Saturday 31 January 2015

Muslim Message to Christine Weick

People can be transformed. The opponents of the Prophet (p) were particularly vicious against Muslims. Hind actually bit into the liver of the Prophet's uncle, Hamzah, when he was martyred at the Battle of Uhud. However, she later became a Muslim, and hence became a Companion of the Prophet (p), a member of that special generation of humanity. In fact, she even narrated hadith which can be found in the well-known compilations. Repentance is a recourse that the Lord of the World's has given humanity. [p129, Purification of the Heart by Hamza Yusuf]

Prophecies of the Messiah - Reza Aslan

Sharia Law against terrorism

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam

Invitation to Islam

Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother/sister of Jesus? If yes, become a Muslim.

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Quran Only Movement is Not Intellectually Honest - Dr Jonathan AC Brown

The Quran Only Movement (Quranism Group) is criticised by Dr Jonathan AC Brown

Dr Johnathan Brown: Quran Only are Not Intellectually Honest or Consistent

According to Dr Jonathan Brown the Quran-Only approach is a modern movement which is inconsistent and intellectually dishonest.

Quranism (Arabic: قرآنية‎ Qur'aniyyat) is an Islamic view that holds the Qur'an to be the only authentic source of Islamic faith. Quranists generally reject, therefore, the religious authority and authenticity of hadith, sunnah, clergymen, madhhabs, as well as traditional sharia law [Wikipedia]

What is Isnad in Hadith Studies

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Prophecies of the Messiah - Reza Aslan

Sharia Law against terrorism

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Part of the course

When you take somebody to task, don't consider it unusual to get somebody asking to see a debate between yourself and the one taken to task. Here's one such comment:

Dear Yahya Snow
If you consider yourself qualified to form an opinion on Sam Shamoun,blessed & anointed please face him in a debate

Most of my interactions with this man can be seen here, over 60 blog posts:

Christians  having dreams and converting to Islam:

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Friday 30 January 2015

Dr Jonathan Brown: The Hadith of the Sun Prostrating

Here we see scholars looked at the Hadith of the Sun Prostrating as metaphorical and did not take it literally.

Damascene scholar Nawawi concluded that the Hadith of the Sun Prostrating must be referring to a metaphorical prostration - the sun's submission to God's will through the order of His creation. As the Quran reads in a highly poetic passage: 'The stars and the trees bow down' (55:6). 'Misquoting Muhammad', Jonathan A.C Brown, Kindle p71

Jonathan Brown on Hadith Sun Prostrates Under Throne

Dr Jonathan Brown mentions that the pre-modern Muslim scholars knew that the Sun did not literally prostrate - it was seen as figurative.

For a further discussion on this Hadith see:

Narrated Abu Dharr: The Prophet asked me at sunset, "Do you know where the sun goes (at the time of sunset)?" I replied, "Allah and His Messenger know better." He said, "It goes (i.e. travels) till it prostrates Itself underneath the Throne and takes the permission to rise again, and it is permitted and then (a time will come when) it will be about to prostrate itself but its prostration will not be accepted, and it will ask permission to go on its course but it will not be permitted, but it will be ordered to return whence it has come and so it will rise in the west. And that is the interpretation of the Statement of Allah: "And the sun is quickly proceeding towards its destination. That is the designing of the All-Mighty, the All-Knowing. " (36.38)
(Sahih Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 54, Hadith 421)

More about the Paraclete

Prophecies of the Messiah - Reza Aslan

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The West's War Against Black Women (White Supremacy)

As Muslims we are constantly looking over our shoulder. Always feeling somebody is out to get us. Feeling the pressures of discrimination in a society whose right wing regularly look at us askance for simply observing our faith.  

I see fair Non-Muslims taking up our fight and helping the Muslim communities in the West by speaking up FOR us. Are we, as Muslims, doing the same for other minority groups who are feeling the pinch of Western supremacy?

