Tuesday 25 June 2013

Smarten up Anthony Rogers, Radical Moderate and C.L.Edwards

Here's another comment from my other blog, concerning a post regarding David Wood, from a gentleman who is studying theology:


Wow I might feel a little lame for commenting on an article posted several months ago, but I came across this article when I was searching for commentary on the debate between Robert Spencer and Dr. Daniel Peterson, on the subject of “Is Islam a threat”. Great post, rationality is certainly needed for religious debates, especially if you’re debating religious issues, an area considered taboo by many. While I myself am not a Muslim, I am studying theology at a university, and one of biggest annoyances is when Quranic passages are ripped put of context.

I used to follow Wood and Shamoun, when I was a Christian, to keep a long story short, I lost trust in them over time. Look forward to reading more of your entries!

Folk who are willing to think for themselves are indeed recognising your associates/leaders to be people who are not to be trusted. These people serve themselves and not any faith they may claim to represent (badly).

Time to stop wasting your lives with these guys. On your way out please do have a word with them to help them reform too.


  1. There are many more lads like Chris, God-willing.

    If people trust their common sense, no way they want to drink poisons from haters like Shamoun, Rogers, Wood etc..

  2. LOL

    Wow kind of funny how all these "comments" are on your OTHER BLOG and not this one.

  3. It is also kind of funny that you talk like this knowing you have banned these people from commenting here and have run from their debate challenges. LOOOOOL!!!!

  4. Bro Snow

    Might want this posted: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=da3YLuyw8bQ

    The definition of kawaib has been included. Watch it! You might want to include the passage on your blog.

  5. Radical is a hater. Truth hurts.

  6. Anon

    Yes i'm a hater and the truth which is Christ does not hurt me. But the truth which is Christ will and does hurt you

  7. Radical u r brainwashed.

  8. Look at way radical wants ppl to think the comment is fake. Trinity is fake. Janes white arabic is fake. Sham is fakester

  9. Radical Moderate,

    Can you please tell me why Sam Shamoun lied about the word "Kawaaib" 12 years ago with that debate with Shabir Ally?:


  10. Sam is lost.

  11. Snowman

    I have asked you a few questions on this thread and others that you have not responded to. Other then saying I'm insulting and informing me that you have deleted my posts lol.

    I'm feeling kind of neglected here lol.

    But I would like to know your opinion on Osama's statements in the debate with Dr Delcour.

    Osama said...

    1. Jesus is the perfect manifestation of all of Gods attributes

    2.The word is divine

    3. God talks to the Word

    4. Before creation Jesus existed

    5. Jesus was created from the word but not the word itself

  12. Snowman

    I have asked you a few questions on this thread and others that you have not responded to. Other then saying I'm insulting and informing me that you have deleted my posts lol.

    I'm feeling kind of neglected here lol.

    But I would like to know your opinion on Osama's statements in the debate with Dr Delcour.

    Osama said...

    1. Jesus is the perfect manifestation of all of Gods attributes

    2.The word is divine

    3. God talks to the Word

    4. Before creation Jesus existed

    5. Jesus was created from the word but not the word itself

  13. Radical. Why ur brother in hate Shamoun ran away from debating br. Osama Abdallah??


  14. Anon

    Yah sure looks like he is running from the debate in this debate...


  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Yahya,

    Since I need to smarten up, is there any chance you could help me out in that debate I have been chasing you to do for years on end now? All you have to do is agree to debate and then you can school me like you pretend you are doing on your blog where your only hope is to delete my comments and "ban" me and pretend I said one thing or another. Let's do it, Yahya.

  17. Anthony Rogers I thought you were banned, its good to see u posting. Looks like Snowman needs to Smarten up :)

  18. Radmod, your excessive attachment with Yahya's blog but lacking any useful interactions with Muslims only petulant disturbance make me question mental heath.

    Like Shamoun, you probably needs psychiatric assistance.

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. RadMod

    Your insult against Muslims was removed.

    As for your questions pertaining to Osama, I would need to view the video again but it's best you ask him clarify the statements you would like further thought on.

    I ay review the debate

  21. RadMod

    Your insult against Muslims was removed.

    As for your questions pertaining to Osama, I would need to view the video again but it's best you ask him clarify the statements you would like further thought on.

    I ay review the debate

  22. Snowman you wrote...

    "Your insult against Muslims was removed."

    My Response: So it was insulting when I used Erics words but not insulting when Eric used those words.

    Demonstrating that Islamic justice we kuffar have come to love.

    You wrote...

    As for your questions pertaining to Osama, I would need to view the video again but it's best you ask him clarify the statements you would like further thought on.

    My Response:

    I thought you watched the debate? He says these things during the cross X.

    And I'm asking you because you seem to be under the delusion that Osama won the debate.

    BTW speaking to the people at ABN and they were wondering when you can appear on the show to debate?

  23. Snowman let me clearify.

    It might be possible to get you to debate at least one of the individuals you challenged. The folks at ABN want to know if you will debate on Skype or if they will need to fly you to the US for an in studio debate?
