Monday 29 July 2013

Muslim Invites Ray Comfort and Living Waters to Islam

Have you ever seen sincere Christians feel uncomfortable with their Bible teaching regarding alcohol?  Well you will see two in this video.

Here we see Ray Comfort and one of his colleagues from Living Waters seem to prefer Islam's teaching on alcohol (total prohibition) rather than their Bible's teaching (allowed as long as you don't get drunk).

Alcohol is the drink which Satan uses to sow enmity and hatred between humans plus hinder people from the remembrance of our Creator (Allah). Why does the New Testament not forbid it? Why did Paul not ban it?

We must also remind folk that alcohol, even in moderation, is a risk factor for cancer

It should stimulate Christians to look into Islam as Islam has a better stance on alcohol than Christianity - a stance that is better for our spiritual and physical well being.

Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother of Jesus? If yes, become a Muslim. Now is the time.

Learn about Islam:


  1. davidwood getting money to go florida. 1 person gives 50$ to him.

  2. What is funny is that they are ignoring the Bible in order to say what their fallen hearts tell them about alcohol. This shows that the "wisdom" of completely rejecting alcohol is not something that comes from divine revelation but is something that people presuming to be religious come up with all on their own.

    In your post you asked why Paul never banned it. Well, the better question is why are you ignoring the fact that Jesus drank alcohol, just like all Jews did for millennia, and even set at the center of the churches remembrance of His person and work a meal that involves consuming wine?

    Quit pretending that you are an enemy of what Paul said and did and just admit that your real enemy is Jesus.

  3. Dummy. U say Jesus drank alcohol. U hav no proof

  4. Dimwit, all Jews drank alcohol in the first century. It was par for the course. And they weren't ipso facto drunkards.

    The proof that Jesus drank alcohol is plentiful. He not only drank wine (Matt. 11:19; Luke 7:34), he even approved of it to the point that he provided pots full of wine at a wedding feast (John 2:1-11).

  5. As well, the passover meal that Jews celebrated involved consuming wine. Jesus celebrated the passover with his disciples, and it was out of this celebration, infused with new meaning by Jesus, that the churches celebration of the Lord's Supper arose.

  6. This man is just wrong. Wine, and Beer have the same nutrients as the fruit and or grains they where fermented from.

    Fermented crops is a way of preserving foods. Beer is known as "A loaf of bread in a bottle" for a reason.

    Ask anthropologist, and Archaeologist this question.

    "Which came first Beer or Bread?" And sit back and watch the debate.

    Also fermented drinks have anti oxidants, as well as other heart healthy and cancer fighting agents.

    Not only that but Alcohol is also a very good water disinfectant.

    One of the many horrors that Islam brought to the civilized worlds they conquered, was water born illnesses, do to the prohibition on alcohol.

    So alcohol is anything but a poison.

  7. One other thing

    He mentions hangovers and toxins. He is incorrect.

    The toxins that give you a hangover are what is known as the impurities of the alcoholic beverage you drink.

    It is sad but one direction the industry is heading is to make a completely neutral spirit. A alcohol that is distilled 7 times to remove all the impurities.

    It tastes just like water even sweeter than water since it is made from sweet corn, but it has no flavor. But it will not give you a hangover.

  8. Alcohol is poison the Christian admitted its not good. If alcohol is so good why dnt u drink it all time and top drinking water. ? ? Just coz radical moderate drinks beer or wateva dnt mean its good. Ask doctor is alcohol is good 4 u or bad 4 u what's worse.

  9. Does sham drink beer or spirits ? Does he drink when on aeroplane coz of claustrophobia. Does it help ? I dnt think it helps. Dnt be dummy

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Wednesday, July 31, 2013, 2:00-4:00 PM
    "Understanding Islam Biblically"
    St. Luke's Lutheran Church
    2021 West State Road 426
    Oviedo, FL 32765

    Thursday, August 1, 2013, 6:30-9:00 PM
    "Is Islam a Threat to Western Civilization?"
    Third floor meeting room above Doc's Streetside Grill
    1315 S. Orange Ave.
    Orlando, FL 32806

    Friday, August 2, 2013, 6:30-9:00 PM
    "Islam and Human Rights"
    Civic Center at Eastmonte
    830 Magnolia Dr.
    Altamonte Springs, FL 32701

    Saturday, August 3, 2013, 2:00-4:00 PM
    Faith Lutheran Church
    4150 Goodlette-Frank Rd.
    Naples, FL 34103