As Muslims we need to start to take an interest in other minority groups and their struggles. How many Muslims (apart from female Muslims who happen to be of African descent) know about the struggle of black women in America and Europe? Black women also feel a marginalized. Now, I know many black women are Muslims so I'd imagine they feel a bigger pinch than all of us.

The point here is, we as Muslims need to start doing more for other minority causes. And not only this, many black women are indeed Muslims, so we are actually helping our own in the process. As Muslims we have to be the sparks for justice. What are we doing to oppose White Supremacy?

Often people don't understand the pressures ethnic minorities in the West undergo. The pressure to conform. People talk about multiculturalism yet I simply see a pressure of assimilation to a mono-culture in the UK. Muslims are constantly being hammered by the right wing media (and even liberals) to assimilate - that order of assimilation is an order of conformation. Conforming to what the dominant culture in Britain (and the West in general) wants.

It's unfair right? Why should a Muslim woman have to forsake the hijab and modest dress just because the dominant culture says so? Why should a young Muslim man forsake his beard and robes just because the dominant culture in Britain says so?

What is the dominant culture about anyway? The dominant culture in the West is a culture of supremacy, white-secular supremacy. Anybody not jumping through hoops to conform is marginalised. Just ask any woman of  a dark hue.

For the follower of Islam, the dominant culture here in the West exerts pressures of secularism, that's the 'secular' in white-secular supremacy. For the black woman, the dominant culture exerts different pressures. The pressures are born out of racial discrimination. That's the 'white' in white-secular supremacy.

And for the Muslim Black lady...she gets both barrels of white-secular supremacy!

A way to help a cause out is just to assist in raising the awareness.

Here are some selected passages from Emma Dabiri's 'Who Stole all the Black Women from Britain?

There is no love left between a black man and a black woman. Take me for instance. I love white women and hate black women. It’s just in me so deep that I don’t even try to get it out of me anymore. I’d jump over ten nigger bitches just to get to one white woman. Ain’t no such thing as an ugly white woman… and just to touch her long, soft, silky hair. There’s softness about a white woman, something delicate and soft inside of her. But a nigger bitch seems to be full of steel, granite-hard and resisting…I mean I can’t analyze it, but I know that the White man made the Black woman the symbol of slavery and the White woman the symbol of freedom. Everytime I’m embracing a Black woman, I’m embracing slavery, and when I put my arms around a White woman, well I’m hugging freedom (Eldridge Cleaver 1968:107).

No other group in America has so had their identity socialized out of existence as have black women…. When black people are talked about the focus tends to be on black men; and when women are talked about the focus tends to be on white women. (hooks, bell:1981).
Here in the UK, the visibility of black women in representations of mainstream Black British culture is such that you might be forgiven for thinking we are an endangered species. The near erasure of Black British women from this terrain, which is in the main dominated by black men and white women, is rarely commented upon, despite its prominence.  What is actually going on here? Is this some manifestation of the quite frankly ridiculous Eldridge Cleaver quote above. Or is it something else?
Faced with the contradiction between the reality of the situation and a stereotype, this young man still succumbed to the latter, repeating the tired, black girls = ghetto, white girls = status, prestige, and success, narrative.This story is writ large within British popular culture, in which we can find a wealth of examples that illustrate perceptions of what differently racialised women represent.

Within the binary thinking that underpins intersecting oppressions, blue-eyed, blond, thin White women could not be considered beautiful without the Other—Black women with African features of dark skin, broad noses, full lips, and kinky hair. Race, gender, and sexuality converge on this issue of evaluating beauty… African-American women experience the pain of never being able to live up to prevailing standards of beauty used by White men, White women, Black men, and, most painfully, one another. Regardless of any individual woman’s subjective reality, this is the system of ideas that she encounters. Because controlling images are hegemonic and taken for granted, they become virtually impossible to escape (Collins, 2000: 89-90).

