Saturday 19 March 2011

Moon God Exposed - Christian Missionary Hypocrisy and Deceit!

When we (Muslims) hear American Christian missionaries twitter on about the "moon-god being Allah"  we simply roll our eyes and feel pity for them as their co-religionists (other Christian missionaries) have armed them with LIES - obvious LIES!

Here we catch two Christian missionaries (Sam Shamoun and David Wood) presenting the moon god nonsense

Sam Shamoun and David Wood Disgrace ABNSat

If the video does not play, please see:

The moon god claim is a lie which was popularized by Dr Robert Morey and Jack Chick. There is no evidence for it, yet our Christian friends in America believe it as their leaders and co-missionaries teach this stuff. I guess, it is easier to lie about the opposition (the Muslims) than to meaningfully engage with them...

The word "Allah"

The word Allah is used by Arab Jews and CHRISTIANS too!

The crescent moon on some mosques?

Let it be said that the ‘moon’ symbol on some mosques and flags has nothing to do with Islam. There is no teaching within Islam that teaches the over-reverence of the moon or instructing Muslims to adopt it as a representative symbol. Early Muslims did not use the crescent (moon) for flags nor Mosques and did not have any symbol to represent them. This symbolism was introduced during the Ottoman Empire much later on and was adopted from a city they conquered; “It wasn’t until the Ottoman Empire that the crescent moon and star became affiliated with the Muslim world. When the Turks conquered Constantinople (Istanbul) in 1453, they adopted the city’s existing flag and symbol”

Missionaries are worrying

Christian missionaries are worrying as they have little regard for the truth, thus they can quite easily mislead folk. We should always double check what they say. Sadly, the biggest victims of Christian missionary deceit are lay Christians.

May Allah protect lay Christians and Muslims from Christian missionary deceptions, may Allah guide us all. Ameen.
Bible: Muslims are Blessed

Learn about Islam

Christian Missionary Pastor converts to Islam



  1. The English dictionary defines 'lie' as: intentional false statement, imposture, be deceptive, convey a false impression. If one were to say it is the methodology of the Christian missionary to lie about Islam, this claim would have a ring of truth to it. Their endeavours have not only left Islam as a misunderstood religion in the West, but also one that is mistreated. This methodology has as its origin a seldom-publicised statement of Paul in which he is happy to proclaim:

    'If through my falsehood God's truthfulness abounds to His glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner.' (Romans 3:7)

    Paul felt little reluctance in spreading 'falsehood' so long as the end result achieved the greater glory of God. One will never know, therefore, whether his claimed vision of Jesus on the Damascus road, his appointment as preacher to the Gentiles, and the other teachings he propagated in the name of Christianity were all part of this use of 'falsehood' or not. He would have done well to take into consideration another Biblical text:

    'A faithful witness does not lie, but a false witness breathes out lies.' (Proverbs 14:5) more here:

  2. Maybe we can prance on over to mamby pamby land get you some self confidence ya jack wagon!

  3. special message 4 u all from abn

  4. On the Deceptions of David Wood By Richard Carrier (2005)

    David Wood has written a long and rambling polemic against my book, Sense and Goodness without God (2005), which he titled "Good 'n' Senseless Without God: A Critical Review of Richard Carrier's New Book, Sense�& Goodness Without God" (2005). Wood's critique is a fine example of Christian bigotry. It is essentially a trash-talking diatribe, filled with open disdain and lack of manners or respect, entirely founded on misrepresenting the facts. It is hard to take it seriously. But I must correct the many false statements and impressions Wood gives about my book, and this lengthy reply accomplishes that aim.

  5. Interesting stuff:

  6. More bad scholarship and lies from Yahya Snow. Sam Shamoun does not teach that the Allah of Islam is the ancient pagan moon god. He has explicitly written articles correcting people who think this. The word Allah is simply a generic term for God and as such is the Arabic equivalent of other words for "God" in different languages. Of course that doesn't mean he believe the Allah of Islam is the true God. Just because a being is called god, like Baal, Chemosh, Dagon, Molech, Hubal, etc., doesn't mean that being is in fact God.

    You have quite simply spliced together only a portion of what Sam said and have not been honest in the process of trying to paint David and Sam as liars. You should be ashamed of yourself. Your "God", your "Allah", is truly the father of lies.

  7. @Anon

    Yahya Snow caught in another LIE.

