing out' I simply concede the point to you completely.

    That's like saying does John 1:1 teach that Jesus is deity. I would be willing to submit that it does.

    So where does that leave us?

    So Anthony it's time to man up!

    Are you going to debate the issue,

    "What is the appropriate age to get married according to the Bible"

    Now though I have not agreed to debate Yahweh Malek issue let us say I did and I simply concede the debate to you.

    Look at that Anthony your on a roll, not even getting in the arena and I have already thrown in my gloves!

    But lately I have been feeling a bit more confident you could say, I'm ready to take on the Bull Mast-tiff himself.

    So what do you do Anthony? Right now you are 1 and 0.

    So now the pressure is on.

    1)Either concede the 2nd debate to me (like a good dhimmi)

    2)Or you man up!

    Get your boots on.

  31. Brother Yahya one thing I can respect about James White is that as a true presuppositionalist and a person who believes in Sola Scriptura he does not use these very inconsistent and liberal arguments that Shamoun and Anthony use against Islam in regards to the age of a person getting married.

    Hopefully If Shamoun and Anthony continue to attack Islam, the age of Aisha (May Allah be pleased with her) will be dropped from their bag of gags, heckles and tricks.

  32. The preexistence of Jesus isn't the issue of the debate you have been running from for many months now on the Malak Yahweh (note: not 'malek' [wrong spelling], and not "Yahweh malek" [wrong syntax]). A debate will decide the true significance of what is at issue, not your watered down concession. If you are really conceding to me my view of the Malak Yahweh, then you are agreeing that the Trinity is taught in the Old Testament. The implications of this are huge. (By the way, I would love to see the other Muslims here agree with your brand of Islam which says that Jesus preexisted his conception and birth. I would also love you to show us your case from the Qur'an and Islamic sources for the preexistence of Jesus.)

    The challenge to debate the Christian and Muslim view of God and see which one solves the "one over Many" probelm was made prior to your most recent debate challenge. Asserting that Islam has no problem is what the debate would aim to tease out, so you are just being coy here looking for yet another reason to run from yet another debate challenge.

    As for your challenge to debate the subject of the age of marriage in the Bible...shall I say, "There is no problem in Christianity", as you did to the previous challenge? No, I am not prone to cop-outs. I have accepted this challenge. All you have to do is get my dog and daughter off of your filthy mind and engage me on one or the other of the previous two topics and we are all set.

    Time to put your money where your verbalizer is. If you are not interested, then kindly leave my name out of your mouth and stop lying about me. This may be common fare for you and Yahya, but any time you guys want to lie about me and think I won't call you on it, you can be sure I will be right there to point out your dissembling. Both of you may consider yourselves rebuked, as Yahya likes to pretend he is doing to others: you for lying about me hiding debates (and being scared to debate you); Yahya for accepting your lie about me and misrepresenting what I was saying when comparing you to a four year old.

    All you are doing now is proving that you call yourself thegrandverbalizer because you are nothing but talk.

    Finally, your comment about me going to the book of Romans left me stupefied. The book of Romans never came to mind on the issue. A debate with someone as ignorant as you will certainly not be a good thing for your faith. But I am fine with that.


  33. By the way, the fact that you conceded to me my position on the Malak Yahweh not only shows that the Trinity is taught in the OT, it also puts you at odds with Yahya who pretended to refute this view. Can't you guys learn to agree with each other. You are making the Umma look bad.

  34. The Trinity has never been taught in the Old Testament. All major historical religions, and their forerunners had a firm foundational belief on One God. If you're going to argue that the Trinity is only mentioned in the Bible - you've already lost.

    Cheers Anthony ;)


  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Refuting,

    Truth does not live by assertion alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

    B/c Muslims live on blind assertions, it sometimes takes a debate to bring out the truth of the matter.

    Semper Paratus

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. @TGV19

    I will be interested to know whether Dr White supports Anthony's non-biblical view on the angel of the Lord.

    As you know our Anthony believes this angel to be God

    The Bible does not affirm this belief thus Anthony is going against Sola Scriptura.

    Anthony writes:

    Truth does not live by assertion alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

    Perhaps Anthony should question himself and his previously held beliefs

    As for your debate, please do set up strict guidelines as the AI blokes have a habit of fizzing out during a debate and bringing in one of their colleagues to pick up the baton. Therefore it would be wise for you to ensure a one-on-one format. I'm sure you don't want to be there all night taking on the whole roster from AI on the same subject.

