Wednesday 5 January 2011

Wafa Sultan's Islamophobia is Scary!

Is Wafa Sultan Calling for Muslims to be NUKED?

We have recently seen Walid Shoebat wishing to nuclear bomb Muslims. Here, Wafa Sultan reveals the extent of her hatred for Islam

Wafa, Islamophobes can be extremists too...

This video is made by Refutingacts17. From the video description:

Wafa Sultan is at it again this time insisting that the only way to contain the 'Moozlim Threat' is to have enforce 'heavy pressure' that was used to 'reverse' the Japanese culture back in World War II. She's obviously referring to the bombs dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. This may be old news, but why hasn't she been arrested yet?

Who is Wafa Sultan?

For those who are unaware, Wafa Sultan is one of these Islamophobes who gained traction after 9/11. It is quite interesting to note many of the Islamophobes have crawled out from under the woodwork to gain a spot in the limelight as opportunists.

An Islamophobic commenter

Here is a horrific internet comment from a YouTube user (Chemukay):

Nuking the two holy sites Mecca and Medina would be the best thing that could be done to stop the curse of Islam.

NOTE: As a Muslim, I would NEVER want to see Non-Muslims nuked - it would NOT be Islamic. Islam encourages people to care for one another.

How to help end Islamophobia...

Muslims and Non-Muslims MUST speak out against Islamophobes who are sabre-rattling and their attempts to influence America (or whoever) to bomb Muslims. The true heart of Islamophobia should be exposed. I believe the true heart of Islamophobia is exactly what Walid Shoebat has in mind.



  1. From what I know it seems to be Israel will use the bomb against Iran if it is convinced Iran has it and will use it.That is known as the Samson Plan.Ahmadinejad,and others in his regime,have threatened Israel.They are playing with fire,Israel will really use the bomb if absolutely necesary.I believe if Hizbullah and Hamas had the bomb they would use it against Israel,they are capable,and they would use it against Europe and the US.

  2. How did we get into a discussion about Israel? You do realize that a Muslim, unless under the iron fist of a secular authoritarian, would never use its nuclear arsenal considering that the damage it would cause would go against a multitude of different Hadiths and rulings set by the Qur'an?

    Question: What is WRONG with you?

  3. This is stupid.
    While there are many similarities between the godless Nazi and Harihito Regimes TOTAL war is not the solution.

    The solution is simple, isolation and containment. Use Islam against Muslims, as some of the Muslims are learning and pointing out on this blog, the greatest threat to Muslims is Islam.

    Look at what Refutingacts said...
    "unless under the iron fist of a secular authoritarian"

    The Iron fist he says. Refuting I don't know where you live, but if it is in the USA what constitutionally protected rights would you give up to live under the Freedom of Islam?

  4. @ Fat Man

    Why did you bring up a secular enlightenment virtue that's commonly associated with the fall of Bastille, the founding of Plymouth Colony, the emancipation of the Black Man in America, etc?

    'Freedom' isn't an issue for us.

  5. RefutingActs17

    So what civil rights are you willing to give up. Let's take a look.

    1.Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

    Well thats gone. Since Islam will be the official religion and only certin other relgions accepted. Judaism, Christianity, Zorostirsm etc... and all other relegions are not protected. There is no Freedom of Region.

    Now you may respond that doesn't matter to you since your a Muslim. But that just shows a few things. First it demonstrates that you do not care about others, and you have no problem with oppressing others. Second what if your flavor of Islam is not the same of Islam of those in power. Or what if you want to choose another religion?

    The 2nd Amendment the right to bear arms. You would be allowed to but what about others in this Islamic paradise who are not Muslim do they have the right to bear arms. The answer is no.

    Third Amendment Protection against quartering. This does not apply to you as a Muslim however what about Non Muslims? Again it shows how self centered you are if you have no problem with this.

    4th Amendment Protection against un reasonable search and seizer. This may apply to you, not sure on the Islamic states right to search and sieze property when it comes to Muslims.

