Wednesday 3 July 2013

Sleazy Shamoun Asked To Apologise

The sleaze in ABN evangelism must stop. It's time to take heed of the call to clean up. You cannot be presenting the type of sleazy behaviour of Sam Shamoun and his buddies exhibited as evangelism.

Sam Shamoun is called to apologise. This man and his friends were making x-rated 'jokes' on Christian TV. Is this evangelism?

For those who want video evidence of this Christian missionary's x-rated behaviour see the video in this post - watch all of it to come across the specific example:
Open Message to Mr Sam Shamoun
I understand people making mistakes and living in sin. It happens. We are all humans. However I cannot understand how you can act in such a way whilst under the umbrella of evangelism? I cannot understand the lack of apology and action coming from ABN. Do they condone such behaviour?
I hope you realise your rampant hatred of  Muslims and Islam has led you into humiliation and sin once again.
You have once again shown yourself to be a liability to the community you claim to be representing.
If you have any shame and sense you will apologise for your sleazy behaviour. You are a grown man, you cannot be acting in such a lewd manner and expect people to continue to fund your sedentary lifestyle.
I urge you to apologise publicly for such shameful behaviour.
Sam, let me know if you decide to do the right thing and apologise for your shameful and moronic behaviour so I can remove this post. Email:
The interesting thing here, it's the Muslims are calling these people to clean up. By their fruits ye shall know them...



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  4. Shamoun exposed

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  7. Radical yawn

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  10. Radmod,

    Please try to be honest.

    My comment rebuking the two shamed Christian missionaries were based on the thought they had removed criticism from their CO-RELIGIONIST

    That cannot equate with my removal of your spam and off-topic comments

    I ask you not to comment on this blog again till you have a change in attitude

  11. Radical, your attitude reflects a false god depicted in your human tampered books who swore: You Fools! You Hypocrites! You Snakes!
