Friday 19 August 2011

Young Man From Utøya Massacre Converts to Islam


Rescapé de l'attentat d'Utoya, il se convertit

Need I say more? :)


We have a video on our hands that confirms the young man's conversion to Islam. For those who don't wish to wade through the video you can watch his shahada at 15:00:


  1. "We Muslims have an inferiority complex and are terribly sensitive to the world, feeling that our Islamic religion needs constant, practically daily, confirmation by way of Europeans and Americans converting to Islam. What rapturous joy takes us when a European or American announces [their conversion to] Islam—proof that we are in a constant state of fear, alarm, and chronic anticipation for Western validation or American confirmation that our religion is "okay." We are hostages of this anticipation, as if our victory hinges on it—forgetting that true victory is for us to create or to accomplish something, such as those [civilizations] that these converts to our faith abandon.

    And we pound our drums and blow our horns [in triumph] and drag the convert to our backwardness, so that he may stand with us at the back of the world's line of laziness, [in the Muslim world] wherein no new scientific inventions have appeared in the last 500 years. Sometimes those who convert relocate to our countries—only to get on a small boat and escape on the high seas back to their own countries."

    Khaled Montaser, Muslim Intellectual

  2. Congradulations, another reject, another one Christ has driven away.

  3. I don't think he has read the quran/hadiths/tafsirs in just one month, just another of those people who feel "peace" or a good vib by listening to religious texts or visiting a place of worship, Satan gotta like this.
    Oh wait a minute, not a big deal, he will leave islam in a couple of months/years like the majority of the so called "converts"... well if he does, he better be quiet, cause islam loves apostates like everybody knows, and if you say the contrary you must be a big racist, islamophobic bigot like Breivik and you should be put to jail right know to let the tolerant and peaceful sharia transform your country into a somalian battleground where nearly 100% of rapes are done on non-muslims girls, exclusively by muslims immigrants.
    But it is better to promote the convert dude than to deal with the dark side because for the average muslim, as on this blog, they are two kinds of people in the world : the muslims and the islamophobes, the rest doesn't matter.

  4. //Oh wait a minute, not a big deal, he will leave islam in a couple of months/years like the majority of the so called "converts"... //

    uh oh, philippians 1:18 alert!

  5. Survey: 1 in 8 Americans Switched Out of Christianity

  6. As a convert and activist, I must let you haters know that there are strong Caucasian convert muslim communities being established in the united states. You better be scared now, because we are erasing the backwardness that some cultural influences bring to islam and are making it relevant to our experiences as americans. Indeed it appears as if meses, peace be upon him, may have in fact rejected you. Your hateful tone exposes your godliness. May God have mercy on your soul.

  7. @The Anon who wrote...

    "because we are erasing the backwardness that some cultural influences bring to islam and are making it relevant to our experiences as americans"

    So your changing ISLAM to make it American, wow Americanizing Islam. THere is a word for that I thinks its called inovation.

    Well good luck to you, and I think its a good idea that you posted that under a ANON handle. Cause those that have that backward Islam, well they dont like those that Inovate their Islam. So keep your head man.

  8. as usual radical missed the point.
    anonymous was speaking of the CULTURAL practices that tarnish islam.

  9. Anon, thanks for the prayer - "May God have mercy on your soul" - that was very un-Islamic of you. Is that the sort of "cultural" backwardness you are getting rid of?


  10. only a christian who is afraid to reveal himself laughs at his own jokes

  11. Ehem (throat clear).....please direct your attention to the quote at the top of this thread ;)

  12. 'Inferiority complex?'

    Hardly. When we're told that Muslims are the best of creation, we hold by it solemnly.


  13. Refuting,

    Yes, people with low self-esteem and inferiority issues always need outside validation to soothe there insecurities. This is the point of Montaser's statement. The fact that you draw this validation not only from western converts, but also from a bunch of nonsense scribbled down by the Bedouin followers of a 7th century war-monger is certainly no more impressive, and shows your inferiority complex to be no less profound.

