Thursday 27 June 2013

Islamophobes (Mis)Using Rape Victims to Attack Muslims

At least one bigot on the internet is using the following story to demonize Muslims. This bigot is actually collecting cash as he disguises his anti-Muslim propaganda as a Christian ministry.

Do these Christian bigots actually stop to think about the victim/s? It's almost as though these people rub their hands with glee whenever they come across a rapist who happens to be Muslims. Most rapists are non-Muslim. For some reason these bigots never highlight the non-Muslim rapists. Desperate evangelism?

Answering Muslims: Here's the story a bigot on the net was misusing:

United Kingdom—Members of a sadistic paedophile ring convicted of grooming vulnerable underage girls for sexual exploitation threatened to decapitate the baby of one of their young victims, a court heard today.

The Old Bailey in central London was also told that one of the Oxford-based sex ring’s victims has considered suicide while another suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of the abuse.

Statements from some of the victims' parents were read out in court ahead of the sentencing of the gang, in which they described how the seven defendants had ruined their daughters' lives.

The court heard the extent of the girls' psychological damage, with one admitting she is prone to depression and self-harming, while another suffers nightmares, panic attacks and flashbacks.

A statement from the mother of that girl said her daughter developed
chronic insomnia and also suffered a minor stroke, believed to have been brought on by the stress of what happened.

She said the family had to leave their home, leading to her daughter receiving a call in which she was threatened with having her face cut off, and relatives having their throat slit and being decapitated.

Muslims have least sex outside of marriage


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  7. Aux non musulmans de convertir a l'islam et aux musulmans d'appliquer le coran a 100% en Usa aujourd'hui pour éviter leurs extermination par ces punitions d'ALLAH les inondations les séismes les foudres grêlons les tornades tsunami volcan incendie de forêt canicule météorite coronavirus les accidents de la route train crash d'avion naufrage si la fin du monde pour éviter l'enfer après l'islam les autres religions ne sont pas valable la preuve ce verset ALLAH dit (Quiconque recherche en dehors de l´islam une autre religion, celle-ci ne sera point acceptée de Lui , et dans l´autre monde, il sera du nombre des réprouvés.)85 sourate Al´Imrane
