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?Paris Hilton - Hijab pic? |
OK, it appears there is a picture of Paris Hilton wearing the Hijab (head covering) and rumours are abound that she has converted to Islam. There is no statement from Miss Hilton but London Muslim squashes the entire hullabaloo:
For those thousands of you who are somehow finding your way to this blog to establish if Paris Hilton has reverted to Islam I can assure or perhaps reassure you she has not.
The rumour online appears to have spread rapidly and as Churchill mentioned a lie travels around a world before the truth gets it's pants on which was said before the Internet.
Muslims and non-Muslims should wait for confirmation from the individual concerned rather than fuelling rumours of celebrities converting to Islam. I recall there were similar scenarios over Ronnie O’Sullivan (snooker player) and Will Smith (Hollywood actor).
So wait for Miss Hilton to confirm/deny the rumours rather than believing them as the interent is awash with hoaxes, misinformation and rumour.
A word on Paris Hilton’s Hijab picture
I don’t know whether the picture is genuine or a photo-shop but it may help “promote” the hijab amongst those who are thinking or rethinking the Hijab.
The picture of Paris Hilton in Hijab seems to be a certain photoshop. LM reiterates Paris Hilton has not become a Muslim, though there are no comments from Miss Hilton:
Can LM for the last occasion try and make clear that Ms Hilton is not a Muslim, she has not reverted to Islam, does not wear a Hijab, her new name is not "Tahira" and she will not be opening a new Islamic school in Hollywood. However, should anyone out there be in a position to get a statement from her PR guys I'd be extremely grateful.
Angelina Jolie defends Muslims
Hijab in the Bible
Christian Missionary Pastor converts to Islam
Haters and the Pakistan porn statistics
Feedback: yahyasnow@hotmail.com
A German state yesterday became the first region in the country to ban Muslim women from wearing burkas.
The country has been gripped for several months by an angry debate on multiculturalism with many Germans voicing their concerns over immigration.
Hesse, a state run by Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian Democrats, has now became the first German region to ban Muslim face veils for public sector workers.
Hesse Interior Minister Boris Rheinsaid it was 'not acceptable' for a teacher in Frankfurt to wear a face veil because 'public sector workers are obligated to have neutral religious and political views'.
The decision was prompted by a local teacher who had told her school she wanted to wear a burka in the classroom after returning from maternity leave. She had not previously worn one.
Only a small minority of Muslim women in Europe cover their faces, but their veils have become symbols for Europeans troubled by problems such as the economic crisis, immigration and Muslim integration.
A poll last year showed 61 percent of Germans favoured a burka ban. Ban supporters include a Catholic bishop in Bavaria, and also the country's most prominent feminist, Alice Schwarzer. (Read more.)
Who are we to condemn a person when Allah SWT has given a guarantee of forgiving all their sins on conversion to Islam. I say I hope it is correct and would welcome a sister to Islam. Alot of her troubles come from a lack of direction and consequent lack of inner peace. I hope that Islam will give her innr peace and calm her down . If true, welcome to Islam!!
Radical Moderate here.
Oh no Paris Hilton did not convert to Islam? Wow crises averted. That really would of been the death knell for western civilization.
Yahya what is your opinion on Neil Armstrong converting to Islam.
Jesus is YWHY
"Stockham, a convert to Islam, said in court he wouldn't accept Haidar because — according to Stockham — Haidar is a Shi'ite Muslim who worships at the Islamic Center."
Do you see that a CONVERT TO ISLAM
"I reject my appointed counsel. He is a Shi'ite and I am not. And he attends the mosque I am attempted of accusing (sic),” he said, before he was cut off by 19th District Judge Mark Somers."
So children what have we learned ISLAM influence's people to blow things up.
radical dumbo: So children what have we learned
That you are a troll?
Ibn said...
radical dumbo: So children what have we learned
That you are a troll?