    I must state I have not heard White make an argument against Muhammad's (p) marriage to Aisha. In my studies I have realised the more sophisticated and intelligent Christians do not resort to such inapplicable arguments. The genuine orientalists never harped on about this because they were aware of all the ins and outs.

    Sadly ignorance prevails today :(


    As for Anthony accusing us of dishonesty...

    If TGV misunderstood your comments then leave it as a misunderstanding.

    Do you really expect me to investigate ALL your comments on Wood's site?

    So kindly stop accusing me of dishonesty. If he has misunderstood you then make yourself clear.

    If you are still itching to call somebody a "liar" then knock on the door of Mr Wood as this post demonstrates his ability to present a WELL KNOWN HOAX (lie) as fact.

    I noticed he has not issued an apology...

    Keep each others daughters out of the conversation.

    Anthony, stop with the cheap attacks; they are unedifying.

    Either agree to the gentleman's debate proposal or don't. Be straight forward.

    As for the angel of the Lord...we both KNOW TGV is not claiming this angel to be God. YOU are claiming it to be so WITHOUT evidence.

    TGV is simply stating Jesus existed prior to his birth. Jesus' soul did exist prior to his birth.

    ALL our souls existed prior to our respective births.

    TGV and I both agree an angel is NOT God. You, for some reason believe an angel to be God (or more accurately; you believe God was an angel) despite having no evidence for your claim

    I have blogged on the refresh yourself by re-reading the posts. As far as I am concerned what I presented is more than sufficient to teach the switched-on Christian against this unbiblical belief.

    Let us face is your PERSONAL belief. I don't want you and your folk presenting it as a belief other Christians SHOULD hold. You may recall I only blogged on the subject when I caught your colleague confidently presenting it as a view supported by the Bible.

    I look forward to the debate between you and TGV on the issue of age of consent in the Bible.


  39. @Jeff (aka Fatman)

    I still see you are going around with this silly username.

    Sadly, you are very difficult to take seriously with such a handle. Your Christian "pals" who ask donations from you do not care about you have not offered any sincere advice in this regard but a MUSLIM is trying to help you

    Jeff, how many of your "pals"
    have spent the time and energy I have in trying to help you?

    They allow you to traverse the internet with this ridicuous username. Think about it. A believer is a mirror to his brothers.

    You know Mr Wood just fobbed you off when you brought "that suggestion" up in his comment section. He fobbed you off in less than a short paragraph.

    BUT this Muslim spends time with you. Food for thought, brother Jeff.

    As for your revisiting of an old issue

    Jeff, Are you seriously STILL banging on about the little list which was giving you cause for concern? I thought I explained it all to you brother Jeff via email…

    Seen as not being able to ring church bells, or drink wine and eat pork (in public) is causing you so many sleepless nights I should be reluctant to open up the OT as the OT goes further. However, I feel you to be an insincere fellow so I will open up the OT (don’t sue me).

    Continued in the next post (yes Jeff ANOTHER comment, unlike your pals I communicate with you rather than dismiss you in a short paragraph)

  40. Jeff, if those conditions gave you cause for panic…have a read of this. Just in case you go into seizure have a chaperone nearby

    (Numbers 31:7-18 NLT)

    They attacked Midian just as the LORD had commanded Moses, and they killed all the men. All five of the Midianite kings – Evi, Rekem, Zur, Hur, and Reba – died in the battle. They also killed Balaam son of Beor with the sword. Then the Israelite army captured the Midianite women and children and seized their cattle and flocks and all their wealth as plunder. They burned all the towns and villages where the Midianites had lived. After they had gathered the plunder and captives, both people and animals, they brought them all to Moses and Eleazar the priest, and to the whole community of Israel, which was camped on the plains of Moab beside the Jordan River, across from Jericho.

    Moses, Eleazar the priest, and all the leaders of the people went to meet them outside the camp. But Moses was furious with all the military commanders who had returned from the battle. "Why have you let all the women live?" he demanded. "These are the very ones who followed Balaam's advice and caused the people of Israel to rebel against the LORD at Mount Peor. They are the ones who caused the plague to strike the LORD's people. Now kill all the boys and all the women who have slept with a man. Only the young girls who are virgins may live; you may keep them for yourselves.