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Prophecies of the Messiah - Reza Aslan

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Thursday 29 January 2015

Why was Nabeel Qureshi spreading lies - honor killings?

Effort in trying to educate people to what Islam ACTUALLY is a great thing. So, when I see an ignoramus pop over and start talking about Islam and propagating the exact same misconceptions that Muslims and Muslim scholars have been educating (yes, EDUCATING) people away from then one is left annoyed to say the least.

It's Nabeel Qureshi spreading misinformation (again). You know, I'm not an expert on Christianity BUT surely Christianity teaches Christians NOT to go around spreading misinformation?!

It gets more frustrating because these people don't generally come back and correct themselves, they just leave the misinformation out there.

Just recently I posted an excerpt from one of Dr Jonathan Brown's books, in which he's teaching there's a consensus amongst Muslim scholars AGAINST honor killings.

Here's Nabeel Qureshi completely spreading misinformation about honor killings.

Video also uploaded here and here
Here is further refutation for Robert Spencer to think about, Sheikh Ahmad Kutty teaches honor killings are NOT Islamic:

“There is no such concept in Islam that is called “honor killing”. Islam holds every soul in high esteem and does not allow any transgression upon it. It does not allow people to take the law in their own hands and administer justice, because doing so will be leading to chaos and lawlessness. Therefore, based on this, Islam does not permit such killings.”

Bilal Phillips and Hamza Yusuf on Honour killings:

Honor killing in the Bible, NOT Qur'an, Dr Shabir Ally:

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam:

Sharia Law against terrorism

Invitation to Islam

Jesus taught people to do the Will of God (according to Mark 3:35) in order to become his brothers, mothers or sisters. A Muslim means one who submits to the Will of God. Do you want to become a brother/sister of Jesus? If yes, become a Muslim.

Learn about Islam:

Jonathan AC Brown on Honor Killings

Here we see there has been a consensus for centuries amongst Muslim scholar on the prohibition of honor killing. Not only this, we also see honor killings are not specific to Arabia and Muslims.

Along with quips about camels and hummus, 'honor killing' is among the first phrases that average folk in the West associate with Islam. ...Violence committed against women for perceived compromises of family honor is a product of patriarchal societies suffering from economic underdevelopment. The phenomenon is found across religions and from Brazil to India. Ironically, those Arab countries with legal provisions that treat honor crimes more lightly than comparable offenses all draw these laws from the Ottoman Criminal Code of 1858. It, in turn, translated this provision directly from the French Legal Code of 1810.

Questions about honor killings have regularly found their way into the inboxes of leading muftis like Yusuf Qaradawi or the late Lebanese Shiite scholar Muhammad Husayn Fadlallah. Their responses reflect a rare consensus. No Muslim scholar of any note, either medieval or modern, has sanctioned a man killing his wife or sister for tarnishing her or the family's honor 'Misquoting Muhammad', Jonathan A.C Brown, Kindle p179

Honor Killings: Robert Spencer Lies About Islam

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Prophecies of the Messiah - Reza Aslan

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The Honesty of Sunni Scholar, Daraqutni

This little account of Daraqutni changing his mind on a Hadith's reliability is just another marvellous example of intellectual honesty on the part of classical Muslim scholars.

Daraqutni, the leading Sunni Hadith scholar of tenth-century Baghdad, espoused the virulent anti-Shiite sentiments typical of Sunnis in a period in which Ismaili and Imami Shiism were triumphant. When he heard the Hadith supposedly said by the Prophet that 'Hasan and Husayn [he two sons of Ali, the second and third Imams] are the two lords of the youth in Heaven,' he dismissed it as a forgery by one Suwayd bin Sa'id. Daraqutni recalled that he clung to this opinion for years, thinking that 'Suwayd had committed a great crime in narrating this Hadith,' until he travelled to Egypt and found the Hadith corroborated by another, reliable chain of transmission...Daraqutni accepted the Hadith as sound and cleared Suwayd's name. 'Misquoting Muhammad', Jonathan A.C Brown, Kindle p178

What is Isnad in Hadith Studies

White supremacy, Abraham Lincoln and Islam

Christians having dreams and converting to Islam

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Asghar Bukhari, Destroys Anti-Muslim Argument 'More Muslims kill Muslims..'

