Thursday 10 February 2011

Christian Missionaries and the 4 Witnesses for Rape Misconception

OK, it seems more and more people are realising it is a MISCONCEPTION to claim Muslim women require four witnesses to convict rapists.

Sadly, this misconception is being kept alive by Christian missionaries. We have just caught a Christian apologist (David Wood of Acts 17 Apologetics) propagating such falsehoods at Chris Arnzen’s (from Iron Sharpens Iron) conference for pastors.

Correcting this Christian’s falsehoods on rape, rapists and Islam

If this video does not play, please view:

Christian leaders being misled

Sadly Christian leaders were being taught this misconception as a fact by their speaker. Sadder still, they even thought their speaker was an expert on Islam. Quite why there are so many self-proclaimed “experts” out there in evangelical communities is beyond me.

Advice to Chris Arnzen: If you decide to hold another conference please hire qualified folk, a Muslim imam would be a good start – at least he will know a thing or two about Islam!

Advice to David Wood: Dave, please remove this misconception from your repertoire. Please gain knowledge from reputable sources rather than second rate websites/books. Please educate yourself via the link below. An apology to Chris Arnzen and the pastors at the conference would be highly encouraged. Cheers.

Advice to Muslims: Be wary of internet lies and misconceptions. If you hear a strange claim be sure to check it with EXPERTS. Sadly, there are too many non-muslims parading as experts on Islam whilst presenting disinformation.

The facts about Islam and rape


David Wood and his sex hoax

Learn about Islam

Pastor converts to Islam



  1. Acts 17 on Long Island—"Islam: Fact vs. Fiction"
    For those coming to our conference on Long Island this Saturday, here's the schedule.

    11:00 A.M.—Introduction to Islam
    12:00 P.M.—Muhammad: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
    1:00 P.M.—LUNCH
    2:30 P.M.—The Quran: What You Need to Know
    3:30 P.M.—Tour of Grace Christian Academy
    4:00 P.M.—Islam and Science
    4:30 P.M.—Women in Islam
    5:00 P.M.—Peace and Violence in Islam

  2. Who the hell made Wood and his buddy Querishi authorities on Islam? Do they have degrees in Islamic studies? No. Have they published articles on Islam in scholarly journals? No. In most Islamic studies program in Western universities, you need to be able to speak German, French and at least two middle eastern languages to even get admitted to their PhD progams. How many european and oriental languages do these idiots Wood and Qureishi speak?

    No wonder only illiterate lowlifes are attracted to Acts17.

  3. "Who the hell made Wood and his buddy Querishi authorities on Islam? Do they have degrees in Islamic studies? No. Have they published articles on Islam in scholarly journals? No. In most Islamic studies program in Western universities, you need to be able to speak German, French and at least two middle eastern languages to even get admitted to their PhD progams. How many european and oriental languages do these idiots Wood and Qureishi speak?

    No wonder only illiterate lowlifes are attracted to Acts17."

    Great post, Anonymous.

    Now go ahead and apply that same standard to Muslims who publicly critique Christianity.

  4. @ Haecceitas

    When Muslims like Shabir Ally or Ali Altaie, make a lecture on Christianity, they appeal to scholarly works, top Bible scholars, Have you ever heard David wood using any scholarly work? Not even orientalist.
    When Nabeel Says that Muhamad is not sure if he will get into heaven or hell, can you find me a single scholar on Islam who would agree with him?

  5. "When Muslims like Shabir Ally or Ali Altaie, make a lecture on Christianity, they appeal to scholarly works, top Bible scholars"

    Shabir Ally tends to pick whatever suits him from the wide variety of scholarly views that he can find.

    I haven't listened to any recent material by Ataie and it seems that he now has more solid credentials, but at least earlier in his career his material contained some pretty hilarious stuff, like insisting that Paul is referring to some written Gospel that the Galatians had and Paul opposed.

    "Have you ever heard David wood using any scholarly work? Not even orientalist."

    If they want to present material that they know Muslims won't easily accept, then it is probably pretty pointless to try to appeal to modern western orientalist scholars rather than the primary sources that Muslims respect.

    It seems also pretty clear that the history of critical study of Islam in countries where an academician is free to safely conduct such study is nowhere near as rich and well established as the same kind of study of Christianity. So chances are that the paradigms aren't equally well established and critical scrutiny hasn't yet been applied as thoroughly as it should.

  6. @ Haecceitas
    Believe what you want. Believe that Muhammad didn't know if he is going to heaven or hell. Discussing with Acts 17 is pointless.

  7. Assalamualaikum

    I came across your website whilst searching for Islamic websites on Google. I have made a website and my purpose is to promote Islam. I request you to help me in the cause and place my website in your links section
    Learn Islam
    May Allah Bless you,

  8. "Believe what you want. Believe that Muhammad didn't know if he is going to heaven or hell."

    I have no opinion on that issue. I have yet to familiarize myself with the arguments on both sides.

  9. @Haecceitas,

    I appreciate what you are syaing but the real issue is that of reliability and honesty.

    Dave and Nabeel have histories of presenting misinformation - in some cases they have presnted made-up stuff!

    I think you know this - if you have perused their respective histories on this blog.

    So the difference between Ali Ataie and imam shabir Ally and these two missionaries is of Sheikh Ally and Br. Ali Ataie being folk who have a desire for accuracy and honesty - we do not find them making stuff up - the two missionaries mentioned (Dave and Nebeel) do make things up.

    You must understand, as Muslims we do value reliability of information and study - scholarship. When we purchase books we check the author's pedigree. I'm retty sure you can understand this.

    Imam Shabir Ally does quote from authorities - you may claim he uses them inconsistenlBUT he does refer to expertise whilst Dave dodgy websites.

    there is a marked difference between Ali Ataie/imam Shabir and Nabeel/Dave.

    look at the sex hoax our Dave peddles - he found it on an internet website and presented it as fact.

    I would not bother travelling to their conference as it would be unscholarly and full of misinformation/lies (if we go by their past episodes).

    Muslims have a preference for reliability and scholarship - something Dave and Nabeel are lacking.

    We need a standard of consistency.


  10. Haecceitas, those Muslim missionaries are only RESPONDING to you cross worshippers. All their material is for Chrstians to understand getting bullied by another religion is not funny.
    how about you open your eyes and quit the double standard