    (Deuteronomy 20:10-14)

    Jeff, have you ever read this passage? It seems to be more violent than not being able to eat pork or drink wine in public.

    As you approach a town to attack it, first offer its people terms for peace. If they accept your terms and open the gates to you, then all the people inside will serve you in forced labor. But if they refuse to make peace and prepare to fight, you must attack the town. When the LORD your God hands it over to you, kill every man in the town. But you may keep for yourselves all the women, children, livestock, and other plunder. You may enjoy the spoils of your enemies that the LORD your God has given you

    (Deuteronomy 22:28-29 NLT)

    If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father. Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her.

    (Jeff, I know you have emailed me an unflattering wall of text from Shamoun with regards to this…but that is not the end of the matter as I have a response in the offing. Watch this space)

  41. Jeff here is another passage for you to ponder upon:

    As you approach a town to attack it, first offer its people terms for peace. If they accept your terms and open the gates to you, then all the people inside will serve you in forced labour. But if they refuse to make peace and prepare to fight, you must attack the town. When the LORD your God hands it over to you, kill every man in the town. But you may keep for yourselves all the women, children, livestock, and other plunder. You may enjoy the spoils of your enemies that the LORD your God has given you. (Deuteronomy 20:10-14)

    As you may have guessed, Jeff, I am a little tired of your witty retorts and condescending ways. I have told you Islam will help you become a better person... I am calling for respect and upright behaviour

    PS…last time I opened up the OT Jeff did not come back for a fair while (perhaps it was a seizure which hospitalised him)

    Jeff, all humour aside please think about this messgae because you are simply wasting your life as a troll:

    Jeff…if you do decide to return PLEASE come back with a SINCERE heart. Think for yourself.

  42. Yahya,

    If you are going to accuse me of saying what TGV interpreted me as saying, then yes, you do in fact need to actually read what I said or else be complicit with him in his sin. You need to repent. You are wrong. Its clear cut.

    I wrote four blog posts (on AM) and two major articles (on AI) thoroughly exposing your error on the Malek Yahweh and just how ill-informed you are on the matter.

    Finally, thanks for granting that TGV 's view on the issue is NOT the same as mine, which means it is a subject eminently worthy of debate and he therefore has no excuse (even as you don't) for running from it.

    Since you decided to chime in again, I have a great idea to boost your and TGV's confidence. I will debate both of you at the same time by myself, no help from anyone else (as you insinuated). After that me and TGV can debate his topic.

    And thank you for telling TGV to get his mind out of the gutter.

  43. No Anthony:

    You blindly believe in the Bible. Let me ask you this question - why do you believe the Bible is the 'Word of God'? I'm going to say this again. There are no vestiges of the Trinity in any other historical major world faith. Was God being deceptive about his nature since the advent of Adam on Earth?


    P.S. Explain how the Bible could be the 'Word of God', and I'll make my conversion public with your missionary.

  44. RefutingActs17 said "There are no vestiges of the Trinity in any other historical major world faith."

    Just because others faiths don't have this it does not mean Christians are wrong and the others are correct. To answer your point in Hinduism there is the concept of trinity. Ever heard of Bramha, Vishnu and Shiva ??

    I must state up front that I don't believe the trinity in Hinduism and Christianity is the same i.e. those three are same as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I am only answering RefutingActs17 that the concept indeed exists in other major religions as well.

  45. RefutingNothing,

    Piling more assertions on top of the pile - this time about the bible not being the word of God - does not mount up to proof. If you can get your boys here to quit playing games, they'll have every opportunity to question me on the matter. See what you can do. Also, make sure you tell them what you learned about the difference between an assertion and proof. I'd hate for them to make that unecessary mistake.

    Semper Paratus

  46. @Yahya Snow
    Let's see if I'm blocked. This is a test

  47. @Yahya Snow said...

    I still see you are going around with this silly username.

    Sadly, you are very difficult to take seriously with such a handle. Your Christian "pals" who ask donations from you do not care about you have not offered any sincere advice in this regard but a MUSLIM is trying to help you

    My response:
    Talk about condescending.
    Whether or not you find it silly or not, my friends respect my choice in my nick. That is what friends do. You want to be my friend?

