Friday 30 January 2015

The West's War Against Black Women (White Supremacy)

As Muslims we are constantly looking over our shoulder. Always feeling somebody is out to get us. Feeling the pressures of discrimination in a society whose right wing regularly look at us askance for simply observing our faith.  

I see fair Non-Muslims taking up our fight and helping the Muslim communities in the West by speaking up FOR us. Are we, as Muslims, doing the same for other minority groups who are feeling the pinch of Western supremacy?

As Muslims we need to start to take an interest in other minority groups and their struggles. How many Muslims (apart from female Muslims who happen to be of African descent) know about the struggle of black women in America and Europe? Black women also feel a marginalized. Now, I know many black women are Muslims so I'd imagine they feel a bigger pinch than all of us.

The point here is, we as Muslims need to start doing more for other minority causes. And not only this, many black women are indeed Muslims, so we are actually helping our own in the process. As Muslims we have to be the sparks for justice. What are we doing to oppose White Supremacy?

Often people don't understand the pressures ethnic minorities in the West undergo. The pressure to conform. People talk about multiculturalism yet I simply see a pressure of assimilation to a mono-culture in the UK. Muslims are constantly being hammered by the right wing media (and even liberals) to assimilate - that order of assimilation is an order of conformation. Conforming to what the dominant culture in Britain (and the West in general) wants.

It's unfair right? Why should a Muslim woman have to forsake the hijab and modest dress just because the dominant culture says so? Why should a young Muslim man forsake his beard and robes just because the dominant culture in Britain says so?

What is the dominant culture about anyway? The dominant culture in the West is a culture of supremacy, white-secular supremacy. Anybody not jumping through hoops to conform is marginalised. Just ask any woman of  a dark hue.

For the follower of Islam, the dominant culture here in the West exerts pressures of secularism, that's the 'secular' in white-secular supremacy. For the black woman, the dominant culture exerts different pressures. The pressures are born out of racial discrimination. That's the 'white' in white-secular supremacy.

And for the Muslim Black lady...she gets both barrels of white-secular supremacy!

A way to help a cause out is just to assist in raising the awareness.

Here are some selected passages from Emma Dabiri's 'Who Stole all the Black Women from Britain?

There is no love left between a black man and a black woman. Take me for instance. I love white women and hate black women. It’s just in me so deep that I don’t even try to get it out of me anymore. I’d jump over ten nigger bitches just to get to one white woman. Ain’t no such thing as an ugly white woman… and just to touch her long, soft, silky hair. There’s softness about a white woman, something delicate and soft inside of her. But a nigger bitch seems to be full of steel, granite-hard and resisting…I mean I can’t analyze it, but I know that the White man made the Black woman the symbol of slavery and the White woman the symbol of freedom. Everytime I’m embracing a Black woman, I’m embracing slavery, and when I put my arms around a White woman, well I’m hugging freedom (Eldridge Cleaver 1968:107).

No other group in America has so had their identity socialized out of existence as have black women…. When black people are talked about the focus tends to be on black men; and when women are talked about the focus tends to be on white women. (hooks, bell:1981).
Here in the UK, the visibility of black women in representations of mainstream Black British culture is such that you might be forgiven for thinking we are an endangered species. The near erasure of Black British women from this terrain, which is in the main dominated by black men and white women, is rarely commented upon, despite its prominence.  What is actually going on here? Is this some manifestation of the quite frankly ridiculous Eldridge Cleaver quote above. Or is it something else?
Faced with the contradiction between the reality of the situation and a stereotype, this young man still succumbed to the latter, repeating the tired, black girls = ghetto, white girls = status, prestige, and success, narrative.This story is writ large within British popular culture, in which we can find a wealth of examples that illustrate perceptions of what differently racialised women represent.

Within the binary thinking that underpins intersecting oppressions, blue-eyed, blond, thin White women could not be considered beautiful without the Other—Black women with African features of dark skin, broad noses, full lips, and kinky hair. Race, gender, and sexuality converge on this issue of evaluating beauty… African-American women experience the pain of never being able to live up to prevailing standards of beauty used by White men, White women, Black men, and, most painfully, one another. Regardless of any individual woman’s subjective reality, this is the system of ideas that she encounters. Because controlling images are hegemonic and taken for granted, they become virtually impossible to escape (Collins, 2000: 89-90).

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