Have you ever come across an anti-Muslim bigot who throws out the 'more Muslims kill Muslims' comment upon your RIGHTFUL complaining of American drones and bombers decimating innocent men?

It's just a silly diversionary tactic in discussion. Don't be distracted by it as that would not justify the murder, rape and torture of Muslims by Americans (two wrongs don't make a right). However, do tackle this throwaway comment as the anti-Muslim bigot may actually believe that it's a genuine argument.

More Muslims Are Killed By Muslims - Oh Shut Up!

Asghar Bukhari points out it's a stupid argument. Firstly, are there even any genuine stats out there to support that throw away comment?

Secondly, even if it were true, that does not make American and British bombings and torture acceptable!

Thirdly, Asghar Bukhari mentions that the killings of Muslims by Muslims in places such as Iraq are indeed due, in large part, to a foreign policy which was run through a divide and conquer colonialist tactics. A natural consequence of which is an increased level of tension between different Muslims groups...hence the Muslim on Muslim killings.

White supremacy, Abraham Lincoln and Islam

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Black being linked with sin - not racist Hamza Yusuf

Here is Hamza Yusuf Hanson explaining the association of the colour black with sin:

The Prophet stated "If the son of Adam sins, a black spot appears in the heart. And if the person repents, it is erased. But if he does not it continues to grow until the whole heart becomes pitch black".

(Incidentally this notion of associating the color black with sin is not racist in its origins. The attribution has been long used, even among black Africans who refer to a person who is wretched as "black-hearted". The Qur'an says about successful people on the Day of Judgement that their "faces become white" (3:106). This does not mean "white" as a hue of skin; rather it refers to light and brightness, which are spiritual descriptions not associated with actual color. A black person can have spiritual light in his face, and a white person can have darkness, and vice versa, depending on one's spiritual and moral condition). [p8. Purification of the Heart by Hamza Yusuf, Sandala, 2012]

White supremacy, Abraham Lincoln and Islam

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White Nationalists, Abraham Lincoln and Prophet Muhammad p

Islam the cure for white supremacists around the world

White supremacy in Europe and a hatred of Muslims are quite indistinguishable at times. I'd imagine the same applies in North America too. In going through some of Dr Umar Johnson's book concerning the war against black boys in the American schooling systmer I came across a shocking quote attributed to America's 16th president, Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln appears to have been suffering the disease of white supremacy:

I am not, nor ever have been in favour of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races. I am not nor ever have been in favour of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people. And I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races, which I believe will ever forbid he two races from living together on terms of social and political equality.

...And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together, there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I, as much as any other man, am in favour of having the superior position assigned to the white race. [Psycho-Academic Holocaust by Dr Umar Johnson, Prince of Pan-Africanism Publishing, 2013]

Clearly Abraham Lincoln was suffering from a disease called white supremacy. This disease can be cured by Islam. Islam does not condone racism at all. In fact, the real criteria for judgement (in Islam) is that of conduct, NOT skin colour – this is learned through the holy Quran:

O mankind! Lo! We have created you from male and female, and have made you nations and tribes that ye may know one another. Lo! the noblest of you, in the sight of Allah, is the best in conduct. Lo! Allah is Knower, Aware. [Pikthal’s English translation of the meanings of Quran, 49:13]

People, who support the racist comments attributed to Abraham Lincoln, can be helped away from their disease of white supremacy (black inferiority) by looking at the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (p) in his Farewell Pilgrimage sermon in which we find a resounding statement of equalizing all races:

In his famous Farewell Pilgrimage sermon, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) declared: "O people! You are all to Adam and Adam was made of dust. No Arab is to be preferred over a non-Arab except by virtue of his piety." In another hadith, he (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Allah does not look at your images or your colors but He looks at your hearts (intentions) and your deeds. Creatures are the dependants of Allah and the closest among them to Allah are indeed the most useful to His dependants."

