Sunday 31 July 2011

Zionists Influenced Anders Behring Breivik?

I believe racism and Christian fascists/bigots on the internet were amongst the influencing factors on the Norwegian Christian terrorist, Anders Behring Breivik. God willing, we shall discuss an anti-Muslim Christian missionary website linked to the Norwegian terrorist in the future.

At this moment in time it would be worth considering Dr David Duke’s (a white supremacist) claims of Jewish extremists influencing Anders Behring Breivik. Dr David Duke does highlight Breivik’s anti-Muslim Zionist influences; Daniel Pipes, Hans Rustad, Robert Spencer and Pam Geller. He even calls Anders Behring Breivik a “protégé” of Daniel Pipes and Hans Rustad!

Much of the anti-Muslim propaganda on the internet does stem from Zionists (be they Christian fundamentalists, Jewish extremists or secular foreign interventionists). If you are being led by this inflammatory rhetoric you should at least know who is behind its initiation and the motives of these unsavoury Islamophobic folk.

Shocking Video: Zionist Terrorism in Norway

David Duke: Jewish Extremists Praised and Supported the Actions of Breivik

Dr Duke cites a Hebrew website (Rotter) in which comments SUPPORTING the massacre were found!

Of course, this website could all be passed of as an aberration but what about the persistent anti-Muslim rhetoric coming out of the media savvy Zionist camp. Surely such anti-Muslim propaganda will shape easily-led minds…such as Anders Behring Breivik’s mind!

Note: Duke does present some interesting material, his unacceptable racial views should not impact on the interesting material put forward.



  1. I knew it, thanks for confirming it snowman your a racist biggot, a NAZI.

    I don't know if your aware of this, being British and all, but David Duke, used to be a Grand Draggon of the Klu Klux KLAN.

    A Grand Dragon is a Leader in the organization. So he is a extra special racist.

    Yup nothing unites white supremisists and Muslims together like good ol'e fashion Jew Hatred.

    Like Oreo's and Milk, or in your lingo Chips and Fish.

  2. Rd Mod


    It's mentioned n the post. His material pins zionists like yourself, Geller, Spenver,Pipes etc..

    Do you really think their inflammatory material has had no bearing on thiS Norwegian Christian terrorist?

    Instead you decide to focus on WHO presents the material rather than the content.

    Aslo, if I may point out, you and your pals use the material of the right winged Pat Condell; a person who espouses the most distasteful views on Jesus.

    What unites people who hate Jesus (p) and anti-muslim Christian extremists such as yourself? The answer, a hatred for Muslims!

    Add that to your fish and chips - I assume you have that dish in your debt ridden country....

    Iron sharpens iron as one man sharpens another.

  3. Iron sharpens Iron says the Muslim with the dull blade.

    Snowman you agree with a RACISTS. Enough said.

    I thouhgt the Oslo nut job was described as a Right Wing Christian fanatic?

  4. Do you really think their inflammatory material has had no bearing on thiS Norwegian Christian terrorist?

    First he is not a chrsistian and no I think Islam had more influence on him then anything anyone else had to say.

  5. Rad Mod

    I guess the response was a little too sharp for you, hence your nonsensical response.

    Let's move to old ground, you pay top dollar to Christian apologists yet those folk who sap your cash are not answering the tough questions:

    Talking about old ground, I recall you claiming it was typical of me to go after the Christian fraudster, Walid Shoebat, after he was exposed on American TV.

    Yep it is typical of a Muslim to warn Christians of the sheep in wolves clothing within their flock. Decent Christians would thank me for such efforts, but then again, you're not a decent Christian. You've been spoilt by the 'Christian' fundies who you have been funding - looks like you got your money's worth!

    PS Try not to bludgeon a Muslim to death tonight...keep that Islamophibia in check, take tablets if you have to.

    I bid you good night.

  6. Snowman
    This is almost to good.

    You post a video by confirmed Racist, FACIST/BIGOT, who was state leader of a Racial Terrorist group called the Klu Klux Klan.

    You write in your post...

    "I believe racism and Christian fascists/bigots on the internet were amongst the influencing factors on the Norwegian Christian terrorist,"

    After I point out to you that that man you appealing to is a racist, fascists/bigot and a former leader of a terrorist organization you respond with this...

    "Instead you decide to focus on WHO presents the material rather than the content.,"

    So let me put this all together for you since your not the sharpest blade in the drawer.

    You call people racists facists\bigots becasue they write bad things about Islam and your false prophet.