    Its funny but both Sam and David are on a call in show that encourages Muslims to call in, we all know that the SNOWMAN and other Muslims watch the show, we all know that Yahya Will pick the shows apart and get a single clip and then exploit it for all its worth.

    The Muslims on this Blog rant and rave against David Wood and Sam Shamoun. They all complain that 'I'm blocked from Davids Blog" etc...

    But when it comes to standing up, when it comes to speaking out, when it comes to the opportunity of calling in and confronting David and Sam the Muslims balk and CHOKE.

    For Shame Muslims for shame. Where are allahs helper's.

    Well don't worry muslims, you still have one more chance to call in to defend allah and his messenger. Tonight 8pm EST allah needs your help so call in say your a Muslim and they will put you right through.

  8. RadicalModerate -

    "Its funny but both Sam and David are on a call in show that encourages Muslims to call in, we all know that the SNOWMAN and other Muslims watch the show, we all know that Yahya Will pick the shows apart and get a single clip and then exploit it for all its worth"

    I shall repost the points that I brought up earlier -

    1) What would be the point?

    All that Wood, and the other Christians, do on that show is shout over the Muslim caller once they begin speaking, cut them off and then prattle on non stop for about 10 mins....and then repeat formula. We've all seen it hundreds of times - the show is a joke!

    No Muslim caller I've ever seen on there has the chance to speak.

    At least here everyone has the chance to put forward their views and be heard.

    "The Muslims on this Blog rant and rave against David Wood and Sam Shamoun. They all complain that 'I'm blocked from Davids Blog" etc..."

    2) Perhaps you can answer why 'Professor' David Wood and company always, and I mean always, block users, wipe comments and disallow anonymous comments from Muslims who merely challenge them in civil debate?

    "But when it comes to standing up, when it comes to speaking out, when it comes to the opportunity of calling in and confronting David and Sam the Muslims balk and CHOKE"

    See point 1

  9. RadicalModerate -

    To your latest comments I shall repost what I said earlier.

    "Its funny but both Sam and David are on a call in show that encourages Muslims to call in, we all know that the SNOWMAN and other Muslims watch the show, we all know that Yahya Will pick the shows apart and get a single clip and then exploit it for all its worth"

    1) What would be the point?

    All that Wood, and the other Christians on that show do is shout over the Muslim caller once they begin speaking, cut them off and then prattle on non stop for about 10 mins....and then repeat the same formula. We've all seen this hundreds of times - the show is a total joke!

    No Muslim caller I've ever seen on there ever has the chance to speak.

    At least here everyone has the chance to put forward their views and be heard.

    "The Muslims on this Blog rant and rave against David Wood and Sam Shamoun. They all complain that 'I'm blocked from Davids Blog" etc..."

    2) Perhaps you can tell us why 'Professor' David Wood always, and I mean always, blocks users, wipes comments and disallows anonymous comments by Muslims who only engage in civilsed debate with him?

    "But when it comes to standing up, when it comes to speaking out, when it comes to the opportunity of calling in and confronting David and Sam the Muslims balk and CHOKE"

    See point 1

  10. RadicalModerate -

    To your latest comments I shall repost what I said earlier.

    "Its funny but both Sam and David are on a call in show that encourages Muslims to call in, we all know that the SNOWMAN and other Muslims watch the show, we all know that Yahya Will pick the shows apart and get a single clip and then exploit it for all its worth"

    1) What would be the point?

    All that Wood and the other Christians do on that show is shout over the Muslim caller once they begin speaking, cut them off and then prattle on non stop for about 10 mins....and then repeat the same formula. We've all seen this hundreds of times - the show is a total joke!

    No Muslim caller I've ever seen on there ever has the chance to speak.

    At least here everyone has the chance to put forward their views and be heard.

    "The Muslims on this Blog rant and rave against David Wood and Sam Shamoun. They all complain that 'I'm blocked from Davids Blog" etc..."

    2) Perhaps you can tell us why 'Professor' David Wood always, and I mean always, blocks users, wipes comments and disallows anonymous comments by Muslims who only engage in civilsed debate with him?

    "But when it comes to standing up, when it comes to speaking out, when it comes to the opportunity of calling in and confronting David and Sam the Muslims balk and CHOKE"

    See point 1

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Oh boy. Crikey. Looks like I have a fully-paid-up member of AI/AM on my hands. I nearly fell off the bed reading the defence advanced by the “apologist for Sam and Dave”.

