Thursday 21 July 2011

Aisha Sherazi Responds to Muslim Prayer Controversy in Toronto

Remember all that fuss about Friday Muslim prayer being held at a Toronto public school? This article, answers most, if not all, the queries Canadians have about the prayers being conducted at the school. Let's hope the controversy started by secular and so-called 'humanist' groups, dies down. The article is reproduced below for ease of reading:

There's been a strong reaction to kids praying at the Valley Park Middle School in Toronto. Certain people appear to be horrified that these students have been given the space to pray in a public school. Some imply that Muslims are being given special treatment.

Nonsense. Any faith group would be accommodated if it were important to them and could be scheduled in. If the walls of the school were lined with Islamic religious edicts and paraphernalia, I might see reason to be concerned for the rights of non-Muslim students. Given that isn't the case, it is misleading to say that Muslims kids are being treated differently. If any students wish to have a prayer group, they should and would be allowed to as per the policies of the Toronto District School Board. The community organized and paid for the services, not the school.

I know of a Christian prayer group that met on a weekly basis in a public school. No one batted an eyelid. Demographics have a lot to do with this. Valley Park School is located in Thorncliffe Park, cited as being the neighbourhood in Canada with the highest percentage of Muslim people. That means that community members probably get together regularly for social functions, as well as religious ones, and prayer is normal for many of the children in the neighbourhood.

I've been surprised about many of the things I have heard and seen in the media. For one thing, contrary to some reports, Friday prayer is not mandatory for girls of any age, or pre-puberty boys. Not only do these kids seem to want to pray on a Friday, the girls are showing up even when they have been excused by the vast majority of Muslim scholars (when they are menstruating). Likely they were curious about all the fuss, and about the way their prayer group was being reported in the media.

Regarding menstruation, being "ritually clean" is a part of prayer, but this has little to do with being male or female. It is widely held that a person praying should be clean of blood, fecal matter and urine. If a man cut his finger, he would have to wait until the wound clots before he could pray.

There has been a lot of discussion about the boys and girls being separated. That has irked a lot of people, who assume sitting behind the boys makes the girls second-class citizens.

It depends on where you are to decide whether that is the case or not. From the children's perspective, I don't think the girls would feel discriminated against. Sitting at the back of the bus is deemed cool. So is sitting at the back of the classroom.

For many Muslims, male and female segregation during prayer, and even at social events has become a cultural norm. But I should stress that this is a cultural, not a faith issue. During the Hajj (or pilgrimage) season, men and women pray side by side. You are lucky to find a spot to pray anywhere close to the focal point of prayer, let alone care about who you are next to. It is up to the Muslim community to have a debate about whether they want to have mixed prayer or not.

To date, the social and cultural norm has been for women to pray behind males. I personally have seen many women breastfeeding hungry babies in the mosque, and women help each other out when a child cries. There is a distinct bond created when women sit together, a sisterhood that can provide comfort. Growing up in a Hindu family, men and women always sat separately, even though it wasn't required, it was the cultural norm and seen as respectable. Maybe that has changed now too. For my parents' generation, it was normal.

To be sure, that debate needs to happen, because there wasn't a strict separation of men and women in the times of the prophet Muhammad (pbuh). It is up to the Muslim community to decide whether menstruating females can pray or not. There is a movement that says it is acceptable. Not everyone agrees.

What should not happen is for the entire world to take this group of kids, and place them under a microscope. That doesn't lend itself to healthy debate. It provokes an insular response.

Smoking is bad for your health. It is a proven fact. And yet, many people continue to smoke. It took us centuries to ban smoking in public places.

]That's why I'm curious as to why certain pressure groups are up in arms about Muslim kids praying on a Friday afternoon in Toronto. Kids could be doing worse things. Smoking would be one of them.

Aisha Sherazi is an Ottawa freelance writer who blogs for the Citizen at She is former principal of Abraar School and now works as a pastoral care worker at Merivale High School.


  1. Rad Mod, waiting for your irrelevant and bigoted commentary!

  2. I like this this
    It is simply ridiculous.


  3. WOW did you guys here that? Its the sound of all the Muslims in the wold exhaling a sigh of releif.

    Muslims you can start can start breathing again, turns out to everyone's surprise that the Norway killer wasn't a MUSLIM.

    Now that is a shocker, I wonder how many people saw that one coming.

  4. May Allah guide you to the Truth, Insh'Allah.

    Fee Aman Allah

  5. yeah he was most likely a christian

  6. Dear all,

    It's confirmed the one responsible belongs to a right wing Christian organisation. This horrible terror attack really shows how dangerous the hate mongering of the likes of Wood &co is.

    All the brothers and sisters who take time from their busy life to refute christian fundies on the net are doing a very important job.