    You then use a video produced by a man who is a RASCIST\FASCIST\BIGOT, former leader of a racial terrorist organization to back up your claims that the people you call racist\facist\bigots influenced a Nut case to kill a bunch of people.

    When this is pointed out to you, your response is that I should ingore the actual RACIST\FASCIST\BIGGOT former leader of a terrorist organization and instead foccus on his Racist\Fascist\BIGGOTED content.

    Yeah I think that about sums it up.

    Snowman it is true that Iron Sharpens Iron, and Islam dulls the blade.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Snowman one more thing.

    I don't know what ethniticty you are, but I do beleive you as a Muslim at least have some Pakistani friends.

    Well the doctrine of the KLU KLUX KLAN the organization that David Duke is a former leader of, well they say that Pakistani's are MUDD PEOPLE.

    Do you agree with that? Or are you going to ingore the conent and instead foccuss on the presenter of the content LOL

  9. Rad Mod

    Stop, please just stop.

    YES racism influenced Breivik to hate Muslims plus, christian bigots presented misleading material about Muslims which misguided Breivik to hate Muslims further - a bit like yourself.

    As for the content of the video, NOBODY is denying Duke is a racist - it's stated in the post by ME, HOWEVER he makes good points in the video which pin your heroes. I guess that's why your still mucking about in the garden rather than entering the house.

    On this evidence, I assume you have been swindled to the tune of 1000s by Sam, Dave et al.. You really are not interested in an exploration of thought. Christian conmen/charlatans prey on the weak willed/minded, did Shoebat/Caner/Hovind/ChristianPrince/ABN/CBN/Poppov/Haggard get you too?

    You have called me a NAZI without any genuine reasoning at all. I feature material from a (Christian?) bigot (Duke)and you call me a nazi. Yet you refuse to understand WHY it is featured.

    Simultaneously, you and your pals feature material from a man who hates Jesus to the extent of wrongly calling him gay BUT you exempt your pals from the title of Jesus haters. If I'm a nazi for featuring 1 video of Duke's then surely Dave and your other pals are Jesus-haters for feturing a ton of vids by the Jesus hater called Pat Condell.

    Also you get frustrated and begin to insult the Prophet. You are really lost. Grow up and THINK for yourself and stop coming over here in an attempt to impress those who you foolishly give cash to.

    Stop wasting my time.

    If you can answer the questions in the link posted above then do so - your Christian heroes have been unable to do so, I geuss that's why your so frustrated and insulting Muslims. The reason why they cannot answer is because of flaws in Christianity, not because of flaws in your heroes' intellects.

    I hope you are not the next Anders Behring Breivik - the American version. Take those pills to curb your Islamophobia. If you have given your last few dollars to Sam/Dave and need a handout to purchase a new subscription, let me know I may be able to help you financially.

    Sadly, I fear ths comment will just go over your head and you will continue down the same odious path you are on.

    Iron sharpens iron as one man sharpens another.

  10. Islamabad: Pakistani authorities recently detained the US Ambassador to Pakistan Cameron Munter, at Islamabad airport. Pakistani officials said they were enforcing a rule that requires all foreign diplomats to have a "No-objection Certificate" (NoC) for travelling outside Islamabad.
    Mr Munter, who reportedly possessed the NoC, was stopped at Benazir Bhutto International Airport, and asked about the document, while he was travelling to Karachi last week. The envoy "strongly protested" the incident, which was subsequently taken up with President Asif Ali Zardari, the Dawn newspaper reported.

    The incident reflects the tensions that have characterized Pakistan-US relations in recent since al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden was killed by American special forces in a covert raid in Abbottabad on May 2.

    Pakistan has threatened to impose "more formal restrictions" where US diplomats will have to provide prior notification before traveling in the country. They however dropped the demand when the US administration threatened similar restrictions for Pakistani diplomats in the US, an unnamed US official was quoted as saying by ABC News.

    Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) has also begun keeping a close watch on American diplomats in the wake of the raid against Bin Laden as it believed the CIA was running a secret network of American and Pakistani operatives in the country....

  11. Radical Moderate.
    Watch your another hero Pamela Geller is busted. Lol

  12. sam shamoun suporter31 July 2011 at 13:51

    Anders Behring Breivik: Christian terrorist? Right-wing extremist? Madman?