    Yahya Snow also said...

    "You know Mr Wood just fobbed you off when you brought "that suggestion" up in his comment section. He fobbed you off in less than a short paragraph."

    So David Wood didn't implement my idea on his blog. I guess that means your going to implement it. Since you are my friend and your not going to FOBB me off. So when can we expect you to implement it?

    I find it interesting you are still thinking I am concerned with being forbidden to display pork and wine in public under Islamic Oppression. Why are you running from the real issues.

    That is a Christian can not read from the bible publicly, can not sing hymns, can not make a show of their funeral pros-sessions, must walk on the side of the street. BTW you obviously have no idea what that means.

    Back in the day when animals were used for transportation, when there was no real sewage system. The gutter or side of the street is where all the crap and garbage went. So Christians are being forced to walk in the muck and the mire.

    Let's not forget not being able to build new churches, and of coarse wearing a bright YELLOW SASH.

    This is total segregation, total apartide. And you have no problem with that. You have exposed yourself and your religion for what it is. That is intolerant BIGOTS.
    I have often said "want to hear what Islam is about? Just let a Muslim speak. Thanks

    More to come

  48. @maratsafin

    Thanks alot for the links brother, I have used them in a response to out Christian brother James White.

    God willing, he will view them and pass them onto his Christian audience and the anti-Muslim brigade amongst the Christians will fizzle out further:


  49. @Jeff,

    I am not sure what to do with you.

    I have tried the patient approach, I've tried preaching to you via email and gentle nudges.

    Stick or carrot has not yielded much in the way of results.

    However, I must not take this as a personal failing as God is the One who guides.

    Perhaps I will pray on the issue tonight.


  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. Anthony:

    The Trinitarian concept is alien to the majority of major world faiths - past and present, except for Christianity.


  52. Refuting,

    Whether I agree or disagree, the statement you are responding to was not made by me.

  53. Yahya Snow said...

    "I am not sure what to do with you."

    Well I know what I would have done to you if I had the power. DEPORTATION or IMPRISONMENT.

    Yahya Snow said...

    "I have tried the patient approach, I've tried preaching to you via email and gentle nudges."

    What preaching? The only thing you did was "Invite me to Islam" and promise it would make me a better person.

    But you don't even have any basic answers to spiritual questions like the nature of sin. Just some lame "invitation" and some bogus promise of making me a better person. LOL

    A better person like Major Nissan Nidel?

    I have the assured salvation of Christ. I worship a God worthy to be worshiped because God himself provides in himself the means to save his people. Your god depends on his creation. Your god can only save the righteous, as if there is any that are righteous, as if the righteous need to be saved.

    Your god can not lead the sinner but instead only leads those that already follow him.

    My God leads the sinner out of sin and into repentance. My God himself not only provides in himself the means by which his people are saved, but also is the instrument of his own just wrath.

    Tell me something would you join in with the happy Muslims in stoning your mother, sister or daughter if they where accused adultery?

    Would you practice Islam on them, would you practice Islam on your own children if they were gay?

    What about cutting off your childs hand if they stole, or have them killed if they left Islam?

    Yeah no thanks man I don't want to be a "better person" like you. A person who thinks it is ok to discriminate against someone becaue of their religion. You are a ignorant bigot sir.

    Ignorant becasue even though i spent some time exogetting the text of Deut for you. You did not even read it. Instead you accused me of getting it from Sam Shamoun. Sir compare what I wrote with what Sam wrote on the subject. It is not the same not at all.

    I used the bible and a Hebrew lexicon. You would of known that if you bothered to read it. Instead you just repeat your tired accusation. So you are willfully ignorant sir.

    You said you spent time preaching to me in email. Tell me did you produce anything on the Quranic text like I produced on Deut? Did you produce anything like what I produced explaining how to interpret the judgment parables?

    No instead all you did was "invite me to Islam"... "I promise it will make you a better person."

    You want me to give up the Author of life... the Creator of all things... the light of the world... the word of God that pitched his tent with us."?

    Sir MY GOD YHWY walked on water in the storm, he got in the Boat with me, he did not pass me by. Tell me where would you allah do the same for you?

    Would he humble himself, to the point of death even death on a cross to save you?