Even if that is true, it still doesn't change the fact that HE IS A MUSLIM, and ISLAM INFLUENCED HIM
Anon: Even if that is true, it still doesn't change the fact that HE IS A MUSLIM, and ISLAM INFLUENCED HIM
That's a post hoc ergo propter hoc. The more likely explanation is that since this guy is a convert, his enthusiasm was greater than his understanding. Little knowledge but a lot of zeal can leave one vulnerable to sectarians which is probably what happened to this unfortunate convert. Because he did not find it exciting to be with nonsectarian Muslims, he hung out with the more divisive ones and in the process became influenced by them. Thus, it is more plausible to blame his over enthusiasm, lack of understanding and company than Islam.
Radical Moderate here.
Son of ????
Thanks for proving my point that when ever a Muslim try's to make it look good he makes it look that much worse. Let's examine what has been said.
When it was thought that this nut job was a KUFFAR it was Islamaphobes like David Wood and crew who influenced him.
Now that it turns out he is a MUSLIM,(he has a beard) and speaks fluent Arabic it is his enthusiasm.
Really you want to go with that, his enthusiasm?
Let's take a look at what Yahya Snow said when it was thought he was a Islamaphobic kuffar.
"Well, it seems Islamophobic lies and propaganda have affected a 63 year old man, Roger Stockham, to the extent that he attempted to BLOW UP a mosque in Dearborn. Apparently, he travelled all the way from the San Diego area to do so."
So Ibn are you telling me that its
enthusiasm for Islam that would cause a man to travel some 2000+ miles to blow up a Mosque attended by Shia Muslims?
Well I agree with you. Enthusiastic Muslims blow things up.
You also said it was his enthusiasm mixed with a lack of knowledge. Hmm the man SPEAKS FLUENT ARABIC, he reads Allahs words in its original language. Could it be that he actually has knowledge that Non Fluent Arabic Speaker do not have?
You also said...
"he hung out with the more divisive ones and in the process became influenced by them."
Putting aside the fact that you have no proof of this what so ever. These "more divisive ones" are in fact MUSLIMS. The point is that he was influenced not by Islamaphobes, but by his Enthusiasm for Islam mixed with the opinions of other MUSLIMS. LOL
Then you finally said...
"Thus, it is more plausible to blame his over enthusiasm, lack of understanding and company than Islam."
So it's his over enthusiasm for ISLAM, since he speaks fluent Arabic it is more plausible to conclude that he is a knowledgeable Muslim, and the company he kept were MUSLIMS, that influenced him.
Anyway you spin this, he is still a MUSLIM, and it was ISLAM and Muslims that influenced him. NOT ISLAMAPHOBES!!!
Fake news !
She is not
Fatguy:When it was thought that this nut job was a KUFFAR it was Islamaphobes like David Wood and crew who influenced him. Now that it turns out he is a MUSLIM,(he has a beard) and speaks fluent Arabic it is his enthusiasm.Really you want to go with that, his enthusiasm? Let's take a look at what Yahya Snow said when it was thought he was a Islamaphobic kuffar.
Your beef is mostly with Yahya. Hence, I'll let him speak. I'll address your other drivel which I think is more relevant to me.
Fatman: So Ibn are you telling me that its
enthusiasm for Islam that would cause a man to travel some 2000+ miles to blow up a Mosque attended by Shia Muslims?
Could be. I didn't say it had to be. Then again, the guy in question has a history of aberrant behavior. Who knows what's going inside that mind of his!
Fatman: You also said it was his enthusiasm mixed with a lack of knowledge. Hmm the man SPEAKS FLUENT ARABIC, he reads Allahs words in its original language. Could it be that he actually has knowledge that Non Fluent Arabic Speaker do not have?
If a person is good in maths, that doesn't necessarily make him a mathematician. Likewise, just because this guy can supposedly speak Arabic doesn't mean he is a knowledgeable Muslim. Funny thing is, those who are scholars of both Islam and Arabic, like Shiekh Abdullah Bin Bayya, don't condone terrorism. So much for your logic!
Fatman: he speaks fluent Arabic it is more plausible to conclude that he is a knowledgeable Muslim
Man you are an idiot! Are all Arabs knowledgeable Muslims?