    When news broke about the bombing in Olso, many commentators assumed links with Islamic extremism. When reports came of the massacre on Utøya island, perpetrated by a “tall, blonde, Nordic, man,” speculation quieted down until Anders Behring Breivik was identified. News reports first described Breivik as a “Christian terrorist,” largely on the basis of his Facebook profile and his postings to Christian fundamentalist Web sites. After his manifesto became public, Breivik was characterized as a “right-wing extremist.” To most, the Christian terrorist/right-wing extremist distinction makes little real difference: Only a madman could engage in such wanton killing.

  13. @Snowman

    You wrote...

    "Stop, please just stop."

    Your famous last words, when you know you have been exposed for who you are a Facist, Nazi Bigot.

    You wrote...

    "As for the content of the video, NOBODY is denying Duke is a racist - it's stated in the post by ME, HOWEVER he makes good points in the video which pin your heroes."

    So you admit it, you are influecned by RACIST NAZI BIGOTS. Simply Amazing.

    You also wrote...

    " I guess that's why your still mucking about in the garden rather than entering the house."

    I don't want to enter your house.

    You then wrote...

    "You have called me a NAZI without any genuine reasoning at all."

    No reasoining at all???? Lets see here. You support Sharia law, I still have are email exhchange where you say that being segregated living under apartide, being forbidden to build churches, where relegious symbols, sing hymms, being forced to give up our seats to Muslims, being forced to wear a yellow sash, etc... in your words I "should take a CHILL PILL", and its NO BIG DEAL.

    Also in your zeal to promote the bigotry and racsim that is Islam stated words to the affect of "WHy would a Islamic Theorcracy allow non Muslims any rights?" and that we should feal blessed to have any rights at all under Islamic law.

    YOu then post a video produced by a Known racsist, Biggot, former leader of a Racial Terrosit orgnization. A group that Lynched African Americans, dragged them behind cars to their death, burned and bombed churches killed little children and all kinds of other nastyness. To promote your genocidal hatred of Jews.

    you then write...

    I feature material from a (Christian?) bigot (Duke)and you call me a nazi. Yet you refuse to understand WHY it is featured.

    So now David Duke is a Christian, and I know the reason why you featured the video, it is becasue it supports your racist, biggoted views and your hatred for anything or anyone that is not Islamic.

    You then write...

    " If I'm a nazi for featuring 1 video of Duke's"

    Your a Nazi becasue your a Muslim, posting the video by duke just exposes who you are and your true agenda.

    But the best part that exposes you is your previous blog post, the one where you defend the murder by Muslims of a Jew.

    So yahya I am that Jew, I write bad things about your prophet, funny limerics about Muslim woman, I want to do a video called Hijabbi Hotties and Burka Babes gone wild. So according to your logic I SHOULD BE KILLED for exersising my free speach. It would be justifyable in your heart for me to be murdered.

    By the way that is the same reasoning that the Oslo nut case used to justify the murder of 80 something non Muslims. Like I said he was influenced by Islam.

    Yahya try not to take a cricket bat to any Kuffar's head tonight. And if you do decide to someday strap a bomb on, then please make sure you get some live fire practice in.

  14. THanks Snowman for proving that Islam really dulls the blade

  15. My post was not posted.

    Well I will just sum up.

    Snowman wrote...

    "As for the content of the video, NOBODY is denying Duke is a racist - it's stated in the post by ME, HOWEVER he makes good points in the video which pin your heroes."

    Snowman thank you for admitting that you are influenced by Racist, Facisits, Biggots. Honesty is a rare thing in a Muslim.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. This Yahya fellow certainly does have an interesting taste in sources when forming and argument. I'm really just about speechless. What an odd choice.

  18. @Radical Moderate


    Firstly you accuse me of being a "Nazi" based on my featuring of an unrelated video which happens to be made by a white supremacist.

    I then point out Wood and your pals lap up material by a Jesus-hater named Pat Condell and I ask does that not make them "Jesus-haters" based on your illogical thought pattern?

    You then go into panic mode and change your premis for calling me a "Nazi". This time you distort an email exchange.

    Oh OK.

    As for the rest of what you said:


    @ Berean Serch

    Same as above. Looks like Dave and your pals have an interesting taste in sources as you guys lap up material by a Jesus hater called Pat Condell. Be consistent.

  19. ZEICH HEIL SNOWMAN you wrote...

    "Firstly you accuse me of being a "Nazi" based on my featuring of an unrelated video which happens to be made by a white supremacist."