Abraham Lincoln and those who espoused anti-black views must have been taken in by the Euro-centric propaganda. After all, these people were living in societies where Prophet Jesus (p), a Middle Easterner, was being depicted with European features (he still is to this day!). These victims of propaganda would do well to learn that there were black Prophets (in fact Prophets of every skin colour) as Allah (God) sent warners to every nation

Dr. Muzammil Siddiqi writes:

Allah has mentioned in the Qur’an that He sent Messengers and guides among all people. Allah Almighty says: “ And verily We have raised in every nation a messenger, (proclaiming): Serve Allah and shun false gods. Then some of them (there were) whom Allah guided, and some of them (there were) upon whom error had just hold. Do but travel in the land and see the nature of the consequence for the deniers!.” (An-Nahl: 36) He Almighty also says, There was not any community except a Warner who lived among them.” (Fatir :24).

In his Musnad, Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal has stated that Allah sent 124, 000 Prophets, and from among them 315 were Messengers.

Read more:

Abraham Lincoln had a problem with inter-racial marriage between the black and white races. However Prophet Muhammad, over 1000 years before Lincoln, had no problem with inter-reacial marriages between Africans and Arabs. No problem at all:

Black and Arab Inter-Marriage at Time of Prophet Muhammad (p)

If you are a white supremacist, please move away from this. Islam is a religion which destroys white supremacy (and any other racial supremacy claims).

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Prophecies of the Messiah - Reza Aslan

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Wednesday 28 January 2015

German Scientist and Poet on Prophet Muhammad p

Wolfgang Goethe spoke highly of Prophet Muhammad p:

'I looked into history for a human paradigm and found it to be in Muhammad' p

Wolfgang Goethe was a German writer and scientist.

See 'Muhammad the Messenger of Allah' by Abdurrahman Al-Sheha

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Prophecies of the Messiah - Reza Aslan

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Thursday 22 January 2015

Chris Hedges, is Wahhabism Behind Terrorism?

Chris Hedges disagrees with Reza Aslan. Chris Hedges does not believe Wahhabism is behind terrorism. Chris Hedges speaks of a group of Muslim fighters in Bosnia - none of them had read the whole Quran according to Hedges. Chris Hedges believes the real engines for terrorism are cultural and economical. Not religious.

Sharia Law against terrorism

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Reza Aslan on Gospel Writers, Luke and Matthew

Professor Reza Aslan believes Gospel writers, Matthew and Luke, were making up narratives about Jesus in order to fit what they believed to be prophecies in the Hebrew Scriptures about the Messiah.

Matthew has Jesus flee to Egypt to escape Herod's massacre not because it happened, but because it fulfills the words of the prophet Hosea: "Out of Egypt I have called my son" (Hosea 11:1).

Luke places Jesus's birth in Bethlehem not because it took place there, but because of the words of the prophet Micah: "And you Bethlehem...from you shall come to me a ruler in Israel" (Micah 5:2).
Zealot, The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth, Reza Aslan, The Westbourne Press p32-33

Using the New Testament as an inerrant record and a wholly faithful transmission of Jesus's teachings and his life is not an approach I would encourage. I believe we must look to Islam to understand Jesus (p) and his teachings fully.

More about the Paraclete

Prophecies of the Messiah - Reza Aslan

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Abby Martin and Chris Hedges Defending Islam and Muslims

I just wish some of our Muslim spokespersons and imams were able to defend Islam and Muslims to the degree Chris Hedges and Abby Martin did on this program. Sadly, all too often now, we simply have Muslims cowering in the metaphorical corner when discussing matters of terrorism on mainstream media or alternatively we have ignorant provocateurs such as Anjem Choudary. Sadly, it's rare to see Muslims able to articulate arguments and points such as Abby Martin and Chris Hedges.