Go to the link below and look at this NBC news report of Christian women converting to Islam in America.
Go to the link below and look at this ABC news report of a Christian priest that become a Muslim.
Dr. Jeffrey Lang is a professor of mathematics at the University of Kansas. He was an atheist before he became a Muslim. Go to the link below and watch this interview on how he became a Muslim.
From the moment man opens his eyes to this world a great order surrounds him. He needs oxygen to survive; it is interesting that the atmosphere of the planet on which he lives provides more than just the adequate amount of oxygen he needs. This way, he breathes without difficulty. For the existence of life on this planet, the existence of a source of heat is essential. In response to this need, the sun is located at just the right distance to emit the exact amount of heat and energy human life needs. Man needs nourishment to survive; every corner of the world abounds in astonishingly diversified provisions. Likewise, man needs water; surprisingly, three-fourths of the planet is covered with water. Man needs shelter; in this world of ours, there is land on which it is suitable to build and all sorts of materials with which to make shelters.
These are only a few among billions of details making life possible on earth. In brief, man lives on a planet perfectly designed for his survival
I'm not sure why this fella attacked the mosque. Your pal Dave suggested he was mentally ill - that seems to be the theoryou and your crew were running with a few days ago. So I'm xpecting this to be the case - either that or he had a beef with someone in the mosqua and just lost control!
As for him knowing Arabic well, so what? Jordan of Religonfreedeist knows Greek better than most Christians - does that mean he understands Christianity better than most Christians??
As for Paris Hilton, we want her to convert to Islam but we do not wantfake conversion stories circulating the net - that is the stuff of your Christian pals, step up Ergun Caner!
As for the astronaut, Armstrong - I do not believe that -I have never seen verification of it. However, if I recall correctly I think I've heard it is a hoax!
So PLEASE do not believe stuff of this nature without verification
@Yahya Snow
You said...
"Stop, please stop with this!"
LOL you would like that wouldn't you. But it is so not going to happen.
You said...
"I am the one who will know what I meant if any ambiguity was to arise."
So you are pleading ignorance for the English language. If you did not mean to accuse David Wood and others of influencing this man. Then why did you bring up David Wood in your post titled "Islamophobes Influence Man to Blow up Dearborn Mosque?"
Are you now saying you did not mean that Islamaphobes influenced this Muslim to blow up a mosque? If so then why did you type "Islamopbes INFLUENCE"?
You also said...
"Islamophoes refer to a whole bunch of folk - including yourself."
Yes you do paint your hatred and bigotry with a broad brush
You also said...
"As for White, he exposed nothing but his own disginegenuous sate. Seen as you are a man who dislikes me and a follower of White you are blinded by bias."
No sir, even your own Muslim brethren rebuked you on that. "Do not confuse ambiguity with FACTS."
You also said...
"As for apologising to "Islamophobes", how do you propose I do that."
A youtube video and blog post would be a good way to start your apology to the Billions of Islamaphobes in the world you falsely accused of influencing this MUSLIM to blow up a mosque.
@Yahya Snow
Just to let you know I'm just getting warmed up. So go make some coffee we're going to be here a while.
You said...
"I have ammended my post and have noticed our Dave has removed the link from his site"
What link are you talking about? Honestly I don't know. I do know that he still has your original BLOG POST.
You also said...
" I guess the truth is a hard pill for him to swallow"
Yup you seem to know. Why can't you just admit you were WRONG to jump on the anti Islamaphobe bash wagon. Why can't you just apologies and say your sorry for accusing US Islamaphobes of influencing one of your own, (in IBN's words) "Enthusiastic" Muslim to blow up a Mosque?
You also said...
"Having said all that there is NO place where I accused Dave and his pals of encouraging or influencing this man."
So in a blog post titled "Islamophobes Influence Man to Blow up Dearborn Mosque?" Where you go over old accusations that were proven to be false to begin with against David and Crew as well as other allegations of Sex Hoaxes against oters.
In this same blog post you write..."Well, it seems Islamophobic lies and propaganda have affected a 63 year old man, Roger Stockham," Were you also write "I would not be surprised if this fella was donating cash to the self-styled internet warriors against "jihad" and "sharia"."