    Also, I wouldn't be so readily bragging in public on the Quran's claim that Muslims are the "best of creation". The flip side of this is it's claim that non-Muslims are the "worst of creatures". In this you only highlight the supremacist aspects of your totalitarian theopolitical ideology. The Quran's demonizing of non Muslims simply serves to create a false moral framework for subjugation and domination of non Muslims by Muslims. Ironically, as so many Muslims have been hopping on the bandwagon to claim that "Islamophobia" and demonizing of Muslims creates a hostile environment that will lead to violence against Muslims, the turn about condemns your Quran. The Quran dehumanizes and demonizes non Muslims, therefore, the Quran is responsible for creating an environment of violence against non Muslims. Thanks for showing us all why the mainstream media should be condemning the Quran and it's followers.

  14. Refuting said...

    "Hardly. When we're told that Muslims are the best of creation, we hold by it solemnly.


    Thanks you for confirming that Islam promotes bigotry, prejudice and hatred of others who are not Muslim.

  15. Is there any wonder Muslims have such an inferiority complex? The region longest influenced by Islam (the Arab world) has translated into their language about as many books in the last 1,000 years as Spain translates into Spanish in one year. Read that and many other abysmal facts here: ["Self Doomed to Failure"]

    "Another, no less grave, result is the dearth of creativity. The report comments sadly on the severe shortage of new writing, and, for instance, the decline in the film industry. Nor are foreign books much translated: in the 1,000 years since the reign of the Caliph Mamoun, say the authors, the Arabs have translated as many books as Spain translates in one year."

  16. Refuting: "'Inferiority complex?'

    Hardly. When we're told that Muslims are the best of creation, we hold by it solemnly."

    ....and yet Dar-ul-Islam languishes far behind the kuffar in every respect. How is a Muslim to reconcile the fact that the Quran says he is superior with the undeniable facts that show the results of his society are in every measurable way inferior?

    Is Allah unable to help the Muslims?...Unthinkable.

    Is the Quran wrong?...Blasphemy.

    What's a poor little jihadi to do? I know...blame the west and the Jews...yeah that's the solution.

    No wonder so many Muslims are in a constant state of anxiety and neurosis needing to see a constant parade of western converts to soothe their inferiority complex. Reality just doesn't match up with what the Quran says about their so called "superiority".

  17. yahya can you block anonymous people. they're REALLY annoying and it forces them to come out from hiding.

    i have no clue why christians continue to whine about how Islam see's Muslims superior when Christianity outright condemnd non-christians. On legal matters Muslims and non-Muslims are pretty much equal under Islamic law, though its not the same in Christianity.

    I'm really tired of these anonymous christians. they just use hit and run tactics.

  18. Ali: "yahya can you block anonymous people. they're REALLY annoying and it forces them to come out from hiding."

    Hey, there's your perfect solution Ali. When you can't respond, silence the criticism. Why not? It worked for Muhammad when the poets mocked him.

    Ali: "I'm really tired of these anonymous christians. they just use hit and run tactics."

    A) I'm not a Christian
    B) Define "hit and run". I've been posting salient comments and even coming back to respond for 3 days.

  19. Ali,

    I hate to say this but I think our rivals are jealous! Just ignore them, brother.

  20. @Ali

    you lied "On legal matters Muslims and non-Muslims are pretty much equal under Islamic law, though its not the same in Christianity."

    Thats just a lie there is no ohter way to put it, that is a LIE.

  21. radical, why do you have to open your mouth all the time?

    "Those non-muslims who live in an Islamic state with proper permission from the state are given the same rights as the Muslims are" and Beliefs (احكام الايمان والعقاىْد)

  22. Ouch, something must have hit a nerve with these unchirsitan christians. Radical seriously I hope you find something more beneficial with your time. Go ask God for guidance or something. Get a woman in your life. Islam promotes marriage, in fact getting married is 50% of our religion. We would all attend your wedding.. seriously just do something else before you turn into the next anders breivik.

  23. "Islam promotes marriage, in fact getting married is 50% of our religion."

    Of course Islam promotes marriage. Muhammad commanded his followers that they need to be the most numerous in terms of population. It's all part of Jihad by reproduction. It's an integral part of establishing the world-wide hegemony and rule of Islam and Sharia (fight the unbelievers until all religion on earth is for Allah alone).