    Anon writes:
    More bad scholarship and lies from Yahya Snow. Sam Shamoun does not teach that the Allah of Islam is the ancient pagan moon god.

    Me: Uh? So Sam has “differentiated” between an “ancient pagan moon god” and the “moon god” he claims to be Allah.

    What a joke! Time for a fact: Sam claimed he considered Allah to be the moon god. IT’S IN THE VIDEO!!!! The response will OBVIOUSLY be the same regardless of which “moon god” he was twittering on about. Stop giving Sam and Dave your unquestioned support (and cash?) and think about it.

    Anon writes:
    The word Allah is simply a generic term for God and as such is the Arabic equivalent of other words for "God" in different languages. Of course that doesn't mean he believe the Allah of Islam is the true God.

    Me: Yes, that understanding is gained from the clip of Shk Kamal El Mekki. Looks like we agree. Praise the Lord. Alhamdulillah.

    Anon writes:
    You have quite simply spliced together only a portion of what Sam said and have not been honest in the process of trying to paint David and Sam as liars.

    Me: OBVIOUSLY I have spliced clips together. The clips were taken from Dave Wood’s presentation for Dave Arnzen’s pastors’ conference in NY AND from brother Ayamen1’s refutation of Shamoun’s moon god drivel. Splicing clips together is hardly warranting a charge of dishonesty.

    As for making them appear dishonest. YES, they BOTH advance the notion the crescent moon symbol was linked to Allah. The crescent moon symbol was adopted by the Ottomons in the 1400’s after they conquered a city which used it as their symbol! (That is roughly 800 yrs AFTER the Prophet Muhammad (p)

    Other bouts of dishonesty include, Dave claiming the moon god claim is “over-used” (ie it’s a bad and easily answered argument) but was shown to be sitting next to his pal, Sam, whilst he was delivering this “over-used” and “reasonably-answered” moongod nonsense. Perhaps you call that hypocrisy, it is!
    It’s also intellectually dishonest!

    Shamoun advanced the moongod claim. The moon god claim is NOT correct. So Shamoun presented inaccurate material. He either did it deliberately (given his past record we are not going to put that passed him) or he did it out of ignorance (given his past record we shall not put that passed him either).

    In the video, they were called dishonest/ignorant. You decide. Either way, they exhibited false information and in the case of Dave hypocrisy too.

    Anon writes:
    You should be ashamed of yourself.

    Me: Now that we have put you right concerning the premise you base your final rebuke, the shame is wholly directed at Sam and Dave. I think you know that. However, I have to acknowledge your loyalty to these two. Are you related to one of them?

    I think your loyalty can be alleviated somewhat by browsing the respective Sam Shamoun and David Wood sections on this blog. Some of their outrageous episodes are catalogued there.

    Anon: Your "God", your "Allah", is truly the father of lies.
    Grow up. Please just grow up. Keep your fundamentalist Christian views of everything which opposes your worldview being the devil at the door. At this ministry we try to be a little more thoughtful than just presenting unqualified fundamentalist views.

    For you I recommend the posts on the Holy Spirit. Those posts show the Spirit does not guide you folk in the Bible. I also recommend the posts on the New Testament and a debate between Prof Ehrman and a Christian fundamentalist – Ehrman tore down the view of the bible being inerrant.

    Oh, if you are a liberal Christian, do look at the post concerning the Biblical interpretation of male rape victims being put to death.

    You can find all the relevant material at this blog.


    Iron Sharpens Iron as one man sharpens another.

  13. @Radical Moderate

    Grow up fella. Stop falling to peer pressure amongst the fundy brigade you attach yourself to.

    Stop insulting Allah. All the drivel Shamoun and Wood ware presenting is old hat. It's been refuted by Muslims.

    What do you want us to do, waste time on every Islamophoic outlet on the net?

    If Dave blocks most of the commenters you allude to, what makes you think the bloke is going to give them time on a call-in internet show where time is already limited to a few minutes.

    Think about it.

    You have my email addy, you can email me the link to the entire video when it gets uploaded onto YT, we shall se what the fuss is about then.

    In the mean time, please look into Christianity and the problems within it and ask yourself if God would reveal this religion as the final one....

    I don't believe so.