    5th Amendment the right to remain silent. I don't think you have the right to remain silent in a Islamic state.

  6. @RefutingActs17

    6th Amendment: Trial by jury and rights of the accused; Confrontation Clause, speedy trial, public trial, right to counsel.

    From what I understand you do not have the right of trial by Jury, you appear before Islamic Judges. Public trial, don't know, but I do know you have a right to a public punishment and execution. Speedy trial well Islamic justice does seem to be quick. I'm sure you have the right to council.

    Seventh Amendment – Civil trial by jury. Since you don't have the right to a criminal trial by jury this one too is out the window.

    Eighth Amendment – Prohibition of excessive bail and cruel and unusual punishment. Ok this is a no brainier. Cutting off of limbs, beheading, flogging, stonning, etc... Yeah cruel and unusual punishment

    Ninth Amendment – Protection of rights not specifically enumerated in the Constitution. That one can be left alone.

    Tenth Amendment – Powers of States and people. Since the Calif has all the rights, no rights are given to the local governments or the people.

  7. @RefutingActs17

    So lets review.
    You will have to give up and ask US citizens to give up their first amendment right. Even if you are willing to give up this right do not think those of who are not Muslim are willing to do so.

    2nd Amendment sorry not GIVING THAT UP.

    3rd Amendment, you may be protected against this, but how dare you say non Muslims should give this up.

    8th Amendment you really want to cut peoples hands off, behead people, stone woman to death, flog people etc...?

  8. You're wasting your time buddeh ;)

  9. I can't believe a guy who has so much time in his hand would rather waste it here making juvenile, false claims about Islam instead of finding a wife and thereby puting an end to a single life that has ranged on for more than 40 years.

  10. @RefutingActs17
    Perhaps I am waisting my time, but doesnt change the fact that the greatest weapon against Muslims is ISLAM :)

    Again with the Adhomeniem, so tell me what was false in anything I claimed.

    Ibn I find it intersting that you have a master's degree in Econ, but in Western Econ. Why is that? Hmm no Money in Islamic ECON is there.

    Ibn which rights of the crown would you give up for Sharia :) Which rights of the Crown would you want non Muslims to give up for Sharia?

  11. To all the Muslims living in the west.

    I propose giving you Muslims Islam, all the Islam you can choke on.

    Wouldn't it be great Muslims to have a Sharia caliphate in the United States of America. Don't you want that?

  12. Obtaining a decent level of piety is more important than any Caliphate.

    Furthermore, what point is there in institutionalizing Sharia in the United States when there is already a well-established penal code based on a system of checks and votes?

  13. @Refuting

    LOL WOW. It's funny how all you Muslims want Sharia Law how it will save the west how it is he best thing. But when confronted with it's consequences and what it means suddenly you Muslims FLEE from it like rats from a sinking ship

  14. @ Fat Man


    Why are you suggesting that Muslims pressure the US into accepting Sharia when Muslims make up less than 2% of the population? It's unfair and not diplomatic. If you were hoping to corner me in a discussion about Sharia you've utterly failed.

  15. @Refuting

    No sir what I am proposing if you Muslims want Sharia Law in the west then I say put you on Reservations where you can have all the Islam you want.

    Would you like that. Nothing but Muslims and Islam all the time?

  16. But that would be going against the teachings of Islam as the religion proposes that when one decides to live on lands other than those controlled by Muslim authority the settlers must adhere to those laws. Where's the contradiction?

  17. @Refuting

    I can't help but laugh. Simply amazing a Muslim who does not want to live under Sharia law.

    So you don't want "Blasphemy Laws" like they have in Pakistan?

    Just curious what do you think about the guy who murdered the Pakistani Governor who opposed the Blasphemy law.

    Would you be one of those showering him in rose petals?

  18. Pakistan has elements of Sharia Law in its constitution but was founded by secular men. You do realize that if Pakistan was operating under Sharia Law something like this shouldn't exist:

    As I stated before, there is no country that implements Sharia Law accordingly.

