Saturday 29 March 2014

Does Quran err in describing the Christian concept of God?

Christians often allege that Quran condemns ideas in Christian conception of God which are hypothetical and untrue, thus they try to find fault with the Quran.

See here for the article:


  1. Refuting Arguments Against Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

    - The Prophet of Mercy: Chapter 1: by Shaykh Jalal Abualrub

    - The Prophet of Mercy: Chapter 2: by Shaykh Jalal Abualrub

    - The Prophets Marriage to Aisha: by Dan_1988

    - The Prophet Prohibited The Killing of Women and Children: But What About Those Night Raids?

    - Does Prophet Muhammad's Contemplation of Suicide Disprove His Prophethood, Assuming He Did?
    - The Narration of the Prophet"s (peace be upon him) Contemplation of Suicide is Inauthentic in Terms of Its Transmission and Textual Content

    - Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the Satanic Verses

    - Does the Quran Say That Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) Did Not Perform Any Miracles?

    - Why Did Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) Have More Than Four Wives?

    - Was Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) An Idol Worshipper?

    - Christian Missionaries On Surah 61:6

    - Was Wealth A Motive For the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) To Fabricate Islam?

    - Was Prophet Muhammad a Hypocrite?

    - Was Prophet Muhammad Uncertain of His Own Salvation?

    - Did Prophet Muhammad Legislate According to His Desire? by Shaykh Jalal Abualrub

    - The Claim that the Prophet (peace be upon him) Betrayed the Mothers of the Believers in the House of Our Lady Hafsah

    - The Claim That Muhammad (peace be upon him) Merely Invented Islam by Himself and Commanded Whatever He Found Convenient at the Time

  2. Yahya, here's your reminder to post your update and response to your post on Hygiene.

    By the way, I see you've issued a debate challenge. When will you be debating David Wood? Is it going to be on ABN?

  3. Yes it does. Care to debate me on this topic?
