Thursday 14 July 2011

Walid Shoebat the Christian Extremist Exposed by Anderson Cooper - CNN

Flags are flying at half mast outside the homes of American Christian extremists as one of their boys has been given a royal spanking on mainstream television – Anderson Cooper’s show on CNN has delivered a knock-out blow to the Christian extremist, Walid Shoebat.

Anderson Cooper exposes the fraud and charlatan, Walid Shoebat, with much of the same information which is available on the internet. However, the fact that mainstream US television is popularizing this information makes for grim news in the households of American fundamentalist Christians.

Walid Shoebat Investigated and Exposed - Appetiser

We all know Walid Shoebat is a Fraudster

We knew Walid Shoebat was a con man milking gullible Christians for cash with a bogus ‘former terrorist’ story, now EVERYONE knows to the dislike of Shoebat’s American Christian fundamentalist colleagues. I just hope the gullible little old ladies and bigots sitting on pews in American churches all took note of Anderson Cooper’s show. I mean, surely church leaders in America will not want this con man to continue milking Christians for cash…

Walid Shoebat’s absurd porkies are popularized

Walid Shoebat’s cousin exposes him as a regular kid rather than some terrorist

Walid Shoebat’s “bank”, which he claimed to have “bombed”, exposed him as they have no record of such a “bombing”

Walid Shoebat’s “Israeli detention centre”, which he claimed detained him for the “bombing”, exposed him as they have no record of such.

Perhaps some would find the strangest episode being that of the other Christian fundamentalists (ABN, Pat Robertson's CBN etc.) BELIEVING Shoebat. Yes, some people actually believed him!

I bet there are still some today, believing Shoebat's silly yarns.

Walid Shoebat’s ill gotten gains

CNN offer us insight into Shoebat’s lucrative career. The extent of Walid Shoebat’s money-making operation is investigated. Looks like American Christian fundamentalist communities are money-making hives for con men who can spew the hatred which the bigots want to hear.

‘Holy Spirit guided Christians’ in bed with a con man

Whenever Christian con artists such as Walid Shoebat are exposed I always wonder to myself why the Christian victims (the flock) never question their belief of having the ‘Holy Spirit dwelling within’ them as surely their belief would dictate they would be far above being befooled by con men…

Bassim Gorial, care to explain…

A sad day for American Christian extremists but a good day for the truth

More on Walid Shoebat

Walid Shoebat has a dishonest friend named Kamal Saleem



  1. Minoria, care to come up an explain this liar? Or how about fifth monarchy man? radical obviously is delusional, but i'm very curious as why christians and churches don't condemn him? oh i know why:

    Phlippians 1:18- But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice. Yes, and I will continue to rejoice,

  2. Dear Ali,

    There are better ways in proving our point my brother.


  3. Half of Shoebat's funding is from Radical Moderate's pocket. lol. But seriously, he appears regularly on ABN, I wonder how many $ he is paid for his rubbish.

  4. @ Ali:
    Nothing will change for most Christians. Walid Shoebat, Ergun Caner, Kamal Saleem and other David wood's friends are not the first nor the last. Former Muslim "experts" is a lucrative job. Walid Shoebat gets in one day, what Radical moderate and gullible Christians get in one month.

  5. Brothers,

    What's the story with Shoebat is he even originally a muslim? Shoebat sounds like a christian name and Betlehem is where many Palestinian Christians live.

  6. Ali, are you lying again about Paul? I thought I saw someone spank you good on that issue once before? You have no conscience.

    I haven't watched the video yet, and I don't know much of anything about Shoebat. So can someone tell me if he put a bomb in a pizzeria and blew up women and children? Did he assassinate a poet for making fun of him? Did he sleep with a little girl? I will watch later and see. This does sound like some juicy gossip. Oh yeah, I almost forgot: Is Shoebat the founder of a new religion?

  7. this is really a worldwide phenomenon really, a bogus man of half baked muslim-background selling story of his enlightenment to become an idol-worshiper for cashing in the Islam-hater christian bigots.
    in this part of the world (Indonesia) I myself have known and debated some of the ex-muslims christian ministers who claimed that they were muslim Imaam/scholar of Islam. Persona like Ev. Hamran Ambrie, Ev. Yusuf Roni, Ev, Maulana, Willy abdul wadud, Danu Kholil, Amos, Christina fatimah etc.
    They made fortune out of their congregation and overseas evangelical donation.