Note to Muslim speakers: when you are invited on mainstream media your job is not to cower in the corner. Your job is to condemn it firstly, point out the religion does not allow terrorism (show some evidence for this) and then point to the reasons behind terrorism and how people can work collaboratively in order to prevent further terrorism.

Take some notes from Abby Martin and Chris hedges if you have to.

Chris Hedges on Roots of Terrorism, Free Speech Hypocrisy and Translating #JeSuisCharlie

Abby Martin on Charlie Hebdo

She points out the Boko Haram attack in Nigeria has received so little press coverage compared to the killings of French citizens.

President Goodluck Jonathan is criticised by Abby Martin for his lack of/delayed response towards the Boko Haram killings. Abby Martin believes groups of Boko Haram will only continue with their butchery due to the apathy around their killings.

Abby Martin denounces the propaganda that Muslims aren't condemning terrorist attacks. She goes on to deride this craziness of holding all Muslims responsible for the Charlie Hebdo attack and states no Muslim should have to condemn these attacks.

Abby Martin highlights the hypocrisy in Europe which operates a selective free speech policy.

Chris Hedges on the terrorist attack in France

Chris Hedges began his article on truthdig as such:

The terrorist attack in France that took place at the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo was not about free speech. It was not about radical Islam. It did not illustrate the fictitious clash of civilizations. It was a harbinger of an emerging dystopia where the wretched of the earth, deprived of resources to survive, devoid of hope, brutally controlled, belittled and mocked by the privileged who live in the splendor and indolence of the industrial West, lash out in nihilistic fury. [truthdig]

Chris Hedges does not believe the Charlie Hebdo attack is about religion, he believes it's a response "bred out of dispossession, poverty, aimlessness and despair".

Dr Yasir Qadhi and Nouman Ali Khan on Charlie Hebdo attack

 Zionist Hypocrisy over Jews in Finland

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Tuesday 20 January 2015

Jews had their versions of AlQaeda and ISIS (Extremists)

Professor Reza Aslan describes a group of Jews who used terrorism and assassinations for furthering their cause. I doubt anybody American Christian fundamentalist will be accusing Judaism responsible for groups such as the Sicarii.

Perhaps the Jewish revolutionary Menahem will be seen as the Bin Laden or Al Baghdadi of the Jewish people in the first century.

The Sicarii were zealots fuelled by an apocalyptic worldview and a fervent devotion to establishing God's rule on earth. They were fanatical in their opposition to the Roman occupation, though they reserved their vengeance for those Jews, particularly among the wealthy priestly aristocracy, who submitted to Roman rule. Fearless and unstoppable, the Sicarii murdered their opponents with impunity: in the middle of the city, in broad daylight, in the midst of great hordes, during feast days and festivals...

...The leader of the Sicarii at the time was a young Jewish revolutionary named Menahem, the grandson of none other than the failed messiah Judas the Galilean. Menahem shared his grandfather's hatred for the wealthy priestly aristocracy in general, and the unctuous high priests in particular. To the Sicarii, Jonathan son of Ananus was an imposter: a thief and a swindler who had grown rich exploiting the suffering of the people...

..In the year 56 CE, the Sicarii under Menahem's leadership were finally able to achieve what Judas the Galilean could only dream of accomplishing. During the feast of Passover, a Sicarii assassin pushed his way through the mass of pilgrims packed into the Temple Mount until he was close enough to the high priest Jonathan to pull out a dagger and swipe it across his throat.