  7. Don't forget that this terrorist was an admirer of Islamophobes like Pamela Geller and Geert Wilders who also occupy Radical Moderates' salacious fantasies.

  8. Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim

    "Seek the abode of the hereafter with what God has given you, without forgetting your portion of the world. And do good as God has been good to you. And do not seek to cause mischief on earth. God does not love mischief makers"
    (Al-Qasas 77)

    Oslo tragedy..the fruit of perverse thoughts and actions of Christian Fundamentalists, the real menace to the peaceful world..

  9. Norway Police chief Sveinung Sponheim said that Anders Behring Breivik, the terror suspect, is a Christian fundie and a Muslim hater

    Scary, as this remind me of those frequently making comments in this blog for their hate campaign against Islam and Muslims will eventually do the show their-own

  10. Yes yes yes, to everyone's surprise the Oslo Murderer was not a Muslim. Congradulations Muslims, 1 out of the hundreads of Terrorists attacks commited this year alone and you guys can not claim him.

    You can raise your heads a bit from the constent shame that Islam forces you to live under.

    What is sad, is that had this been commited by a Muslim no one would of been shocked. A Muslim going on a Murdereous rampage is as about as shocking as Amy Winehouse being found dead. I mean who really didn't see that one coming?

    Well enjoy this brief respite, but I'm sure the Mujahadeen will be quick to respond and tell the world that Islam is still here.

    Totals for this year.

    Terrorists attacks commited by Non Muslims = 1

    Terrorists attacks commited by Muslims = HTTP 500 "Do to high volume are servers are busy still calculating. TRy again later"

  11. Radmod said:

    Yes yes yes, to everyone's surprise the Oslo Murderer was not a Muslim. Congradulations Muslims, 1 out of the hundreads of Terrorists attacks commited this year alone and you guys can not claim him.

    I say:

    Actually, according to Europol there were 249 terrorist attacks in 2010 and only three of these were carried out by Islamists.
    For 2010 the score is 249 to 3 in Europe. I've got statistics for the US as well if you wan't.

  12. Lupus wrote...

    "I've got statistics for the US as well if you wan't."

    I say Sure you do, thats why you posted them.

  13. Radmod,


    Only 6% of the terrorist attacks on US soil between 1980 and 2005 were comitted by muslims.

    Again enjoy!

  14. “Non Muslims = 1." – Why did you write NON MUSLIMS and not CHRISTIAN? Typical of you – hypocrite and liar. Exposed. Lol
    And one more thing, go check youtube video made by your Christian brother Anders Breivik.

  15. @Lupus you wrote...

    "Actually, according to Europol there were 249 terrorist attacks in 2010 and only three of these were carried out by Islamists.
    For 2010 the score is 249 to 3 in Europe. I've got statistics for the US as well if you wan't."

    You then post FBI statistics about the USA

    So I'm still waiting for your stats from Europool and your stats in Europe.

  16. Hi Radmod,

    Here are the statistics for Europe from Europol:

  17. Come to see us at the moment to
    come by more knowledge and facts
    regarding Come to see us contemporary to grasp more facts and facts anyway [url=]Wędki[/url]

  18. Lopus

    Ok I stand corrected, Muslims only sucessfully had three dawah missions. Could that mean that Muslims have found another way to do dawah in Europe, or does that mean something else. Lets take a look at what the report says...

    "In 2010, 611 individuals were arrested for terrorism-related
    offences. An increased percentage of individuals
    linked to Islamist terrorism (47%) were arrested for the
    preparation of attacks in Member States – an indication
    that Islamist terrorists continue to undertake attack planning
    against Member States."

    So Muslim attacks are down, but Muslim arrested before they can explode is up 47%. What does that tell you?

    HMMM so its not for want of trying, its just the implimentation, there either getting dumber, or Europe police are getting better at catching them before they can say ALLAH AKBAR, or a combination of the two.

    Wel thanks for proving that Islam is still a threat in Europe

  19. It is amazing how Rad Mod loves to divert the issue. Instead of explaining why a Christian terrorist carried out attacks in his own country, a topic ironically Rad Mod brought up himself, he now wants to talk about the extent of Muslim terrorism committed in the West in recent years. What an idiot!

    BTW Rad Mod, if Dawah is evil, should you as a Christian who is taught "DO NOT RESIST AN EVIL PERSON", resist Dawah?

  20. Radmod:

    So Muslim attacks are down, but Muslim arrested before they can explode is up 47%. What does that tell you?

    I say:

    I don't know what justice system you follow but a suspect is considered innocent until convicted in a court of law. These are arrests not convictions. Moreover, a lot of innocent muslims have been arrested on bogus charges just take the US who have released hundreds of innocent prisoners.
    The fact remains only non-muslims = 249 and Muslims = 3.

    If you still insists on brining in arrest statistics non-muslims = 611 and Muslims = 179.