    I don' know how the video is unrealted to you being influenced by a whitesupremcist in which he falsly accusses the Oslo Nut case of being influenced by "islamaphobes" since you are influenced by this white supremcist. Or are you saying you share the same views as a white supremcist?

    You then babble I mean blunder on...

    "I then point out Wood and your pals lap up material by a Jesus-hater named Pat Condell and I ask does that not make them "Jesus-haters" based on your illogical thought pattern?"

    You provided no PROOF of that, I demand proof before I respond. However even if that is true, it does not take away from that fact that you are eitehr influenced or share the same views as a WHITE SUPREMICIST.

    Do you agree with KKK that Pakistani's, Mexicans, asians, anyone not white and not african, or a jew are "MUD PEOPLE" is that your view Snowman? Becasue thats what your hero David Duke believes.

    You then continue to fumble on with...

    "You then go into panic mode and change your premis for calling me a "Nazi". This time you distort an email exchange."

    Really I distorted an email echange, let me hand you some more rope.

    So how did I distort our email exchange are you saying you did not write the things in the context I laid out?

    Please show everyone how "RIGHTLY GUIDED you are by explaing that oppression of Non Muslims under Islamic law is "No BIG DEAL" Please tell them to take a chill pill becasue we should not expect any rights under a Islamic theocracy.

    Do tell.

    WEll enjoy your starvation month, please give food to the starving Muslims so they can go with out food and water during the day for your god.

    Your as backwards as your relgion. Even your calander moves backwards. NOW THAT IS BACKWARDS.

  20. Rad Mud rake said:

    Do you agree with KKK that Pakistani's, Mexicans, asians, anyone not white and not african, or a jew are "MUD PEOPLE" is that your view Snowman? Becasue thats what your hero David Duke believes.

    I say:

    Why are you lying? He's not a member of the KKK. He's a former member who now rejects those ideas. He's a patriot and a nationalist who opposes immigration. The only difference between him and many of your fundie patriot Christian friends is that he opposes Zionism.
    You want Mr Snow to give you proof that Condell is a jesus hater, but fail to give proof that Duke is a rasist, let alone Nazi. If you judge people by their past actions, then in the name of consistency you should apply that on your butt friend Dave who tried to kill his own father.

  21. Mud rake said:

    Please show everyone how "RIGHTLY GUIDED you are by explaing that oppression of Non Muslims under Islamic law is "No BIG DEAL" Please tell them to take a chill pill becasue we should not expect any rights under a Islamic theocracy.

    I say:

    Actually as a fundie red neck christian you should prefer Islamic rule over secular rule, because under islamic rule you have the right to judge according to christian civil law. In what secular country does religious minorities have the right to judge by their civil laws? Moreover, history is on our side. How many jews fled to christian countries after having been forced to convert in Spain? Actually, christians have lived in Muslim countries in peace for centuries.
    With the amount of hate you and your butt friend dave and nabeel have towards muslims, if you were in power it wouldn't be a pleasant place for muslims. Actually, you have millions of right wing christians who would have a field day with muslims if they came into power in the states. If you believe in the irerrancy of the bible you will automatically prosecute muslims if you could.
    The funny thing is that you and your butt friend don't have that power so all you can do is moan on the web as the hypocritical cowards you are.

  22. Loopy said...

    "Actually as a fundie red neck christian you should prefer Islamic rule over secular rule, because under islamic rule you have the right to judge according to christian civil law."

    Really, so we can put Muslims to death for Blaspheming against the holy spirit?

  23. Loopy wrote...

    "Why are you lying? He's not a member of the KKK. He's a former member who now rejects those ideas. He's a patriot and a nationalist who opposes immigration. The only difference between him and many of your fundie patriot Christian friends is that he opposes Zionism."

    HA HA HA, first he is not a "FORMER MEMBER" he is former Regional leader. Second he does not reject those idea's. He left the clan becasue he did not like where they were going politicaly. It was a decision based on career, not on ideology.

    Finaly he ran for President and did try to sell his nonsense but it was apparent that he was the face of the New KKK. I'm going from memory but I think he got busted spouting racial nonsense on a hot mic or a undercover mic etc...

    But I find it funny that you think that a racist is a PATRIOT lol

  24. Mud rake,

    It shouldn't be that difficult for you to provide statements from Duke where he expresses racist views.

    Concerning christian law I meant private law and it would only be applicable to Christians.

    But I do appreciate your honesty. If you and your butt friends were in power you would enforce blasphemy laws, the same kind of laws you so vehemently oppose in some Islamic countries. Talk about double standards.