  19. Dude, relax. Remember Rodney King's advice?:

    "Why can't we all just get along?"

    Honestly, let's at least try to establish a friendship.

  20. @Refuting

    Wow, putting aside he fact that your only response to the Blasphmey laws in Pakistan was that if they had real Sharia laws there would be no Music video's.

    As if somehow allowing music video's makes it ok to sentence a Christian woman to death for "Blaspheming" and then congratulating the murderer of one of her supporters. Ok I guess Pakistan isn't all that bad? They have music video's?

    Then you quote Rhondey King and say
    "Honestly, let's at least try to establish a friendship."

    I will tell you the same thing I told Yahya Snow.

    How can I be friends with someone who supports something that wishes to discriminate, segregate, and generally oppress me and others?

    The Reliance on the Traveler
    o11.5 Such non-Muslim subjects are obliged to comply with Islamic rules that pertain to the safety and indemnity of life, reputation, and property. In addition, they:
    (1) are penalized for committing adultery or theft, thought not for drunkenness;
    (2) are distinguished from Muslims in dress, wearing a wide cloth belt (zunnar);
    (3) are not greeted with "as-Salamu 'alaykum";
    (4) must keep to the side of the street;
    (5) may not build higher than or as high as the Muslims' buildings, though if they acquire a tall house, it is not razed;
    (6) are forbidden to openly display wine or pork, (A: to ring church bells or display crosses,) recite
    the Torah or Evangel aloud, or make public display of their funerals and feastdays;
    (7) and are forbidden to build new churches.

    Before you deny that, do keep in mind that the blog owner has no problem with this.

    Can A African american be friends with a member of the Klu Klux Klan? Can a Jew be friends with a member of the Neo Nazi's?

  21. @Refuting

    One more thing, please don't deny that from the Reliance of the Traveler, that is how Christians are to be treated in a Islamic State.

    Secondly and more importatnly don't go off on a tangent like Yahya Snow did about how pork is bad for me. Really don't care about that address the other points. It took a few emails for him to finally address the main points.

    Oh just to let you know the punishment for a Christian violating any of those laws is mentioned.

    o11.11 When a subject's agreement with the state has been violated, the caliph chooses between the four
    alternatives mentioned above in connection with prisoners of war (o9.14).

    What does bookO.914 say?

    "o9.14 When an adult male is taken captive, the caliph (def: o25) considers the interests (O: of Islam and the Muslims) and decides between the prisoner's death, slavery, release without paying anything, or ransoming himself in exchange for money or for a Muslim captive held by the enemy.
    If the prisoner becomes a Muslim (O: before the caliph chooses any of the four alternatives) then he
    may not be killed, and one of the other three alternatives is chosen."

    So lets say I have a pig roast and invite family and friends over. I can be killed, sold into slavery or traded off to another country to free a Muslim?

    And yes I could be set free, but let's face it. Unless I have money and power and there is protests and civil un rest that is not going to happen.

  22. Fatman: The Reliance on the Traveler

    Funny how you keep referring to that book. It seems like Islamic studies is all about being able to whip out references from the Reliance of the Traveler. Moron! Look at the Islamic studies curriculum of renowned places like the School of Oriental and African studies, University of Chicago, Yale, Harvard, etc. You will find that they actually DON'T use articles from answeringislam/muslims, Robert Spencer, etc. to teach students about Islam. Neither do they teach courses based on Reliance of the Traveler.

    Women don't take you seriously. Muslims don't take you seriously. Fatman, get a life.

  23. IBN

    I'm not using reference from anyone you mention I own the book. Secondly are you denying that this is how Christians are to be treated in a Islamic society under sharia law.

  24. Could you please verify the author's name? I'll make it a point to finish the book in this month and get back to you. I want to read the book for myself.

  25. @Refuting
    Yeah you do that get back to me in a month lol

    NAQIB AL-MISRI (Died 1368 AD)

    Edited and Translated by Sheik Nuh Ha Mim Keller

    Just to let you know it comes with a letter of Recommendation from the Scholars at Al Azar University in Cairo Egypt.

