Friday 28 March 2014

Maajid Nawaz Exposed by Abdullah Al Andalusi


  1. people , christians LOVE to tell the muslims, "who WITNESSED mohammeds revealation"

    now look at jews and christians throwing the same charge, "back atchya"

    this one is interesting

    "Many of the claims of the OT are assertions as well. Yet you accept them. Apply the same standard. You’ll have to throw out much of the OT along with the NT. Who saw God’s finger write on the stone tablets the 10 commandments? Who saw the burning bush? Who heard the donkey talk? And, how about this one, who saw the sun stand still for a day. That’s pretty big news don’t you think? We’d expect to see evidence from other cultures all over the world on the day in history which was actually 1 and a half o two, etcetera, etcetera."


    Jewish Reply:
    We accept the Jewish Bible on the basis of the testimony of our parents who experienced the exodus themselves – read Deuteronomy 4
    You have nothing to base your belief in Jesus except with the foolish canard of two wrongs make a right – which you can only toss around because you do not understand the structure of the faith you ridicule


    For the sake of argument, Moses could have been a tyrant, who killed off all those who opposed him including all adults over the age 20. To the victor goes the privilege of writing about it. Again, for the sake of argument, Aaron, Joshua, and Caleb were his cohorts in the plot. How can you prove otherwise?



  2. MDI Excerpt: Zara Faris on UK government & media attack on Muslim Gender segregation

    Zara Faris gives a damning indictment of the UK media and government’s attack on Muslim Gender segregation, and the intolerance of Islamic practice against the Muslim minority of the UK.

    The title of the event was ‘Muslim Women’s Unified Response to the Attack of Gender Segregation. The event was attended by a panel of female Muslim speakers, including Yvonne Ridley (journalist), Shohana Khan (Hizb ut Tahrir), Fatima Barakatulla (iERA) and Aisha Azri (UCL ISOC). The event was hosted at the Waterlily, London, on 20th December 2014.

  3. it's getting WORSE lads


    ← Annelise on Hebrews 2:17
    Where is his Birth Certificate?
    Posted on March 28, 2014 by yourphariseefriend
    Where is his Birth Certificate?