    Maybe that's what inspired a Muslim to say the following:

    "One day millions of men will leave the southern hemisphere of this planet to burst into the northern one. But not as friends. Because they will burst in to conquer, and they will conquer by populating it with their children. Victory will come to us from the wombs of our women."

    -Houari Boumedienne, President of Algeria, 1974 Speech before the United Nations

  24. @ anonymous

    algeria is a secular country, with all things haraam legalized. boumadienne was a fighter for algeria's independence against the french, so why wouldn't he make a remark like that? he was saying algeria would do to what france did to algeria.

    sorry but as usual your arguments fail.

  25. I find it comical that these christians claim Jihad by reproduction. When a cicvilaztion stops reproducing it will eventually become a minority and eventually become powerless. Scared to loose your white privledge? You know, it isnt the Muslims you need to worry about in the US. It is the Latinos. The latinos are also planning Jihad by reproduction.

  26. Ali,

    My point was that the former Algerian president comes from a region historically dominated by Islam, hence my use of the the speculative word "maybe" before the quote.

    Your wishful thinking still doesn't change the fact (which I believe you are only too aware) that Muhammad commanded his followers to increase the cult by use of birth rate. You'd be hard pressed to find a pious Muslim that doesn't believe it is a binding duty to bear children and grow the 'ummah':

    Narrated Ma'qil ibn Yasar:
    A man came to the Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) and said: I have found a woman of rank and beauty, but she does not give birth to children. Should I marry her? He said: No. He came again to him, but he prohibited him. He came to him third time, and he (the Prophet) said: Marry women who are loving and very prolific, for I shall outnumber the peoples by you. (Sunan Abu Dawud, Book 11, Number 2045)

  27. @Anonymous above me. Race has nothing to do with it. Latinos do not seek to impose Sharia and usurp existing laws, nor carry an ideology that mandates subjugation of non believers. P.S., I'm Latino.

  28. @ anonymous

    reliability of that hadith?

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  30. That Hadith is referring to the Day of Judgement. Regardless, I don't see why the sudden surge of hate for Muslim reverts. If you go to David Wood's YouTube channel they'll often post videos of Christians who left Islam.

    Why the double standards?

  31. Reading the comments section always is a laugh here. The absolute, abject and pitiful mockery these christain make of themselves is a revelation of their inner seething envy. Imagine, 9-11 occurs, gets blamed on Muslims and thousands of non- Muslims convert to Islam, die hard Islam bashers convert to Islam, almost any life changing event these days will cause a person to reflect on the world and a conversion(or conversions) occurs. As to the jealous ridden clown whose fanciful wishful thinking caused him to wistfully say “he will leave Islam in a month” please provide verifiable evidence of your deranged holy ghost inspired tripe. By your sick and twisted perspective, Islam should be the fasted religion to LOSE adherents, would you swear on your holy ghost that such is the case? Case closed.. I wish I could come here more often, but time does not allow for it right now, especially with Ramadan. But Christianity truly is a dead religion, and that isn’t a shocker, it defiles mans intellect, it disturbs mans sense and sensibilities, it defies basic fundamental human endeavor to think rationally. Cheers

  32. Mahdi: "That Hadith is referring to the Day of Judgement."

    That's hilarious. Muhammad tells to marry women of reproductive prowess, and brags that his people will outnumber others, and someone you say it's about Judgement Day. Truly comical :)

    Perhaps that Hadith had something to do with Anjem Choudary's thinking when he told the Muslims of Britain to out reproduce the non Muslims:

    'Have more babies and Muslims can take over the UK'

  33. "...almost any life changing event these days will cause a person to reflect on the world and a conversion(or conversions) occurs"

    Ah, so you're saying the truth of the claims of Islam are not the reason for conversion, and it was more a coincidence that someone happened to be giving dawa at just the right time to scoop up someone who was confused after a life changing event (like nearly being killed). I think you're right.

    "Reading the comments section always is a laugh here." said it. You might want to consider the sensitive feelings of your Muslim 'brothers' before you belittle there comments though. Or maybe at least head Khaled Montaser's words: "We Muslims have an inferiority complex and are terribly sensitive to the world..."

