Sunday 28 April 2013

Muslims Against Porn

Pornography's Effect on Health and Society

A wave of porn plague sweeps throughout the world affecting people from all walks of life creating havoc to almost everyone who sees it, with over 75 million porn addicts worldwide and growing fast, it has also reached the Muslim world. Porn Addiction has destroyed family's and society's. Not only is porn addiction a health issue, New research shows that porn has a devastating effect on the brain.

Shocking statistics show how a whole new society of problems has caused this growing world epidemic that has been blamed for high rates of divorce, child molestation, increase of rape cases and abuse against women and children. So what can we do to prevent this? Or if you are effected by it how can you stop? Brother Alyas talks about internet porn addiction its adverse effects and how to deal with it from an Islamic prospective.

Stats on Pornography

$13.33 Billion was spent in the porn industry in 2006, U.S. porn revenue exceeds the combined revenues of ABC, CBS and NBC. Every second . . . $3,075.64 is spent on pornography

Every Second . . . 28,258 people are viewing pornography.

Every 39 Minutes . . . A new pornographic video is created in the United States.

There are 116.000 searches for child pornography everyday 40 million Americans are regular visitors to porn sites

PORN ON THE WEB - 42.7% of internet users view pornography

1.5 Billion Pornographic downloads per month (peer-to-peer)

Over 420 million Pornographic pages Over 13,000 porn movies produced every year (35% of total downloads)

4.2 Million Pornographic websites (12% of total websites)

68 Million Daily pornographic search engine requests (25% of total requests).

72 Million Worldwide internet users visit adult sites per month 34% of average users received unwanted pornographic exposure

The average child sees their first porn by the age of just 11. Between 60 and 90 per cent of under-16s have viewed hardcore online pornography, and the single largest group of internet porn consumers is reported to be children aged 12 to 17.

PLEASE NOTE - Data above based on a 2006 study

1 comment:

  1. Logging in and browsing pornographic sites is forbidden in Islam because a Muslim is always commanded to lower his/her gaze.

    Wasting lives and times doing things which Allah forbade them to do, these acts cause psychological and social injury, Muslim scholars say.
    A Muslim is always commanded to spend his time in useful things, cherish what benefits him in the present, plan for his coming days, and always make the reward of the Hereafter his/her top priority.