  21. The Muslim hypocrocy knows no limits.

    When it comes to Muslims being arrested before they could practice Islam Lupus responds that they are inocent until proven guilty.

    But when it comes to Non Muslims arrested on terroism charges, well there just guilty, I guess cause there KUFFAR.

    Another Muslim who will remain Anonomyous chimes in that the Oslo murderer is a Christian.

    I am wondering Anon what makes him a Christian?

    Is it his blond hair and blue eyes?

    Is it that he is not a Muslim so therefore he must be a christian by default?

    Tell me what church did he go to?
    Was he shouting and chanting Jesus is Lord when he went on his murdereous rampage?

    In all cases of Muslims practicing Islam on Non Muslims they all seem to chant one thing "ALlah Akbar" before they go boom.

    We can trace Muslim terrorist back to the Masjid where they got there indocrination.

    In a few cases that have been reported, family and friends all report that the Muslim was "Serious about his relegion... THat he was really relegious... a good Muslim"

    ANd here is the best part, I challange you to denoucne Osama bin Ladden as a Muslim. Call him A KUFFAR?

    Well like I said enjoy the respite Muslism I'm sure the Mujahadeen were inspired by this blood bath and will soon respond to let us all know that they are still here.

  22. To Radical Christian Moderate

    “I am wondering Anon what makes him a Christian?” – Because he said so, you hypocrite liar.

  23. I can see that Radical Shamonian here trying so hard to make excuses. lol

  24. Here is the post where Radical Moderate expresses his desire for Muslims to kill each other

  25. @Anon who wrote...

    Because he said so, you hypocrite liar.

    First thank you for exposing how Islam is inferior to Christ.

    Just becasue some one says their a Christian does not make them a Christian.

    However in Islam all someone has to do is say they are a Muslim and say the Shahada once in their life with sincerity and that makes them a Muslim.

    Where as Christ said "Not everyone who calls me Lord Lord will inherit the kingdom of heaven"

    THe bible also says "By their fruits you will know them."

    There are other verses but I think this will do for now.

    So let me ask you do you think this man produced fruits in line with Christ? Do you think Christ would call this man a goat or a lamb?

    Now, lets compare that with Islam. It is Haram to call a Muslim a non Muslim, unless you have proof of his apostasy. Even if he does not pray regulary, eats pork, drinks, fornicates etc... he is still a Muslim just one that needs "GUIDANCE".

    But even if this Muslim does not get this Guidance as as long as he does not die in Shirk, eventually even if he never repents while his is living on the earth for his sins, he will still get into heaven.

    And if this "Muslim" dies in JIHAD then he goes strait to Allahs brothel.

    In Christ we have church discipline, where a Church member can be "Marked" i.e. Excuminicated... Shunned, thrown out of the church.

    To my knowlege there is no such thing in Islam.

    To prove my point, I asked you a Question is "Osama Bin Ladden a Muslim?" or what about the 7-7 bombers in London, or the Madrid Bombers or those that sawed off the head of Daniel Pearl, etc...?

    Well like I said enjoy your respite, basq in the knowlege that this piece of Dung is not a Muslim

  26. It is obvious that this idiot did not read my post. I knew he was going to say "Oh no true Christian would want violence". Hence I wrote:

    "Another Christian who is no less a bloodthirsty bastard wanting Muslims to kill each other is.......YOU!!! Have you forgotten this?

    So before you say no Christian would call for or engage in violence, you yourself are a testimony to the fact that Christians can be violent. No doubt, your Holy Spirit is Satan!"

    You are truly a hypocrite Rad Mod! No doubt, the Holy Spirit which inspires you is the same who inspired the Norwegian Crusader- a demon!

  27. To the Anon who wrote...

    "Here is the post where Radical Moderate expresses his desire for Muslims to kill each other"

    Thank you for mis representing me. But it is not my desire for Muslims to kill each other.

    It is my desire that US forces stop killing Muslism to prevent them from killing other Muslims.

    I want the US government to stay out of the middle east politics.

    If you muslims want to return to the "Godlen Age of Islam" where Muslims killed Muslims I have no problem with that. I say ENJOY, becasue as long as Muslims are killing Muslims, one thing is for sure, there not killing Non Muslims.

    Now what I find interesting is that all though I want for Muslims what they wnat for themselves I am vilified. WHy? I"m the best friend of Islam really I am.

  28. "We support the Sunnis to fight the Shias. I know this sounds bloodthirsty and cold but that's what we need to do"

    You want Sunnis to kill Shias. You ADMIT that your suggestion is bloodthirsty. What exactly am I misrepresenting? The fact that you used the word bloodthirsty is enough evidence that you had something extremely sinister in mind. Hypocrite!