    Serch for the truth and the truth shall set you free

  14. It's that time again. Sam and I will be on "Jesus or Muhammad" from 8:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M. (Eastern Standard Time) this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. On Friday, we'll be interviewing our brother and former Muslim C.L. Edwards. On Saturday, we'll be discussing an interesting topic: "Did Allah Kill Muhammad?" Sunday we'll be addressing the blatant taqiyya of Rep. Keith Ellison.

    If you don't get ABN via satellite, you can watch live on the internet

  15. Yahya

    Once again you spent a lot of time talking and proving you have a reading comprehension problem.

    By saying you have spliced clips together, I am saying you have taken Sam out of context and are misrepresenting what he was saying. I will get the relevant links later to ONCE AGAIN expose you on another hoax.

  16. "blatant taqiyya"


    Yeah, seriously can't wait for the indepth analysis and brilliant insight from Sham and the Professor. Dopey pair lol.

    I wonder who these clowns will target once Islam bashing becomes passé?

  17. @anon

    You wrote:
    By saying you have spliced clips together, I am saying you have taken Sam out of context and are misrepresenting what he was saying. I will get the relevant links later to ONCE AGAIN expose you on another hoax.

    Me: Save yourself time, here's the video I got the clip of Shamoun from:

    I noticed you did not respond to the charges of hypocrisy and ignorance/dishonesty. I guess, even the most vehement supporters of shoddy missionary argumentation are humbled at times when the nail hits the head.

    Oh next time Shamoun sends you over here do tell him to stop calling folk cowards and do tell him nobody buys his claims of people fearing his dribble.

    Face facts, your boys have been put on their backsides once again - your sabre-rattling rhetoric is hardly going to mask that.

    If I get time next week a post about Mr Rogers/Shamoun/RadicalModerate will appear on this site.

    Iron sharpens iron, as one man sharpens another.

  18. @Yahya Snow and the rest of the Tough Guy Tony's.

    You guys are all big and bad, behind your computer screens. I don't understand why you just don't call in to the show you can address and "EXPOSE" David and Sam, live on the air.

    Don't give me that "Oh they always cut muslims off" yes they cut off the screaming sheiks, but look at Manuuu and others, they let them talk as long as there willing to listen.

    So come on be allah's helpers, he really needs your help. Watch tonight @ 8pm Eastern Time. Call in say your a Muslim and they will bump you up to the front of the line.

    A couple of things if you get some of that Jihad courage.

    If you call in and it's busy don't dispair call in again and again.

    If you do get through and you get disconected dont dispair call back and tell them you got disconected.

    I have been dc'd numerous times so don't give me that "oh they hang up on Muslim nonsense"

    @Yahya Snow

    Don't act inocnent we know you listen to the show, so there is no need for me to send you the link.

    But here it is anyway.

    ABN Live Broadcast 8PM Eastern Time

    Phone Number (248) 416-1300

    If you have a problem with time conversion then go to this link.

    Time Converter

    It is 8 PM EST, you can also select New York time.

    If you are on the go, yuo can listen on your droid, or Iphone.

    So now you are with out excuse.
    Come on be Allah's helper he really does need your help.

  19. @Radical Moderate

    Be fair and mature.

    You want me to call an internet show which struggles for views (and donations) on a Sunday night (my time in the UK will be AFTER midnight) and go to bed late - despite tomorrow being a work day.

    On top of that unrealistic urge you want me to call in concerning a bloke who I have barely heard of (Keith Ellison?). Do you really expect me to trawl American News websites and research this fella and then call Sam (who has been abusing me for a while now)

    They will carp on about Taqiyyah - I have quotes from scholarly books concerning Taqiyyah whcih I will share in the near future, perhaps I will clip Sam and Dave's pending "taqiyyah" and educate them via video (using the scholarly refs)

    So, I hardly need to scarifice sleep and risk being late for work in order to put those two right. Nor does anybody else need to go to any drastic lengths to communicate with Sam and Dave on this internet show (ABN)

    Can you get an assurance from Sam that he would allow a fair shake if I called? NO, you cannot!

    So, tell those two to expect to be corrected via blog articles on here or vlogs from jibreelk.

    Nobody is afraid of them. I reckon it's the other way round. If one of their tormenters (ie one of those whio have ended their careers) called in Sam Aand Dave would fall into panic mode - either that, or they would censor by disconnecting the call or talking over us.