    In one encounter with one reverend claiming to be graduated from one of Islamic University here 10 yrs back(after persuading him out for an interview) the guy embarrassingly cant remember/recite the ummul Qur'an, surah Alfatihah correclty, which even for the least learned muslims are obliged to recite 17 times a day at least.

  8. Erik,

    So you mean people coming from Islam do this sort of stuff a lot? This is really good to know. Christians should be more careful with people who have a Muslim background. As you guys say, Islam spawns a lot of these types of people. Keep your eyes open people.

  9. HA HA HA HA I called this one. Man snowman you are just two predictible.

  10. With the name of Allah,

    Peace be unto those who follow the guidance from their Lord.

    RefutingActs17, Yahya Snow, Ali, 1MoreMuslim, Lupus all of you are doing a very excellent job! Mash'Allah!

    Keep it up and step up the efforts! They (those who oppose God and his Messenger) are ON THE RUN!

    Clearly the tide is swinging in the favor of truth! So to each and everyone of you, you and your families, wives, husbands and children are all in my du'a.

    May Allah bless all of you! Ameen!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. TGV,

    Jazaka Allahu kheiran. Your words really warm my heart. You're doing an excellent job! Keep it up!


  13. The man whose profundity involves leaving Christianity because someone told him Jesus was/is not white has given you guys a pat on the back for all your "good" work. Now there is somethying to be proud of.

    So did we find out yet if this Shoebat guy founded any religion? I am anxious to know. If he did, then his followers surely should be "on the run". I think I heard that everyone had to send a portion of their booty to him. Is that true?

  14. Anon,

    So you're rebuking bad behavior by behaving badly yourself? Is this a prevalent logic in your brand of Christianity? Note that I'm not saying Christianity as whole since I know there are a lot of good honest Christians out there.

  15. To Lupus el Lobo

    Didn't you know? This anon guy and others like Radical Moderate are not christians they are shamonians. You can see now why they are so predictable. lol

  16. @Anon,

    Yes, those who ever leave Islam are surely hose who are in the state of weakest Iman(faith) by their bad deeds and devil temptations.

    As the Noble Qur'an says, "Truly Allah guides not one who transgresses and lies!" (40:28).

    So committing sins such as spreading lies and not feeling any guilt is one of the characteristic of those deviating or even giving up the truth.

  17. With the name of Allah,

    Peace be unto those who follow the guidance from their Lord.

    I guess what Anon failed to realize is that initially when the African American gentleman brought to my attention that Jesus is portrayed as Caucasian rather than African that it was something very penetrating.

    All my life that never really caused me to reflect that maybe there was something deeper and more profound and troubling.

    Indeed there was. The idea that the eternal Creator is defined in masculine relationship. Father-Son.

    That was the opening that made me challenge my own presuppositions as a Christian; those that I took for granted.

    Also if you read my conversion story you will see that ultimately the most challenging thing was letting go of the Cross. After all that was my ticket to heaven.

    However, after reflecting on those presuppositions and hearing the Muslim perspective on things it also dawned on me how odd a thing it was.

    That in order for God's justice to be appeased someone or something will have to suffer, someone must pay!

    For me contrasting that with the Mercy of Allah and that in fact Allah's mercy is more than his need for justice (or to make someone pay the price) was very moving.

    It's unfortunate that people like Anon cannot appreciate these facts.

    However, after seeing his many post I do not expect him to have a penetrating intellect. I say that respectfully, yet I will not mince words.

    Yet, as the articles on my web site have demonstrated time and again Christians do not have answers to the questions I put forward.

    As of today I am still awaiting the following.

    1)Sam Shamoun to take a an advance level placement test on the Arabic language. This alone shuts down Answering-Islam and Shamoun completely.

    If Shamoun is shown to be inept in the Arabic language (which he is) his articles are also shown to be fanciful work by a person with allot of time on their hands.

    2) My blog/web site has more than mellowed out James White with in this last year rest assured. Especially now that Christians themselves are on about his 'Doctorate'.

    3) David Wood clearly ran away from an exchange that I had with him via forum through e-mail on rather or not the Qur'an validates his Bible.

    The e mails that I receive from Christians that are thankful for my blog/website is all the impetus that I need to keep being a means that Allah uses to open more eyes and hearts to the truth that Allah is one and not three.