  12. Wednesday, July 31, 2013, 2:00-4:00 PM
    "Understanding Islam Biblically"
    St. Luke's Lutheran Church
    2021 West State Road 426
    Oviedo, FL 32765

    Thursday, August 1, 2013, 6:30-9:00 PM
    "Is Islam a Threat to Western Civilization?"
    Third floor meeting room above Doc's Streetside Grill
    1315 S. Orange Ave.
    Orlando, FL 32806

    Friday, August 2, 2013, 6:30-9:00 PM
    "Islam and Human Rights"
    Civic Center at Eastmonte
    830 Magnolia Dr.
    Altamonte Springs, FL 32701

    Saturday, August 3, 2013, 2:00-4:00 PM
    Faith Lutheran Church
    4150 Goodlette-Frank Rd.
    Naples, FL 34103

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. Snowman why are u disabling comments?

    Anyway looks like other truthaphobes are cashing in on the "I hate the truth about Islam".

    Shadded Lewis was on Paltalk the other day with his hand out asking for donations.

  15. From Minoria:

    Seeing things from the eyes of 99% of the population in the West(which was how I saw things before I became interested in Christianity) all the information being given in favor and against Christianity/Islam is utterly unknown to them.

    And even when one tells them it is met with complete indifference.Even such an astonishing world event as the Arab Spring,the Islamist movements getting power in the Middle East even more(with their belief in a Mahdi to come,a resurrection of the caliphate(abolished since 1924))are met with no interest.

    One has to have a certain mentality to not see the world is about to change forever became of events in the Middle East.


    I had said in other posts that in Judaism,in the time of Jesus and even today,a dying Messiah was utterly absurd.

    I must emphasize it means(and is so understood) to mean a dying DAVIDIC Messiah.This point can not be emphasized enough.It is like a Christian saying the DAVIDIC Messiah,Jesus, would be KILLED by the ANTICHRIST,utter nonsense.


    In 2007 a thief discovered what is called the "Gabriel Revelation Tablet" in Jordan.

    It dates from before Jesus,a bit before his birth and talks of a dying Messiah who will resurrect in 3 days.

    In Judaism any holy man,prophet,king and high priest,was an "anointed one/messiah".There is nothing contrary to 1st century Judaism about an ordinary holy man(but NOT the Davidic Messiah) being killed and resurrected by God.


    This belief dates from after Jesus,around 200 AD,it appears in the Talmud,about a Messiah ben Jospeh(also called Messiah ben Ephraim) who will be killed and resurrected.

    But he is not the Davidic Messiah,and again,I can't insist on this detail enough.In fact,the Messiah son of Joseph is later resurrected by the Davidic Messiah.

    Because of this the idea in the gospels where Jesus talks of himself dying(and it was understood he was the Davidic Messiah)utterly goes against what any Jewish group believed(and they have very different opinions).

    It all shows that the originator of a dying Davidic Messiah was.....Jesus himself.


    exposing lie of escape from Brooklyn mosque

  17. "The Biblical terms for wine (yayin in Hebrew and oinos in Greek) are used in Scripture to refer to the juice of the grape, whether fermented or unfermented. This significant finding discredits the popular claim that the Bible knows only fermented wine, which it approves when used moderately. The truth of the matter is that the Bible knows both fermented wine, which it disapproves, and unfermented grape juice, which it approves.

    Some of the reasons Scripture condemns the use of alcoholic beverages are that they distort the perception of reality (Is 28:7; Prov 23:33); they impair the capacity to make moral, responsible decisions (Lev 10:9-11); they weaken moral sensitivities and inhibitions (Gen 9:21; 19:32; Hab 2:15; Is 5:11-12); they cause physical sickness (Prov 23:20-21; Hos 7:5; Is 19:14; Ps 60:3); and they disqualify for both civil and religious service (Prov 31:4-5; Lev 10:9-11; Ezek 44:23; 1 Tim 3:2-3; Titus 1:7-8)." (REF: S. Bacchiocchi. The Sobering Facts About New Testament Wine, Signs of the Times, January 1990)

    "Contrary to popular opinion, in the ancient world the preservation of grape juice unfermented was a relatively simple process. It was accomplished by boiling down the juice to a syrup, or by separating the fermentable pulp from the juice of the grape by means of filtration, or by placing the grape juice in sealed jars which were immersed in a pool of cold water, or by fumigating the wine jars with sulphur before sealing them. The use of such techniques clearly indicates that the means of preserving grape juice without fermentation were known and used in the ancient world." (REF. Bacchiocchi, Ibid)

  18. "The Biblical terms for wine (yayin in Hebrew and oinos in Greek) are used in Scripture to refer to the juice of the grape, whether fermented or unfermented. This significant finding discredits the popular claim that the Bible knows only fermented wine, which it approves when used moderately. The truth of the matter is that the Bible knows both fermented wine, which it disapproves, and unfermented grape juice, which it approves.