    You KNOW what happened to Dave when I jazzed a page (which he linked to) up with a couple of refutations of his ministry. Devastating response from good old Dave. Cowering away by removing the link so his brigade of sycophants remain in the dark. Enough said.

    Then you have the temerity to call others "cowards".

    The truth is, Sam and Dave are cowering away in a little corner whilst their cheeleaders are championing them based on nothing but empty rhetoric

    You KNOW this. Why are you acting unaware. Use your loaf.Radical, you can either waste your life with this crew or you can search for the Truth and come to Islam.

    Save your breath and send the link to vid when its on YT - you have my email.

  20. RadicalModerate -

    "You guys are all big and bad, behind your computer screens. I don't understand why you just don't call in to the show you can address and "EXPOSE" David and Sam, live on the air.

    Don't give me that "Oh they always cut muslims off"

    They cut Muslims off all the time on that show - simple as. Anyway we can refute all their (and your) nonsense here unencumbered - so what would be the point?

    Your facile and shallow attempts to goad us into calling the show are pointless. The refutation, I'm sure, will come soon enough fron Yahya as it always does.

    In the meantime - enjoy the show ;)

  21. @Yahya Snow

    Be honest.

    You had two previous days to call in. Friday night you said you were up all night worried about the nuke crises in Japan. As if you could do anything about it.

    Don't know what your excuse was Saturday night.

    But either way you had two previous days to call in and you didn't. Instead your going to go through the video's and take peices here and there out of context and then refute straw-men. All from the safety of your computer screen.

    Your just a text tough Tony.

    When Sammi Z debated one of Amjems followers, I didn't call in because my call plan did not include over seas calls. But had they had skype I would of definitlied called in.

    But even though I could't call in I did send email questions identifying myself that were read and answered on the air.

    So please Muslims quit hiding behind your keyboard and come out and be allah's helper. He really needs your help.

    To Abdul, yes they do cut off Muslim callers, which I stated like the screaming sheik, they also cut off Christian Callers, when they demonstrate that they don't want to listen.

    So call in be respectful and listen to the response and engage in a conversation.

  22. Yahya,

    how can you be so foolish and/or dishonest. The very first minute of the video clip you got Sam's discussion of the moon god from REFUTES the very point you are trying to accuse him of. Go and listen, you nincompoop.

  23. RadicalModerate -

    I have watched hours of that show (unfortunately) so please sir, do not insult my intelligence.

    All I have ever seen is that pastor Joseph chap or David and Sam shout over the Muslim caller, often within seconds of them starting to talk, after which they continue to talk non stop until the caller loses the will to live (and who could blame them?).

    Instead of banging on about this tacky little T.V show, how about you address the issue that I raised about the censorship practiced by your hero David Wood (champion of free speech, ahem) - Or do you think that it is right that Muslims should be blocked and censored from sharing their views in a civil manner?

    Of course you will never answer the question I just posed, just as you never answer any other questions put to you on this blog.

  24. RadicalModerate -

    How about you ask Wood to open up his blog to anonymous comments like Yahya does? You keep talking about people lacking the nerve to dialogue, put it to the test.

    I guarantee you he never would though - you know why?

    Because Muslims would absolutely lay waste (with ease) to his erroneous scholarship and bigoted propaganda. It would effectively be the end of his blog - that is why he has the system in place that he does. He cannot hack even the slightest bit of criticism.

    They want to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah refuses except to perfect His light, although the disbelievers dislike it (Repentance 9:32)

    Go on - ask him to open up his blog and then listen to the wave of excuses lol

  25. Abdul

    Here is a idea, why don't you call into the show and ask David Wood that question. Sorry I'm not your proxy, and I'm not going to get refuted for you.

    You know your going to watch it, so why not be allah's helper

  26. 50 Min to the show. Is their any Muslim who is going to answer the call, and be allah's helper.

    I know the snowman is off fighting the Jinn in his dreams, but there must be some brave muslim who can call in to defend allah, and your prophet.

    allah needs your help.

  27. T-Minus 30 Min and counting Muslims for you to defend Allah and His messenger.

    Allah needs your help.

  28. AdmiralCodEater -

    "Here is a idea, why don't you call into the show and ask David Wood that question. Sorry I'm not your proxy, and I'm not going to get refuted for you"

    Of course you don't want to ask Wood a question like that - not even a chap like yourself could stomach the avalanche of lame excuses lol

    And, finally, thanks again for the offer - but I think I'll give Waynes World a miss tonight if its all the same to you ;)

  29. T Minus 15 Min and counting.

    There must be on Jihad warrior among you.