  18. Why so many crooks in christian evangelism?

  19. grandberbalizer: "For me contrasting that with the Mercy of Allah and that in fact Allah's mercy is more than his need for justice"

    Thank you for pointing out that your would-be deity is imperfect and limited in his attribute of justice.

  20. Yahya,

    If the information you presented here is accurate, then Shoebat has been victimizing and possibly stealing from Christians by taking their money under false pretenses.

    I can't figure out why you are trying to associate one group of his (possible) victims as complicit in his actions. When a con-man takes money through deceit the one who was deceived is not an accomplice to the lies.

    It also makes absolutely no logical sense for you to try to hold David Wood accountable. Appearing on the same T.V. programming does not make him a culpable party to anything Shoebat has or hasn't done. David Wood does not run ABN. The fact that you mention him when he has nothing to do with the situation makes you appear strangely fixated and possibly obsessed.

  21. To Anonymous:

    "Thank you for pointing out that your would-be deity is imperfect and limited in his attribute of justice."

    Coming from a Christian who believe that God had made a choice to be ignorant, and actually became a curse. Yahweh hates Sin so much that he became sin himself.

  22. 1moremuslim, you miss the obvious. It is too funny to even tell you how.

  23. To anonymous:
    Until now, no Christian ever has told me where I am wrong.

  24. 1moremuslim, I have personally witnessed them giving you answer. I was embarrassed for you, in fact.

  25. GrandVerb: "For me contrasting that with the Mercy of Allah and that in fact Allah's mercy is more than his need for justice"

    1mm: [To Anonymous:

    "Thank you for pointing out that your would-be deity is imperfect and limited in his attribute of justice."

    Coming from a Christian who believe that God had made a choice to be ignorant, and actually became a curse. Yahweh hates Sin so much that he became sin himself.]

    Setting aside for a moment your failed attempt at tu quoque and straw-man 'theology'....I guess we can assume by your lack of response that you agree with GrandVerb that the Quranic deity has a limited attribute of justice.

  26. Anon:

    Setting aside for a moment your failed attempt at tu quoque and straw-man 'theology'....I guess we can assume by your lack of response that you agree with GrandVerb that the Quranic deity has a limited attribute of justice.


    Do you believe in the Neacene Creed? If so do you agree that we can't fully understand the concept of God. It is even more difficult if we add one persona let alone two.

  27. Lupus,

    You're going to have to explain what your comment has to do with GrandVerb's admission that "allah" is limited in his justice. Neither yourself nor 1MoreMuslim seem to be able to contradict GrandVerb's statement nor defend it.

  28. Anon said:

    You're going to have to explain what your comment has to do with GrandVerb's admission that "allah" is limited in his justice. Neither yourself nor 1MoreMuslim seem to be able to contradict GrandVerb's statement nor defend it.

    Lupus replied:

    I think Grandverb is capable of defending his statement. I suggest you check out his blog. You might learn something.
    My point is that it's impossible to logically explain all attributes of God and their internal relationship. The difference however between us is that we only have to attempt to grasp this in relation to one God, you on the other hand have to do this in relation to three Gods. Sorry my bad three personas.

  29. Lupus,

    If we're going to have any sort of useful discussion now that you have inserted yourself into my comments to GrandVerb and 1MoreMuslim, you'll need to clarify whether you concur that the following comment is accurate about Allah or repudiate it:

    GrandVerb: "For me contrasting that with the Mercy of Allah and that in fact Allah's mercy is more than his need for justice"

    Once you've done that in an unambiguous fashion we can discuss the matter. Otherwise, I'll just wait to see what GrandVerb has to say and what 1MoreMuslim's response to my last comment is (since my comments were directed at them in the first place). Thanks.

  30. Salamualaykum

    In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious Most Merciful

    Verily all praise is for Allah and may the peace and blessings of Allah be on His last Prophet Muhammad.

    Now i have read discussions and people try to understand some of Allahs most Perfect Names and Attributes. I have to mention some principles in how to understand Allahs Attributes so that there Will be no misconception about how to understand Allah the most Great.

    Allah the most High is Eternal, He has no beginning nor end. When i say that Allah is Eternal that means all His Attributes are eternal. Allah has always been the Creator, the Sustainer, the Merciful, the Forgiving and so on, and Will always be.

    With regard to the attributes of Allah, the following must be observed:

    1. We affirm every attribute which Allah affirmed for Himself or which His Messenger (peace be upon him) affirmed for Him.