    Type in "The Reliance on the Traveler" in google, and all the Islamic book store sites will pop up recommending this book as well.

  26. Thanks. I'll make sure to get back to your points. I think it's only fair.

  27. @Refuting
    Is a huge book and not really one you read, more like a legal manual.

    I can assure you everyting I quoted is exactly out of the book. So let me ask you. After you get this book and read it and realize that what I posted is true. What does that say about Islam?

    Could I be friends with anyone who would want such a thing?

    Would you support a intolerant, segregationist, bigoted society against religious minorities?

    Also just to let you know those that are protected in such away do not include Budaist, Animist's, Hindu's or any other relegion other then the following.

    011.1 A formal agreement of protection is made with citizens who are:
    (1) Jews;
    (2) Christians;
    (3) Zoroastrians;
    (4) Samarians and Sabians, if their religions do not respectively contradict the fundamental bases of
    Judaism and Christianity;
    (5) and those who adhere to the religion of Abraham or one of the other prophets (upon whom be
    blessings and peace).

    o11.2 Such an agreement may not be effected with those who are idol worshippers (dis: o9.9 (n:)), or
    those who do not have a Sacred Book or something that could have been a Book.

    So those groups have no protection what so ever.

    Do you support that?

  28. Don't worry - I know how to read books. I'm planning to become an author, Insh'Allah ;)

  29. To RefutingActs17:

    You said:"How did we get into a discussion about Israel? You do realize that a Muslim, unless under the iron fist of a secular authoritarian, would never use its nuclear arsenal considering that the damage it would cause would go against a multitude of different Hadiths and rulings set by the Qur'an?"

    Then Ahmadinejad would not be a Muslim,the point is to look reality in the face.There are people who would use the bomb to kill Westerners.Fatman's idea of isolating the enemy is good,I think he has read Sun Tzu's masterpiece"The Art of War".

    The fanaticism of Hezbullah and Hamas makes it impossible for them to succeed.Sun Tzu said to know yourself and know your enemy.How does Hizbullah think?Do they actually believe in a thing called Islam,in a God who gave a book?

    They do.Do they actually think Israelis are evil,the enemies of God?They do.Would killing 1 million Israelis be ok for them?It would.

    The problem is that Muslims who say Islam is not for mass murder are not doing enough to stop Hamas,Hizbullah.They should protest all the time against IRAN,which gives Hizbullah millions of dollars for terrorism,for example.They should give financial and moral support to the democratic oppositon in Iran that wants to topple the regime,less talk against non-Muslims and "Islamophobia"in the West.

  30. Minoria, do you deny Islamophobia?
    visit, keeping it all up to date on the hate crimes and bigotry againsy muslims.

    islam says those who take over your land and oppress should be fought. thats what hezbollah and hamas do. do you not care for those palistinians who every year get their border smaller and smaller due to israeli expansion? do you not understand the pain palistinians go though? I know david wood doesn't.

  31. and minoria, if israel had the bomb, they would have had their mass murders be done alot easier and a long time ago.
    israel is threatening the existence of palistine 24/7.
    would killing even more palistinians be okay, if not wonderful for them? it would.

  32. Minoria,

    Israel used phosphorus bombs during their on Gaza a year ago. Don't tell me you forgot about that. Why don't you ever complain about the 'other' side? You don't think they've done wrong in the past?

  33. @ Minora

    Hi , I think you are getting the wrong idea here , first of all we are talking about is if ISLAM would allow Muslims to use a nuke , the answer is no since Muslims can not kill innocent civilians , end of story.

    and yes I still hold to that Islam is against mass murder , and yes I am willing to say it right here right now , if the president of Iran uses a nuke to kill innocent people then he is no Muslim , I am not ashamed to say that.