    My God's name is YHWY it his name forever. Not allah. You want me to be like Oholah, and her sister Oholibah. No sir I will never.

  54. Anthony:

    What's the matter? Is the history lesson too much for you?

    You know plain and simple that the Trinity is ONLY unique to the Christian belief. Interesting how you dodge discussing religious history with me. ;)


  55. Yahya Snow...

    One more thing. You are going to HELL. Make no mistake about that you are going to HELL.

    Do you know why you are going to Hell? I will tell you because you deny the only means by which you can be saved from HELL. And that is the Crucification, Death, Burial, and RESURRECTION of the only one God that can save you from HELL.

    You invited me to Islam saying it will make me a better person.

    Well I tell you to accept what God Himself did for you on Calvery's cross. Give it up man, give up your pride, give up your control, it is all in his hands, nothing of you, nothing you can do.

    Here is what you will get if you can do this. YOU WILL BE HATED, YOU WILL BE MOCKED, YOU WILL BE PERSECUTED, possibly even to the point of DEATH. Your family and friends will curse you, they will disown you. You may be imprisoned.

    All these things and more. And you will REJOICE when these things happen to you.

    You will know what love is, you will know what it means to be loved.

    Save your self from this corrupt Generation, flee the coming wrath of GOD. Embrace the scandal that is the cross, embrace the foolishness that is salvation, jump over the stumbling block.

  56. Hey Fatman, or should I say Fatty?

    On a side, have you ever tried going on a grapefruit diet?

    Also let me congratulate you for taking on God's role! I'm sure you made Him very proud by condemning Yahya Snow. Well only way to really find out - looks like we're going to have to wait. Kudos!


  57. "I know Wood tried to kill his father, but what made him go ballistic in the first place? I reckon its years of sexual abuse."

    I know nothing of David Wood, nor the idea that he tried to kill his father. But I do find the post mocking something as serious as child sexual abuse, in this case incestuous, to be disgusting. Should people use this to mock another human, knowing there are people who suffer- or have suffered- from this situation?

    Would that more mature minds would be involved in these discussions.

  58. I notice that two of the references offered in support of the argument are CAIR and ISNA. These wouldn't be the same CAIR and ISNA who were undicted co-conspirators in the Holy Land trial involving transference of monetary support to known terrorist organizations, would it?

  59. RefutingActs17 said...

    "Also let me congratulate you for taking on God's role! I'm sure you made Him very proud by condemning Yahya Snow. Well only way to really find out - looks like we're going to have to wait. Kudos!"

    I have not taken "Gods" role sir, God himself said "Unless you believe that I AM you will die in our sins"

    Do you believe that Christ is I AM?
    If not then you will die in your sins with out salvation.

    You also said ....

    "Well only way to really find out - looks like we're going to have to wait."

    I thought gambling was forbidden in Islam. If so then why are you Muslims so will to gamble with your very soul. I don't have to wait to find out I know. He told me so. I have the assured salvation in CHRIST.

  60. Refuting,

    Do yourself a favor and sit this one out.

    If you want a history lesson go check the first two footnotes of my Malak Yahweh articles on AI. There are more sources listed there than are owned by some Muslim countries.

  61. i see mr rogers cant help himself coming to this blog and commenting,this after saying this blog is worthless and not worth it (im paraphrasing mr rogers incase you come back and say "i didnt say those words")so now i see that christians also believe God turned into a angel, but i must ask which one? was it the father?the son? or the holy Ghost?

  62. Mratsafin,

    I didn't change my mind about this blog. I only commented b/c someone was lying about me.

    Furthermore, I do not believe God "turned into an angel", so save yourself some embarassment and read my articles before you comment again.

  63. With the name of Allah, Peace be unto those who follow the guidance from their Lord,

    "If you want a history lesson go check the first two footnotes of my Malak Yahweh articles on AI. There are more sources listed there than are owned by some Muslim countries."

    Do forgive Anthony his hyperbole is only an extension of his conflated ego.

    < He has never responded to the above material and most likely never will.

    Yet he wants to take Yahya and Myself on in a debate in PalTalk.