    2. We have Faith in the meaning of the attribute.

    3. We have faith that this meaning is not in any way like the attributes of the creation.

    4. The knowledge of how the attributes are is with Allah alone.

    We know that out of His mercy Allah descends every night to the lowest heaven to answer the needs of the worshipers when the last third of the night remains.

    And in sahih al Bukhari we read:

    Abu Salih related from Abu Hurayra that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "When Allah created creation, He wrote in His Book ‚ and He wrote it for Himself and it is placed in His presence above the Throne ‚'My mercy overcomes My wrath.'"

    We accept it, affirm it, believe in it, without likening it with His creation, or ask how.
    Allah says that he Knows everything, and to ask how Allah knows everything is not an acceptabel question for the muslim. We Muslims believe everything that comes from our Lord most High, we listen and obey, and dont dwell in matters that our Prophet and his companions did not speak about.
    Allah does what He wills and He does what He intends. And Allah Says:

    There is nothing similar to him, and He is the Hearing and Seeing. 42:11 Quran

    We also must negate everything that Allah and His messenger (peace be upon him) negated of deficiencies and faults and all that negated His perfection.


    Allah is not born of anyone in any way.

    Allah does not have a mother and father, spiritual or natural.

    Allah does not die.

    Allah is One.

    Allah never said he is a person, nor did He ever say that He the most High is three persons or more in some hypostatic union.

    This is how most of the Christians and other idolworshippers explain their belief in Allah. Read what Allah says about Himself in sura al Hashr and turn to Him in repentance.

    22. He is Allah, beside whom La ilaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He) the All-Knower of the unseen and the seen. He is the most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

    23. He is Allah beside Whom is La ilaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He) the King, the Holy, the One free from all defects, the Giver of security, the Watcher of His creatures, the all Mighty, the Compeller, the Supreme, Glory be to Allah! (High is He) above all that they associate as partners with Him.

    24. He is Allah, the Creator, the Inventor of all things, the Bestower of forms. To Him belongs the Best Names. All that is in the heaven and the earth glorify Him. And He is The Allmighty, the All Wise.

    We have to keep this in mind everytime we read about Allah the Most High and His Names and Attributes.

    @ Yahya , Barakallahufik, good article and may Allah further expose the lying preachers amin.

    And may Allah protect the Muslims from their kalam and rhetoric and shirk amin

    Allah knows best

    And indeed all praise is due to Allah and may the peace and blessings of Allah be on our beloved Rasul.

    Peace be upon those who follow the guidance.


    It appears that there is another side to this story.

    Hard to know who is telling the whole truth.

  32. Ken
    "Hard to know who is telling the whole truth."

    There is a video on youtube "Walid Shoebat exposed" , it goes beyond what Anderson Cooper did. Using just Walid's own words. When Walid says that he threw a bomb at the Lumi bank, and in another interview he saus that he saw children there and he decided not to carry out the operation, that means it's not hard to tell he is lying. But anyway, if you want the truth, you can hardly find it in Robert Spencer's website.

  33. it amaze me, how would anyone (Christians) are still defending this bigoted impostor.

    Oh well maybe because he did a good job in demonizing Muslims and Islam.

    if it wasn't the case Walid Shoebat is probably just a crazy Arab who do money making scam for a living..

  34. Hello Ali:

    I have just read your comment.I haven't been here for some time,like 3 days.Yous said:

    "Minoria, care to come up an explain this liar?"

    By coincidence I had read an article that points to evidence CNN did incompetent journalism

    KEN rightly pointed to a jihadwatch article that points it out.Read it and see that if the assertions are correct CNN did very incompetent work,like asking if Walid Shoebat's name appeared in X jail documents and it didn't.

    The thing is that is NOT his real name,so it is like looking for documents with my nom de plume,finding nothing,because that is not my real name.

  35. Here is the jihadwatch article:


    It includes reference to a man who years ago was looking for information to show Shoebat was false but he found out he was telling the truth regarding his being arrested by the Israelis,and CNN says the contrary.In fact the man's article can be found in the media.CNN has lost 50% of its subscribers in 2 years,so it is stated.

    WHY?Because they are boring and do not have real debate like ABN about issues

    HERE IS THE VIDEO,watch it:

    It is very interesting.

  36. Minoria
    Do you believe Ergun Caner is a fraud?