    Now you are talking about Hizbolla and Hamas , now personally I do not support Hamas but since I've been following Hizbolla's statements and impacts since the early 90's , I can only say that Hezbolla is the result of Israeli terrorism , they pushed to far when they took over south Lebanon and arrested and tortured tens of thousands of innocent people and look what it created ! a militia group that can kick their asses , and now you are telling me Israel is labeling them as the terrorists ?? I challenge you to tell me from hezbolla statments , why were they created ? because the west thinks they were created in order to "kill the infidel jews"...bla bla bla , do you know what was the real reason hezbolla was created ?

    If you follow Hassan Nasr Allah's weekly statements like I do , you would know that if Hezbolla had a nuke , they would not use it on innocent people even if they are Zionist jews , he made that clear last week when he commented on the bombings in eygpt.

    you said know your enemy , I agree we should know our enemy , and really "KNOW" our enemy , if Israel had destructive forces , would they use it ? the answer is yes , it is using it and it had used it , just look at Lebanon in 2006 all the deaths for what ?? non existent weapons and soldiers ! look what happened in Gaza , look at the 60 years of vile actions by Israel.....and you really expect that groups like hezbolla would not be created ??

    and I repeat , I agree when you say KNOW your enemy , therefore I recommend you check out hezbolla's weekly statements and see how these people really think , and likewise I see what the Israelis have to say from time to time , and then choose sides.

  34. Fatman: I'm not using reference from anyone you mention I own the book. Secondly are you denying that this is how Christians are to be treated in a Islamic society under sharia law.

    I am denying your naive perception of the Shariah. The fact is, the study of Islamic law is quite vast in nature. It is a dynamic field. If you think you know all there is to about Shariah simply because you possess Reliance of the Traveller, you are absolutely wrong! Again, just look at the curriculum of renowned institutions that offer degrees in Islamic law, like SOAS.

  35. @Fatman

    I see you have come back with your little list from Reliance of the Travelller.

    You're not the only one with the book. Brother refuting1cts17 is not aware of the fiqh book as he follows Hanafi jurisprudence. This is your problem, you don't understand the complexity of jurisprudence - it is not a science for simpletons.

    The madhab of Abu Hanifa is not simply his madhab - it is one of continuous research throughout the centuries and even today (on contemporary issues, ijtihad still takes place)

    The same applies to Shafi jurisprudence.

    I do recall answering you concerning such points via pm/comments previously - you must think I'm suffering from amnesia in bringing the same old argument to the table. Rather than going through it again with you, I suggest you look into my previous answers.

  36. I also recall opening up the bible for you and advancing consistency...

    As for your revisiting of an old issue

    Jeff, Are you seriously STILL banging on about the little list which was giving you cause for concern? I thought I explained it all to you brother Jeff via email…

    Seen as not being able to ring church bells, or drink wine and eat pork (in public) is causing you so many sleepless nights I should be reluctant to open up the OT as the OT goes further. However, I feel you to be an insincere fellow so I will open up the OT (don’t sue me).

    Continued in the next post (yes Jeff ANOTHER comment, unlike your pals I communicate with you rather than dismiss you in a short paragraph)
    12 November 2010 02:42
    Yahya Snow said...
    Jeff, if those conditions gave you cause for panic…have a read of this. Just in case you go into seizure have a chaperone nearby

    (Numbers 31:7-18 NLT)

    They attacked Midian just as the LORD had commanded Moses, and they killed all the men. All five of the Midianite kings – Evi, Rekem, Zur, Hur, and Reba – died in the battle. They also killed Balaam son of Beor with the sword. Then the Israelite army captured the Midianite women and children and seized their cattle and flocks and all their wealth as plunder. They burned all the towns and villages where the Midianites had lived. After they had gathered the plunder and captives, both people and animals, they brought them all to Moses and Eleazar the priest, and to the whole community of Israel, which was camped on the plains of Moab beside the Jordan River, across from Jericho.

    Moses, Eleazar the priest, and all the leaders of the people went to meet them outside the camp. But Moses was furious with all the military commanders who had returned from the battle. "Why have you let all the women live?" he demanded. "These are the very ones who followed Balaam's advice and caused the people of Israel to rebel against the LORD at Mount Peor. They are the ones who caused the plague to strike the LORD's people. Now kill all the boys and all the women who have slept with a man. Only the young girls who are virgins may live; you may keep them for yourselves.