    Also, there is nothing Holy about a Spirit that encourages people to come up with bloodthirsty suggestions. Thus, the Holy Spirit is actually a demon.

  29. To anon, your destruction is complete. I do have some good news for you. YOU WILL NOT BE LONELY

  30. Typical. When Rad Mod runs out of arguments, he writes something like "your destruction is complete" in order to give the impression to people who have not gone through all the posts that he has come out victorious.

  31. To Radical Shamonian
    “First thank you for exposing how Islam is inferior to Christ.” - Islam is inferior to your shamonian religion you hypocrite.

    “Just becasue some one says their a Christian does not make them a Christian.” – Well, I like how you keep exposing yourself. This is what I’m talking about – you’re not a Christian you are a shamonian, lol. And relax; we perfectly know that this terrorist wasn’t representing all Christians as much as you do here, lol.

    “In Christ we have church discipline, where a Church member can be "Marked" i.e. Excuminicated... Shunned, thrown out of the church.” – blah blah blah, so you are saying that if a person not a church member he cannot be a Christian??? lol

    "Osama Bin Ladden a Muslim? or what about the 7-7 bombers in London, or the Madrid Bombers or those that sawed off the head of Daniel Pearl, etc...?” - This is really hilarious to see your ignorance. Lets answer your question – “It is Haram to call a Muslim a non Muslim, unless you have proof of his apostasy.” Remember this? Thanks BTW, lol.

    “Thank you for mis representing me. But it is not my desire for Muslims to kill each other.” – Liar, lol exposed, lol

    “To anon, your destruction is complete.” – Wow this is brutal of you, hey what about a good loving Christian? Please don’t kill me!))) Lol. You’re not just a liar and hypocrite you are also a delusional. It is your usual behavior when you got cornered you began screaming like this and writing with capital letters just to show your importance.

    “Well like I said enjoy your respite, basq in the knowlege that this piece of Dung is not a Muslim” – I can’t say that I’m enjoying here something, I’m not like you who would like to have people killing each other, but I’m glad that this terrorist whose heroes are all Christians is not a Muslim.

    And Radical shamonian just want to remind you what Jesus (pbuh) says in Bible: “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles? Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’”
    Hmm, I’m curios- is man who wanted people to kill each other EVILDOER???

  32. "Typical. When Rad Mod runs out of arguments, he writes something like "your destruction is complete" in order to give the impression to people who have not gone through all the posts that he has come out victorious.

    I'm pretty certain he was referring to your blaspheming of the Holy Spirit....

  33. @Anon Who wrote...

    "I'm pretty certain he was referring to your blaspheming of the Holy Spirit"

    Yes, that is what i was refering too.

    I find it interesting that when ever Muslims get stuck they always default to insulting Gods Holy Spirit. As if some how that hurts us Christians.

    The sad part is that they seal their own fate with childish careless words, spoken in anger as they throw their temper tantrums.

    But like I said there is good news for him, he will not be lonely in Hell.

  34. RadIdiot: But like I said there is good news for him, he will not be lonely in Hell.

    Of course I won't be lonely. After all, I will have you as company.

  35. Just some Quotes from the Oslo Nut cases Manifesto...

    "I'm not going to pretend I'm a very religious person as that would be a lie. I've always been very pragmatic and influenced by my secular surroundings and environment."

    "Religion is a crutch for many weak people and many embrace religion for self serving reasons as a source for drawing mental strength (to feed their weak emotional state for example during illness, death, poverty etc.). Since I am not a hypocrite, I'll say directly that this is my agenda as well."

    If praying will act as an additional mental boost/soothing it is the pragmatical thing to do. I guess I will find out... If there is a God I will be allowed to enter heaven as all other martyrs for the Church in the past. I am pursuing religion for this very reason and everyone else should as well, providing it will give you a mental boost."

    So tell me Muslims, if one of your Mujahadeens was to write things like this would you consider them a Muslim?

  36. @The Blasphmeous Anon

    One more thing before I put you back in the darkness.

    You wrote...

    "Because he said so, you hypocrite liar."

    Ok then by your logic Ahmadians are MUSLIM, becasue they say the are. RIGHT?

    Ergun Canner was a Muslim becasue he said so RIGHT?

    Walled Shoebot was a MUSLIM PLO TERRORIST becasue he said so RIGHT?

  37. @The Blasphemous Anon

    What no response? Has the Holy Spirit silenced your lies just like he did to Ahmed Deedat?

  38. "For one thing, contrary to some reports, Friday prayer is not mandatory for girls of any age, or pre-puberty boys."

    The best thing about this article is that it completely refutes the argument that this is a religious accommodation needed for the practice of Islam. The prayer is optional for these students and the article freely admits that students who aren't required to pray, and some who aren't even allowed to pray, are showing up to these optional prayers. "Religious accommodation" argument submarined. Too funny.