...the Sicarii had only just begun their reign of terror. Shouting their slogan "No lord but God" they began attacking the members of the Jewish ruling class, plundering their possessions, kidnapping their relatives, and burning down their homes. Zealot, The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth, Reza Aslan, The Westbourne Press p51-53

Sharia Law against terrorism

Rabbi: Islamization of Europe is a good thing

Rabbis help Muslims fight a hate group

When Jews fought alongside Muslims

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Monday 19 January 2015

Do Shia Pray 3 Times A Day?

Imami Shiites combine their daily prayers and perform them three times a day instead of five ..But most Sunni schools also allow combining prayers when travelling.. 'Misquoting Muhammad', Jonathan A.C Brown, Kindle p171

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Prophecies of the Messiah - Reza Aslan

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Christianity Before Islam in Arabia, Persia and Beyond

Christianity in Arabia and beyond before Islam

Within 30-40 years after Jesus p, there were three major strands of Christianity:

Jewish Christians
Pauline Christians

Jewish Christians believed they had to follow the laws of Moses and that Jesus (p) was the Messiah.

Paul, who was not a disciple (though he claimed to have seen Jesus p in a vision) started a new theology in which Jesus p was believed to be divine and the law of Moses was no longer required to be practiced.

For 300 years Christian groups debated over the nature of Jesus, the Bible and Christianity itself. Christians were persecuted by the Romans until Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity. In 325 CE, Pauline Christianity was recognised as the official form of Christianity. Thus the other Christian groups were persecuted - many of these Christians emigrated to other lands including Arabia and Persia.

Salman Al-Farsi, the son of a Zoroastrian priest, met a Christian monk in Persia and converted to Christianity at the hands of the monk. Salman Al-Farsi ran away to Syria and joined the monk's Christian sect which was dying sect. Salman Al-Farsi learned, from his Christian sect, of a Prophet to come who was predicted by Jesus (p). He was told of three signs the Prophet would meet:

He shall appear in a land full of dates.
He will have a physical mark on his back.
This man will accept gifts but never accept charity.

From Syria, Salman Al-Farsi ended up in Yathrib after being enslaved. He wound up toiling away as a slave for decades. A time came when talk spread about Prophet Muhammad (p) emigrating to Medina. Salman Al-Farsi heard of this talk and came to Prophet Muhammad (p), he soon realised Prophet Muhammad (p) fulfilled all three signs and converted to Islam.

Salman's story indicated how few real Christians were left at the time of Prophet Muhammad (p). Another story illustrating this was that of the Emperor Heraclius, who received a letter from Prophet Muhammad (p). In the account, Heraclius mentions that there are Scriptures in which a Prophet is predicted to come after Jesus (p) and that Prophet Muhammad (p) fits the description.

Are Jews and Christians Really Punished for the Sins of Muslims?

The Hadith which states the sins of Muslims will be put on Jews and Christians is not meant to be taken literally according to Imam Nawawi.

I know Christian missionaries are using a literal understanding of the Hadith in order to build arguments for their polemical purposes.

Really, for the lay Muslim on the net, the major take home point is that it's not taken literally. That should be sufficient to rebuff the Christian polemics around such a narration.

For those who are interested, Sheikh Atabek Shukurov wrote a few points concerning this on his Facebook which has been presented below.

I've also added an excerpt from an article by Bassam Zawadi in which he touches on this too:

Its meaning is that Allah forgives the sins of the Muslims and removes it from them and places it on the Jews and Christians its same amount due to their disbelief and sins, so He places him in the hellfire due to their deeds and not the sins of the Muslims, and there cannot be any other explanation for this due to God’s statement: “None shall carry the burden of another’ (Surah 17:15)
And its possible that the sins being referred to (the ones that Allah will forgive from the Muslims) is because of the cause of the disbelievers, for if they caused it then it will be removed from the burden of Muslims by the mercy of Allah, and is placed on the disbelievers, for they instigated it, and whoever instigates a sin then he would receive a sin on his account for anyone that ever gets affected by it, and God knows best.
Let me give an example to clarify that. Lets say a non Muslim distributes drugs throughout the community. One Muslim happens to get his hands on these drugs and uses it. The Muslim gets a sin. However, the non Muslim gets a sin as well because it was his fault the Muslim is doing it. So if Allah on the day of judgment decides to forgive the Muslim for his sin, he would place it on the non Muslim. 
This does not guarantee that a Muslim who commits a sin because of a non Muslim will automatically get forgiven. No, it is only if Allah decides to forgive that Muslim. This also applies to Muslims who happen to be the cause of Muslims committing sins as well and does not only apply to the non Muslims.
Sheikh Atabek Shukurov FB post on the subject matter:

Narrations that are conflicting with Quran.

Abu Musa narrated from the Prophet;

 There will be a people from my nation who will have a mountains of Sins, and God will forgive them, and put that sins on Jews and Christians...

 narrated by Muslim

I say

 - Imam Nawawi gave two interpretations to this hadeeth;

 1. God forgives Muslims, but He puts on Jews and Christian similar sins that he has forgiven for Muslims. But not the exact sins of Muslims but similar ones.

 2. God forgives Muslims, but doesn't forgive Jews and Christians who started off committing these sins. And Muslims only imitated them.

 - And Imam Nawawi said that we cannot take the hadeeth literally because it's conflicting with Quran.

- Ibn Hajar added one more interpretation;

 3. It means that Muslims will inherit the places of Jews and Christian in Paradise as Jews and Christians will inherit the places of Muslims in the Hell.

I say;

 - Interpretation of Ibn Hajar doesn't fit with the hadeeth, as hadeeth say; God will put the sins of Muslims on them.

 - Also in different narrations it says; Muslims will be given Jews and Christians and will be told; O Muslim here is your freedom from the Hell.

 - Means pay him and free your self.

I say;

 - Accordingly to Hanafi Mustalah hadeeth is rejecting for two reasons;

 1. Conflicting with Quran

 2. Attributing an oppression to God.

- More than that Hadeeth has few more defects;

 1. In some of the narrations it says; I think the sins of the Muslims will be put on Jews and Christians.

 Q. Who is saying this word? Whose thought is it?

 A. Hirami bin Umarah said; I don't know who is the one who said this!!!

 2. It's chain narrated in several way;

 - Once it says; Abu Burdah is from his father

 - Once it says; Abu Burdah from Abdullah bin Yazeeda

 - Once it says; Abu Burda is from some of the Ansaris from his father

 - Once it says; Abu Burdah from some of the Sahaba...

I say;

 - Hadeeth been in Saheeh Muslim cannot save it is conflicting with the Word of God!

 - Hakim, Dhahabi, and Albani said Authentic

 - Baihaqi, ibn Hajar and Albani in his different opinion said; Weak!!!
- This hadeeth is talking about aqeedah issue!
 - It would be better to not to narrate this type of narrations!


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Abu Musa' reported that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: When it will be the Day of Resurrection Allah would deliver to every Muslim a Jew or a Christian and say: That is your RESCUE from Hell-Fire. (Sahih Muslim, Book 037, Number 6665)
Abu Burda reported on the authority of his father that Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) said: No Muslim would die but Allah would admit IN HIS STEAD a Jew or a Christian in Hell-Fire. 'Umar b. Abd al-'Aziz took an oath: By One besides Whom there is no god but He, thrice that his father had narrated that to him from Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him). (Sahih Muslim, Book 037, Number 6666)
Abu Burda reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: There would come people amongst the Muslims on the Day of Resurrection with AS HEAVY SINS AS A MOUNTAIN, and Allah would FORGIVE THEM and He would PLACE IN THEIR STEAD the Jews and the Christians. (As far as I think), Abu Raub said: I do not know as to who is in doubt. Abu Burda said: I narrated it to 'Umar b. 'Abd al-'Aziz, whereupon he said: Was it your father who narrated it to you from Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him)? I said: Yes. (Sahih Muslim, Book 037, Number 6668)