    (Deuteronomy 20:10-14)

    Jeff, have you ever read this passage? It seems to be more violent than not being able to eat pork or drink wine in public.

    As you approach a town to attack it, first offer its people terms for peace. If they accept your terms and open the gates to you, then all the people inside will serve you in forced labor. But if they refuse to make peace and prepare to fight, you must attack the town. When the LORD your God hands it over to you, kill every man in the town. But you may keep for yourselves all the women, children, livestock, and other plunder. You may enjoy the spoils of your enemies that the LORD your God has given you

    (Deuteronomy 22:28-29 NLT)

    If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father. Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her.

    (Jeff, I know you have emailed me an unflattering wall of text from Shamoun with regards to this…but that is not the end of the matter as I have a response in the offing. Watch this space)
    12 November 2010 02:43
    Yahya Snow said...
    Jeff here is another passage for you to ponder upon:

    As you approach a town to attack it, first offer its people terms for peace. If they accept your terms and open the gates to you, then all the people inside will serve you in forced labour. But if they refuse to make peace and prepare to fight, you must attack the town. When the LORD your God hands it over to you, kill every man in the town. But you may keep for yourselves all the women, children, livestock, and other plunder. You may enjoy the spoils of your enemies that the LORD your God has given you. (Deuteronomy 20:10-14)

  37. Brother Snow,

    I don't know why it took people so long but I finally found 2 contradictory statements given by Wafa.

  38. The woman is a liar (not a big surprise)


  39. Yahya, the new video is out:

  40. @Yahya Snow

    Yes I remember that email exchange. It took a few emails to get you off of PORK. I swear you Muslims are pigaphobes. But either way when you finally did address the issue your response to segregating, discriminating and oppressing Christians in a Islamic state was.

    "Take a CHILL PILL"
    "It's no big deal"
    "So what if you can't build churches" etc...

    Face it your a bigot.

    Now as far as the other schools of Islamic Jurisprudence are concerned

    Are you telling me that Hanafi school treats Christians differently? If so I want to know how.

    Secondly you should know that in The Reliance where ever the Shafi school differs from the Hanafi it mentions it in the book.

    What kind of system of government is this. You have different competing schools with different regulations. So if I don't like the Shaffi I can ignore them and live as if I'm living under Hanafi?

    Yahya you really should learn to keep your mouth shut. The more you try and explain this nightmare that is Islam away. The worse you make it look.

    Even IBN and the rest are smart enough to keep there mouth shut on this. They know how repulsive Islam is, there not even going to try and defend it.

    And as far as you appealing to DEUT, I explained that very well in my emails which you just ignored, Or said "I will get back to you INSHALLA. Well it's been months and Allah is not willing.

    Standard Muslim tactic "PUT FINGERS IN EARS, COVER EYES and SHOUT LA ILLA LA LA LA LA LA" and it will all just go away.

  41. FatMan: Even IBN and the rest are smart enough to keep there mouth shut on this. They know how repulsive Islam is, there not even going to try and defend it.

    Actually, the reason why I don't entertain your posts is because you are a plain idiot, not because Islam is repulsive. Here's something about me you don't know. It was thanks to answeringislam that I was encouraged to learn about Islam and eventually find it to be the only path to God. Now let's get back to you being a idiot. Using your logic, can't we say that the reason why you are single is because women find you repulsive?

  42. Hello Ali:
    I haven't read this blog in days,I just read your comment.You said:

    "Minoria, do you deny Islamophobia?
    visit, keeping it all up to date on the hate crimes and bigotry againsy muslims."

    You confuse discrimination against muslims(muslimophobia,like judeophobia,christianopobia with attacking an idealogy

    Muslimophobia is wrong,it goes against human rights,but to attack Islam is ok,it's freedom of speech,you can attack any system of ideas:capitalism,communism,globalisation,christianity,atheism.