  34. Mahdi: "I don't see why the sudden surge of hate for Muslim reverts."

    What on earth are you talking about Mahdi? I see no hateful comments directed towards any converts to Islam. Perhaps you are projecting, since your cult requires you to hate disbelievers in your heart, and demands the execution of those that have the sense to leave the cult.

  35. anonymous you can read about the hadith here:

  36. A man tortured in Norway for leaving Islam.

    At Hå asylmum centre, "Ali" had boiling water poured over him after converting to Christianity and not fasting during Ramadan. Now he and other converts fear for their lives.

    "If you do not return to Islam, we kill you," was the message "Ali" got from other Muslims at the Hå asylum centre. He does not wish to have his face or real name published, out of fear of the Muslims at the centre. If Afghan authorities come to know about his conversion, he risks the death penalty by stoning if he is sent back to his home country.

    If you speak Norwegian, you can read about it here.

    Let's hope that the young Norwegian man in this video isn't further terrorized if he should one day change his mind about Islam.

  37. "Imagine, 9-11 occurs, gets blamed on Muslims and thousands of non- Muslims convert to Islam, die hard Islam bashers convert to Islam, almost any life changing event these days will cause a person to reflect on the world and a conversion(or conversions) occurs."

    So what? millions, if not billions of people became strong communists atheists in a few decades of the last century, almost one third of the earth population, despite the millions of deaths this satanic ideology occured...
    The Eastern Churches were nearly extinct during seventy years of hell, but as soon as the soviet union melted down, the Church came back in it's original state in less than 10 years and you 're telling me farther christianty is dead? Don't make your nasty dreams a reality, the Church will last until the end of the world.
    I was talking about Russia, well new christians today :

    "As to the jealous ridden clown whose fanciful wishful thinking caused him to wistfully say “he will leave Islam in a month” please provide verifiable evidence of your deranged holy ghost inspired tripe."

    Those are facts, boy, your own scholars are aware of it, 75% of the converts to islam in the US leave Islam within a few years, in the UK it is 30 to 40%, I guess when those newbies will find out they 'll have to kiss a black stone, pray before they step into the toilet with the right foot first and avoid to have their ears full of satan's urine, they 'll say to themselves : "what is this foolishness? I'm out of here!"
    And I didn't mention the number of apostates! lol....
    And most muslims converts are prisonners and non-muslims converting in order to marry a muslim.
    You muslims need to stop thinking everybody who converts to your religion will never leave, remember that war when almost the whole of Arabia rejected islam when your prophet died? give me a break...

    "By your sick and twisted perspective, Islam should be the fasted religion to LOSE adherents, would you swear on your holy ghost that such is the case?"

    Most people are scared to be killed if the leave islam, add the poor literacy rate in muslim countries then you'll get the answer, pretty much like an islamic soviet union.

    "But Christianity truly is a dead religion, and that isn’t a shocker, it defiles mans intellect, it disturbs mans sense and sensibilities, it defies basic fundamental human endeavor to think rationally. Cheers"

    Jesus said many people will be deceive by false prophets and Muhammad is without a doubt the best fulfillment of this prophecy and many others.
    You are the dead man walking boy, laugh now but don't cry later.
    chritianity irrational? Read Thomas Aquinas and tell me why so many great philosophers in history were and are devout christians?
    Have a bite and chew it well.

  38. //Those are facts, boy, your own scholars are aware of it, 75% of the converts to islam in the US leave Islam within a few years, in the UK it is 30 to 40%//

    LOL yea okayyyy

  39. Ali said:

    "@ anonymous

    algeria is a secular country, with all things haraam legalized. boumadienne was a fighter for algeria's independence against the french, so why wouldn't he make a remark like that? he was saying algeria would do to what france did to algeria.

    sorry but as usual your arguments fail."

    Since 2006,I believe,or near about,it is illegal in Algeria to leave Islam or go to prison.It is illegal to use the freedom of speech right to convince a Muslim Islam is not true.

    It is essentially a Sharia mentality in Algeria.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. @ minoria

    may i have a source? and what's the point of saying leaving islam is illegal when, like i said before, ALL haraam things are legalized?

    what you said is essentially a holy spirit mentality.