    Do not disappoint Allah and his messenger.

    He needs your help

  30. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, we have lift off, and Mecca you have a problem.

  31. funny, christians never admit to what they do.
    radical, it's a christian tradition to outflood and attack any muslim that coms onto their site. do you realise womenfortruth was offended by David's behavior and how he tolerated attacks against her? this was no critisism of islam, it was literally PEROSNAL, GENDER attacks on her. i've this saved in my email and i'll post it up. we clearly see david and other christians have anti-women syndrome.

    i was blocke doff davis blog for exposing his lie on honor killings. next i'll be blocked from abn for exposing those so called ex "terrorists" you're all obsessed with.

  32. Ok Muslims, I tell you what. I can understand how some people might be shy.

    So you post your questions or refutations and I will call in and read them to Sam, David and CL.

    Does that sound fair

  33. AdmiralCodEater -

    How about you ask David Wood if he is willing to apologise for his part in the spreading of the thighing hoax on that very channel?

    It is an issue that has been thoroughly refuted so there should be no problem in admitting he was wrong.

    And if he is unwilling to do this, and therefore stands by such a claim, can he provide the source or sources of such information - author, title of book, publisher, date, page number etc?

    How about it Admiral?

  34. @Ali

    Ha ha ha ha ha, one of the most vile Muslmia's on the internet. Second only to Buraka from Paltalk.

    This woman has no shame, she was bust dropping a pseudo F bomb on this blog. Even the Snowman said something to her.

    She spares no opportunity to blaspheme God and his Holy Spirit, she just spews a continuous rant of hatred, and bigotry, she is really into pedophile priests and equates that with Gods Holy spirit telling them to do such things.

    It would be better for you to defend Osama Abdullah and his "Latin woman are the easiest to bang comment".

  35. Waiting in the queue on ABN, and wow there is a Muslim on for at least 5 min.

    So much for "Oh they cut off the Muslims."

    Oh wait its Manooo, he is a korani, so he doesn't follow Mohamed example, thats why he is so polite.

  36. Abdul

    Ok there you go I asked your question you coward. So give me your email address and I will send you the file.

    BTW, I have personally heard Shia Muslims defend this practice, I have also heard Shia Muslims attack this practice as heretical. But there are sources on it, and it is practiced by some shia sects

  37. AdmiralCodEater -

    Email it to Yahya

  38. Abdul
    Send it to Yahay?

    Are you that big of a coward, this was your question man. I know you can't stand up for Allah, but at least you can sit up.

  39. AdmiralCodEater -

    No - Yahya ;)

  40. @RadicalModerate

    Please stop making excuses for Dave. Dave presented a "fatwa" which he claimed was proof that Prophet Muhammad (p) performed this act. This "fatwa" is a KNOWN forgery on the net. BOT Sam and Dave have been caught peddling this hoax.

    But hey, gullible folk will believe it whilst dishonest folk will excuse them.


  41. @Yahya Snow
    I have personally heard Shia both defend and condemn this. So I know the practice exists in Shia communities.

    Second the way you prove things is just by stating "It is a forgery" so therefore you have just proved it as a forgery.

    Seriously your methods of deductive reasoning's leave a lot to be desired as I will prove by responding to your ridiculous claims in your post on Abdullah.

    Warning its going to be faith shattering.

  42. "I have personally heard Shia both defend and condemn this. So I know the practice exists in Shia communities"

    Yeah, course you have Admiral ;)

    So I take it Wood did not retract his statement nor apologize?

  43. abDULL,

    I like the nickname you have for radical. Do you like my nic for you?

  44. so you're perfectly fine david attacking her because of her gender? all you did was rant about a woman who isn't afraid to expose christianity. you didn't really answer me of WHY christians on answering muslims ganged up on her?

    f bomb? HA lemme see on answeringmuslims i've seen the word damn, hell, ass, and the word s#i% or something like it. you approve of this but instead hypocritically attack a woman?

    175 posts about women and girls getting abused, killed, raped and assaulted on my blog since april 2009. and it's still counting.
    christianity and harassing women are no strangers to eachother.