    Israel already left southern Lebanon in 2000,if I remeber right.It left Gaza in 2006.80% of the Jews in Israel are non-religious(they don't believe in the idea that the West Bank was given to them by God),20% of the total population is Arab,so the majority in Israel is not against giving up the West Bank for real peace.
    The ones who don't make any real effort is Hamas and Hizbullah.

  43. To Refutacts17:

    You said Israel used phosphorus bombs.I had not heard,if accurate,and it's probably so then it was wrong.

    To Ali:

    You said Israel would use the bomb if it had it.I have read it already does,some 300 atomic bombs.

    To Anonymous:

    You said Hezbullah is now condemning killing innocents when they sent thousands of rockets trying to kill Jewish civilians before.You know them better than I,but they are also SHIAH,they have a doctrine called TAKIYA(dissimulation),don't trust them.

    ABOUT DEUT 20:10-15

    It says that if the Jews go to war against a nation outside of Palestine they should offer peace,and if there is a battle to kill the men but take the women.

    1)Rape is against Mosaic law.

    2)Also there is no order by God to the Jews conquer the world in his name.

    3)So a Jewish army going on a war of conquest of Greece,Italy,Egypt,Persia (take a city there)would have never happened and it never has.

  44. @Minoria

    Hi ,

    I actually expected a better response than this bull crap.

    You said Hezbullah is now condemning killing innocents when they sent thousands of rockets trying to kill Jewish civilians before.You know them better than I,but they are also SHIAH,they have a doctrine called TAKIYA(dissimulation),don't trust them.

    Good thing you said "BEFORE" , I agree with you that hezbolla had their mistakes in the past , but the question is , WHAT ARE THEY DOING NOW ? throwing thousands of rockets ? ha !

    Takiya ! the greatest joke of all time , seriously ? I have good reasons to trust what they say if they say and actually do , unlike Israel , who claim to kill innocent people under the fake umbrella of security and terrorism.

    and again , lets get back to the point , according to statements made by hezbolla , would they nuke Israel if they had a nuke ? Do you know why hezbolla was created ?

    This was a response to someone else by you , but since it touches the same topic I will respond you said :


    Israel already left southern Lebanon in 2000,if I remeber right.It left Gaza in 2006.80% of the Jews in Israel are non-religious(they don't believe in the idea that the West Bank was given to them by God),20% of the total population is Arab,so the majority in Israel is not against giving up the West Bank for real peace.
    The ones who don't make any real effort is Hamas and Hizbullah.

    Israel left south Lebanon because hezbolla kicked the out after years and years of struggling , not because of Israel generosity or sense of humanity , southern Lebanese prisoners are still in israeli prisons so they still have reasons to fight.

    Israel left Gaza ! good joke ! leaving a territory does not mean not being there as long as Israel has its illegal blockade there , what is happening in gaza is not justified by "Israel left it in 2006"

    I'll assume that 80% of Israelis are willing to obey international law and give the west bank for real peace is true , and I hope its true.

    Hamas not making an effort ? are you for real ? the conditions they set were clear and easy , gaza and the west comes up in every single discussion they have with the Israeli government , and who keep rejecting them ? the Israeli government , who isn't making the effort here ?

    and as I stated earlier , hezbolla's fight isn't over until the prisoners are released and brought back to Lebanon , pretty simple isn't it ? so did Israel release them for the sake of peace ? hell no !

    who isn't making the effort here ? This whole discussion is a big joke , my recommendation for you , read statements made on this issue from BOTH SIDES , connect the dots and come up with a convincing argument.

  45. four weeks ago i have big problem which is typical of many of us ! what is the next and how to go on living, I cant understood ((I have stopped smiling at ALL!!!! :( yes!!,i have bad teeth because of heredity ... why I? Teeth is the first thing you see when chat everybody,or doing smth like this, I found a solution in putting lumineers and i can say it has guaranteed 100% result,now i know its a good investition
