Wednesday 1 May 2013

Scandal: ACT! for America David Wood

David Wood recently wrote this on his blog: For those in the Orlando, FL, area, I'll be speaking this Thursday for the Orlando Chapter of ACT! for America

I wonder if the organisers know that David Wood is a dishonest man whose record on the internet would make any responsible organisation run a mile from him. For those who are unaware, here are a few past episodes of David-Woodery we have highlighted:


  1. You forgot to provide this.

  2. I meant <a href=">this</a>.

  3. You ought to experiment and jump all over within the pattern.

    My web-site; dumbells sets

  4. who is this glory hound who keeps putting links to his site on every post on this blog? My goodness. Get over yourself. I have read some of the stuff there and it is some of the worst I have seen. Yahya's stuff is bad, but this other guys stuff is so much worse that I won't even waste my time reading any more from him.

  5. Dr. James Tabor: Gospel of Mark’s Ending is “Patently Bogus” and “Patently False”