    All this after he says here:

    "I really have no idea why you are so anxious for me to put up a debate in which Morey issues a devestating defeat to Badawi. In fact, if I recall our discussion on this, you acknowledged that Badawi lost." November 9, 2010 10:16 AM

    But ever vigilant Anthony goes on latter to say,

    "Contrary to how you want to be understood now, you did IN FACT SUGGEST (and Ally, for that matter). Here is what you said in an e-mail you sent to me back on July 25th:"
    November 10, 2010 3:06 PM

    So it's little wonder Anthony's mind is all in a jumble over Malek Yahweh


  64. Anthony Rogers:

    I'm going to ask you to stop fooling yourself. The Bible itself does not expound on the Trinitarian belief. Are you going to take a line or two and then twist its meaning for your own benefit?

    Did you choose to believe Christianity using your own intellect, or did you decide to follow your forefathers?


    P.S. No matter what you say, history is against you, because the Trinity is still Christian-specific.

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. TGV,

    That was one of your worst posts yet. It's hard to make heads or tails of it.

    In any event, you might be happy to know that the article you tbink you've cogently responded to is being greatly expanded and will be posted on Answering Islam.

    I hope you like it when it comes out. No doubt you won't engage me in a live debate on that subject either.

  67. Of course Anthony gets very excited over the whole Malek Yahweh issue.

    But he didn't response to either me or the Oneness Pentecostal Pastor whom I propose he debate the matter over when I sent an e-mail to him.

    The summation of Anthony's contributions over at AI and the crux of his work there centered around the Malek Yahweh issue.

    That's his one trick pony.

    This is why he can make references like...

    "If you want a history lesson go check the first two footnotes of my Malak Yahweh articles on AI. There are more sources listed there than are owned by some Muslim countries."

    Even though I am sure Anthony put a lot of work, thought and effort into his articles at AI.

    I just hope he doesn't take it to hard when I break apart his Summan Theologica.

  68. Anthony says,

    "In any event, you might be happy to know that the article you think you've cogently responded to IS BEING GREATLY EXPANDED and will be posted on Answering Islam.

    I hope you like it when it comes out. No doubt you won't engage me in a live debate on that subject either."

    Anthony I am debating you on all of your material on virtually a daily basis. We CAN, ARE, HAVE BEEN, and WILL CONTINUE to have our written debates.

    You have posted material at AM and I responded...and now your (or Sam's rebuttal) is on the way.

    If this is not a debate I dunno what is?

    So I am not at all surprised that you feel that your initial article was not sufficient enough.

    Hence the reason your article "IS BEING GREATLY EXPANDED"

    Translation: "Improved, revised, more thought out".

    Keep it up Anthony...and keep digging that hole.

  69. Semper Paratus should not be understood to include oneness Pentecostal Christians *wink* *wink*

  70. You guys don't even want to be taken seriously, do you?

    RefutingNothing can't even be bothered to read a couple of footnotes, and TGV apparenetly can't even read a list of the articles I have written at AI, all of which are far from limited to the subject of the Malek Yahweh. I can only imagine what kind of response I would have received if I asked you guys to actually read a whole article.

    I guess I will have to take it much slower with you guys. And that reminds me, what in the world is a "confalted" ego? Is that what happens to someone who tries to use a big word but then has it brought to his attention that he used it incorrectly?

    As for the oneness proposal, you obviously have amnesia. I'll be back later to refresh your selectiv e memory.

  71. You keep writing those text-heavy articles that I will never touch. You're no acclaimed scholar - why take you seriously? I have studied religious history from the earliest texts that we have in our hands today. There is no mention of a Trinitarian head in the ancient world faiths. Get. Over. It.


  72. Refuted,

    Thanks for your honesty. The admission that you won't read my articles, because after all you have already made your mind up, not to mention they are to (text-)heavy for you, will help other people not to begrudge the point simply because it was made by me.

  73. I'm a religious history major - your petty articles wont convince me.


  74. RefutingActs: I'm a religious history major - your petty articles wont convince me.

    At least you are on your way to acquiring a degree in religious history. Anthony, whose knowledge of Islam is limited to a few articles and books, thinks he knows all he has to about Islam, as if his writing articles on Answering Islam is somehow indicative of his deep knowledge of the faith. Then again, Answering Islam is made up of poseurs.

  75. Anonymous,

    I haven't claimed to be an expert on Islam. If you want to be a cheerleader for Refuted, try not to be such a dolt, otherwise your attempt to confirm him does him no service.