  45. //Even the Snowman said something to her. //

    I don't remember this. does anyone else??

  46. @Ali

    You first said...
    "womenfortruth was offended by David's behavior and how he tolerated attacks against her? "

    So first its David is tolerating attacks against this vile disgusting woman.

    To this
    "so you're perfectly fine david attacking her because of her gender?"

    So now it is David doing the personal attack. LOL

    Wow make up your mind.

    I once heard a muslim say that the Israeli's had killed 1000 civilians, and then in the short span of a few minutes said the Israeli's had killed hundreads of thousnads of civilians in the Gaza war. The death toll just kept going up and up the longer he was on the mic.

    Nothing is funnier then the Muslims perpetuation for over exaggeration. Thanks for the laugh.

    As far as that vile woman, I can only hope that someday she gets Islam practiced on her.


  47. LOL radical is dodging.
    once again, are you perfectly fine david attacking a woman because of her gender?
    you honestly make zero sense then self assure yourself by claiming what you said was bad. how old are you btw??
    david approved of comments on his pseudo blog that attcked wft101. he then also gave his 2 cents.
    you know of all the christian women that critisize islam, we never claim she's "vile and disgusting". the Prophet Muhammed pbuh commanded to honor and respect women, unlike your fairy tale holy spirit/son/ man god

  48. nice to know you follow wood's ideology of being anti-women.

    we Muslims don't need to expose Christians. they already make a fool of themselves.

  49. @Ali

    First if womamof... was a man, I would still say she is a vile disgusting person for the vile disgusting things she says. So that means I do not discriminate.

    Second I think I remember those comments, and how she cried because she gave some vile disgusting comment and then was rebuked over it. And like most Muslims you can give but you just can not take it. You cry and whine "ohh the big bad kaffir is picking on me". Please

    Second post these attacks, you said you saved them. I'm sure we can all use the laugh.

    But from memory I find nothing wrong with anything anyone said to the vile disgusting woman or man, who goes by the nick of Womanoftruth.

  50. LOL does anyone notice radical's syndrome? he's calling wft a man. that's the second or third time we've heard it.
    again, it is an attack just because she's a woman. oh dear i'd better report this to mary jo sharp and see what she has to say about this bad holy spirit behaviour.
    you just proved to me you have anti-woman syndrome. perhaps actually getting married will settle your hype??

  51. radical attacks women just because they're... women and call's them disgusting. this is why he's not married.

  52. @Radical Jackass

    first of all no I am not IBN , 2nd are you serious ??? why the hell would we want to call a tv show that NEVER gives us a fair chance to speak our minds and helps david and sam financially ? no wonder you are trolling and begging for us to call !

  53. @Ali

    Wow you suffer from that same reading comprehension problem that sam1528 does.

    I said very clearly if Womanof... was a man I would still say he or she was a disgusting vile person, because he or she is.

    Still waiting for yuo to post how she was attacked sniff sniff.

  54. @Anon, not IBN but the other ANON

    you said...
    "2nd are you serious ??? why the hell would we want to call a tv show that NEVER gives us a fair chance to speak our minds "

    Funny when I was waiting my turn, there was a Muslim who was before me and they had a conversation with him for at least 5 min. But he is a Koran only Muslim. So he was not acting like Mohamed.

    Another Muslim called in said "I have read the entire bible" but didnt know that luke 17 and the ten mina's was a parable, and didn't know what this parable was about. But they let him speak.

    I guess what you mean by "Speaking your mind" is ranting and raving and blaspheming against the holy spirit, cursing Christians, etc...

  55. @Radical

    Dude seriously you call that a response ? the right to spreak our mind is right to curse christians ? dude get a life and read a book , you know books ? those things with covers and pages in between ?

    So that crap happened when you were waiting for your turn , how does that support and disprove anything I said ?

    How about I point to you a few examples of knowledgeable able Muslims with good responses being ignored and shut down .

    and the reason they let that guy speak is to allegedly prove that Muslims dont understand Christianity , just face it man , how come the ones with good responses get shut down ? not the ones with obvious things like the luke 17 parable .

    but I can agree with you on something , saying you read the bible and not knowing luke 17 was a parrable , just as stupid as everyone on ABN thinking Sura 9 to abrogating everything in the Quran , or Sura 9:29 talking about all non-believers everywhere war or you agree ? I dont expect you to but understand the post you'll know what I mean.
