Monday 2 May 2011


  1. @Yshya Snow, LOL in your zeal to attack God, who is Christ, his people and his word, you totally just insulted your own book.

    You published a picture of a Bible on TOP OF THE QURAN. HA HA HA HA HA.

    You have now removed the picture but a BLIND MAN saw it and now has it up on his blog. HA HA HA HA.

    Yahya Snow insults the Quran.

  2. @Yahya

    I forgot about this, under a previous post you asked me who was the Muslim who quoted "Anton LeVay" the founder of the Church of Satan, and the author of the Satanic Bible"

    It was 1moremuslim he quoted from Anton LeVay

    "I wish stupidity was painful"
    and then said "I apply that to you Radical Moderate.

  3. RadMod

    I have no interest in talking about a picture which has been altered. Why would Bart talk about a picture rather than a post discussing the other resurrection stories in the Bible?

    The answer is simple; he has no real response.

    A sad indictment on Christian apologetics.

  4. Yahya Snow said...

    "I have no interest in talking about a picture which has been altered."

    Altered? Who altered it? Are you saying the picture you originally had on your site, was not the one that Bart has on his?

    Or are you saying that Bart some how hacked into your blog, and changed the photo?

    Could this be another case where Yahya Snow was caught in another deceptive lie?

  5. What is it you would like Christians to discuss about the mention of other resurrections in the Bible? Are you under the impression that Christians deny those verses? Are you of the opinion that these verses pose some kind of problem for Christianity? If so, aren't you just revealing how profoundly ignorant you are of the fact that Christians do talk about these verses, and that they are not perceived as any kind of problem at all? And why are you so shy to debate Christians who have challenged you if Christianity has (supposedly) obvious problems? Your very line of questioning and refusal to debate tell us just how seriously we should take what you have to say.

  6. RadMod,

    Stop being silly. I have altered the pic on the post. Why are you wanting to discuss a pic rather than the other resurrection stories in the Gospel?

    What's the matter, have you and Bart got no explanation or incite between you on this subject?

    Perhaps you need to give ABN a call for advice. Whilst you are at it get them to abswer the mathematical issue with the Exodus account. The account you used lies (dodgy maths) to defend.

    Could be an interesting call. I trust you know the number...

    Jaw-jaw is better than war-war


  7. @anon

    Who is refusing to debate?

    PS If you have something inciteful to add about the other resurrestion stories then add it. Don't simply beat your chest in an attempt to convince us you have something inciteful under your sleeve.

    Speak or forever hold your peace


  8. @RadMod,

    I don't recall asking you that question.

    I do recal saying I had never heard of this Levay fella until his name was brought up on here.

    Why am I not surprised you (RadMod) know this Church of Satan fella.
    Some of your comments are satanic in nature.

    Is there something you want to tell us...


    It's not too late for you to come to the worship of God. Jesus worshipped God.

    Iron sharpens iron as one man sharpens another

  9. It appears you don't even know what you are doing. If you think there is a problem with God raising other people from the dead, or with the Gospel reports about them, then the onus is on you to explain what you take to be a problem. Otherwise YOU are just engaging in chest beating: "There is a problem here...thump, thump." If I ask you to spell out this problem, that doesn't merit hiding behind rhetoric accusing me of chest beating. I am simply asking you to do what you have not, at least in this comment section. So spell out your problem and stop trying to convince people to see a problem you haven't argued for just because you are beating your chest.

    And by the way, everyone knows you won't debate. You prefer to just beat your chest in this little hole of yours. The word is out on the streets that you run from Christian apologists. Sorry that I had to let you know that the rest of us know. Your fear is legendary in certain places.

  10. Yahya, It's not too late for you to come to the worship of Jesus. The disciples worshipped Jesus.

  11. @anon

    I'd rather do waht Jesus (p) did, i.e. worship God.

    Jesus worshipped God, that's what you and I should be doing.

    Enough said.

    Iron sharpens iron as one man sharpens another

  12. You would rather do what Jesus did? Jesus worshipped His FATHER. Would you like to worship the Father as Jesus did? Is Allah a Father. Also, since Jesus accepted the worship of his disciples, does that mean you would like to do this as well? Pray tell.

  13. another isolated christian incident. pastor arreasted for child molestation of 4 year old girl:

  14. hm, i wonder why you never hear of of a imam being arrested for child molestation??? oh yeah because they give themselves alternatives that they dont consider molestation, such as thighing... (they use it on infants! isnt that a convienient alternative!) unless they are nine or older then they can just pay the father a goat and make them his lil rape thing. i.e. what they call marriage.