    Some of the reasons Scripture condemns the use of alcoholic beverages are that they distort the perception of reality (Is 28:7; Prov 23:33); they impair the capacity to make moral, responsible decisions (Lev 10:9-11); they weaken moral sensitivities and inhibitions (Gen 9:21; 19:32; Hab 2:15; Is 5:11-12); they cause physical sickness (Prov 23:20-21; Hos 7:5; Is 19:14; Ps 60:3); and they disqualify for both civil and religious service (Prov 31:4-5; Lev 10:9-11; Ezek 44:23; 1 Tim 3:2-3; Titus 1:7-8)." (REF: S. Bacchiocchi. The Sobering Facts About New Testament Wine, Signs of the Times, January 1990)

    "Contrary to popular opinion, in the ancient world the preservation of grape juice unfermented was a relatively simple process. It was accomplished by boiling down the juice to a syrup, or by separating the fermentable pulp from the juice of the grape by means of filtration, or by placing the grape juice in sealed jars which were immersed in a pool of cold water, or by fumigating the wine jars with sulphur before sealing them. The use of such techniques clearly indicates that the means of preserving grape juice without fermentation were known and used in the ancient world." (REF. Bacchiocchi, Ibid)

  19. 4 radical moderate

    Health harms of alcohol

    As well as the things you notice on the outside, there can be some serious stuff happening on the inside. Regularly drinking over the lower risk guidelines increases the chances of suffering more serious health harms such as:
    Cancer of the throat, oesophagus or larynx. Regularly drinking two large glasses of wine (ABV 13%) or two pints of strong lager (ABV 5.2%) a day could make you three times as likely to get mouth cancer.
    Breast cancer in women. Regularly drinking just above the guidelines increases the risk of getting breast cancer by around 20%
    A stroke
    Heart disease or an irregular heartbeat, which can lead to a heart attack
    High blood pressure
    Liver disease such as cirrhosis and liver cancer. If you regularly drink just above the lower-risk guidelines, the risk of liver cirrhosis increases 1.7 times
    Reduced fertility

    People who regularly drink just above the lower-risk guidelines increase their risk of ill-health significantly.

    The more you drink, and the more often, the greater the risk to your health. And for people with a medical condition (such as diabetes or high blood pressure) or are suffering from depression or anxiety, alcohol often makes life worse.
    Read more about the effects of alcohol on existing health conditions


  20. AFP reports that the prosecutor in Reims said today that he is investigating three separate complaints of assaults and insults against Muslim women.

    The prosecutor told AFP that a preliminary investigation had been opened after a veiled young woman was assaulted on Friday while crossing a park in the centre of Reims by a man who was “probably drunk”. The victim was hit in the face and wounded with a sharp object by her attacker, who had previously attempted to snatch her ​​headscarf, according to her testimony.

    The prosecutor is investigating two further complaints filed at the Reims police headquarters on Sunday: one for physical assault – a blow with an elbow – and racist insults against a woman wearing a headscarf that took place on Saturday, and another for death threats and insults towards two other veiled women, dating back to July 2.

    “Within two weeks there have been three Islamophobic attacks in Reims, the last of which was a very violent one against a young woman of 18, and other cities are experiencing the same upsurge”, Abdallah Zekri, president of the national Observatory against Islamophobic Acts, a component of the French Council of the Muslim Faith, told AFP. He denounced the “repeated attacks against Muslims in France” .

    The Reims prosecutor stated that all of the cases involved racist attacks but at the present stage of the investigation no connection between them had been established, nor was it possible to say whether they were carried out by an individual acting alone or a group.

    In June, a woman of Turkish origin wearing a headscarf filed a complaint in Reims after being attacked by a youth who she said had insulted her because of her veil. Following his detention, however, the juvenile was released without charge.

    “The indignation and anger rising in the community in response to these repeated cowardly acts repeat is not good for social cohestion” , said Zekri, who demanded from the judicial authorities “exemplary sanctions against the aggressors” .

    See also “Islamophobie sur Reims: Une jeune femme voilée agressée”, Collectif contre l’Islamophobie en France, 16 July 2013
    This entry was posted in Anti-Muslim violence, France, Hijab, Resisting Islamophobia, Women by Bob Pitt. Bookmark the permalink.