    While I certainly know Christianity better than I know Islam, as should be expected, I have done my homework.

    By the way, I suspect you are not really someone else but are only Refuted posting anonymously in an attempt to brag w/o looking like it. Nice try, but now you look dumb twice over.

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. Refuting is a religious history major who will not read "text-heavy articles". What University are you attending YOUTUBE U?

  78. @Refuting

    Brother don't tell Jeff (aka "fatman) which uni you attend as Jeff has a history of driving 100 miles (a roundtrip!) to collect docs related to Wood's opponents.

    Don't give this fellow personal details. From what I gather he fancies himself as a physical fighter too.


  79. With the name of Allah, Peace be unto those who follow the guidance from their Lord...

    Brother Yahya said,

    "Don't give this fellow personal details. From what I gather he fancies himself as a physical fighter too."

    really? hmmm...

    @ Anthony you do have a conflated ego some times your Anthony Rogers (blogger extraordinaire,part time apologist and 2nd fiddler).

    Other times you fancy your self as some legionnaire or member of the national guard with cries of semper paratus.

    Than you are Charles Martel savior of Europe, styling yourself as a Frankish warrior prancing about on your pony reining blows down upon Muslims.

    I figured if you throw the three together it makes for a conflated ego for sure.

    "In any event, you might be happy to know that the article you think you've cogently responded to IS BEING GREATLY EXPANDED and will be posted on Answering Islam."

    Well I'm not hard to find.

  80. Anthony also says,

    "The preexistence of Jesus isn't the issue of the debate you have been running from for many months now on the Malak Yahweh (note: not 'malek' [wrong spelling], and not "Yahweh malek" [wrong syntax]). A debate will decide the true significance of what is at issue, not your watered down concession."

    How about you stop being coy for a change Rogers and tell us what you aim to achieve through debating about this particular issue?

    Why don't you give an outline of objectives.

  81. Yahya Snow said...

    Brother don't tell Jeff (aka "fatman) which uni you attend as Jeff has a history of driving 100 miles (a roundtrip!) to collect docs related to Wood's opponents.

    Yahya you know this is not true. I did not drive a 100 miles round trip to collect docs. I drove the 100 miles for a job interview and the county court house was a block away from the job site I was interviewing at.

    You also said...

    "Don't give this fellow personal details. From what I gather he fancies himself as a physical fighter too."

    Umm don't know where you got that from. I'm 40 years old man. I'm to old for that nonsense. I'm a lover not a fighter.

    Now in my yute I have been known to stick my thumb in another eye from time to time, or take a chunk out of ear or two. Or run people over with my car.

    But really I'm a lover not a fighter

  82. Yahya now my best friend he is a fighter. I once saw him knock out with one punch two brothers and there mother. ALL while sitting down. No joke it was the funniest thing I ever saw.

  83. I'm happy to see I've at least done something to improve your literacy. There is nothing wrong with consulting a dictionary from time to time.

    If I have also made you less trigger happy for the future and can expect you won't be as quick to impute something to me that isn't true, then I have also accomplished something.

    And so, now that we see what your grand challenge has been reduced to, I can go back to ignore mode.

    If and when you are ready for an actual debate, you know how to get my attention: just tell another lie.

  84. With the name of Allah, Peace be unto those who follow the guidance from their Lord,

    So I take it that I have no interest in debating Anthony's proposition.

    Anthony has no interest in debating my proposition.

    Anthony of course does not wish to debate my proposition first, but insist that his proposition is debated first.

    We are both rather stubborn for sure. :)

    Anthony has confidence in his skills on a microphone since his confidence in his written skills and abilities has been greatly diminished.

    Anthony you are transparent.

    "I'm happy to see I've at least done something to improve your literacy. There is nothing wrong with consulting a dictionary from time to time."

    Anthony and with all your collegiate English I am more than happy to help you out from time to time.

  85. //The fact that you would read into this an invitation to court my daughter, whom I would never give to a muslim no matter how old she is, especially not one as depraved as you,//

    anthony CLEARLY says here he has control over his daughter's life. poor her, i hope she will gain freedom one day.
    he also suggests muslims are a particular non-human group. HAHA
    the holy spirit at it's finest
