Friday 14 February 2014

طريقة المطبق في البيت, وصفة مطبق

This is the cooking method for Muttabaq, a Yemeni dish. It looks really nice! At the beginning of the video the lady who cooks it mentions that this dish is eaten in Saudi, Yemen, Indonesia, Malaysia and other places. Try to catch this sentence.

This dish can be prepared using either meat (LaHam) or chicken (Dajaj)

Watch out for the word: اللحم المفروم (Minced meat) Useful word: وصفة (Recipe) You can also get some useful vocabulary from the slides for each step (AlKhuTwa).

مُطبَّق، هو وجبه شعبية يمنية قديمة جداً ومشهورة في السعودية تتكون من العجينة والحشوة المكونة غالبا من اللحم المفروم والبيض الكراث.[1

1 comment:

  1. What the heck? One of your oddest posts yet. Try to catch this word: STRANGE!