So you have a blog post titled "Islamophobes Influence Man to Blow up Dearborn Mosque?"
You then go on to answer your own question that Islampobes lies and propoganda have "AFFECTED" this Man, and finally that you would not be surprised if he donated money to "to the self-styled internet warriors"
The word INFLUENCE is the title of your blog post, the WORD AFFECTED is in your blog post and you even state he has "been buttered up by the Islamophobic propaganda" but you did not accuse Dave and his Pals of influencing this man. Really are you this desperate?
@Yahya Snow
Is that cofee ready? Oh thats write your a Brit you drink TEA. Well I don't have any sugar for you just a few more LUMPS.
You said...
"Sadly your reading comprehensioleaves you at convenient times"
Sir I can only read what you type, and what you typed is clear to everyone who can read. If you actually meant the opposite of what you wrote then it's not my fault for not knowing what it is you mean, if you can not covey it.
You also said...
"I'm not sure why this fella attacked the mosque. Your pal Dave suggested he was mentally ill - that seems to be the theoryou and your crew were running with a few days ago."
This is the best of all, so a few days ago your where SURE that the reason he wanted to blow up the Mosque was because he was "Influenced...Affected... by Islamaphobe lies and propoganda"
Now that you learn he is one of your own "Enthusiastic" Muslim brothers it seems he suffers from Mental Illness.
Well I agree with David Wood that he does seem to suffer from mental instability, after all he is a MUSLIM REVERT. I think Islam should be added to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder (DSM) and DX'd as mental disease or defect. But be that as it may, he is a MUSLIM and was influenced by ISLAM. He is one of your own. You want to claim Paris Hilton as your own, but your running from this "poor chap"?.
Speaking of Paris Hilton you said...
"As for Paris Hilton, we want her to convert to Islam but we do not wantfake conversion stories circulating the net - that is the stuff of your Christian pals, step up Ergun Caner!"
I'm sure you do want Paris Hilton to be a MUSLIM, to be honest you can have her. I seriously will not loose any sleep over that reversion.
As far as Ergun Canner is concerned your desperation is showing since you said I am a fan of Dr White you should know that I am no fan of Ergun Canner.
You also wrote...
"As for the astronaut, Armstrong - I do not believe that -I have never seen verification of it. However, if I recall correctly I think I've heard it is a hoax!"
Well maybe you should foccus on exposing fake conversions to Islam, becasue quite a few Muslims believe it.
Here is a video I took at ISNA of a Muslim explaining to me how Neil Armstrong became a Muslim.
CRACK in the Moon, or Muslim on CRACK
Well that's it for now, you got egg on your face and you don't even know it. That is the best part.
Book of Deuteronomy
God Almighty speaks to Moses in Book of Deuteronomy chapter 18 verse 18:
"I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him."
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is like Moses (pbuh):
Both had a father and a mother.
Both were married and had children.
Both were accepted as Prophets by their people in their lifetime.
Both besides being Prophets were also kings i.e. they could inflict capital punishment.
Both brought new laws and new regulations for their people.
Both died a natural death.
Muhammad (pbuh) is from among the brethren of Moses (pbuh). Arabs are brethren of Jews. Abraham (pbuh) had two sons: Ishmail and Isaac. The Arabs are the descendants of Ishmail (pbuh) and the Jews are the descendants of Isaac (pbuh).
Words in the mouth:
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was unlettered and whatever revelations he received from God Almighty he repeated it verbatim. Deuteronomy (18:18):
"I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him."
Book of Isaiah
It is mentioned in the book of Isaiah chapter 29 verse 12:
"And the book is delivered to him that is not learned saying, ‘Read this, I pray thee’; and he saith, ‘I am not learned’.
"When Archangel Gabriel commanded Muhammad (pbuh) by saying ‘Iqra’, he replied "I am not learned".
All the prophecies mentioned in the Old Testament regarding Muhammad (pbuh) besides applying to the Jews also hold good for the Christians (H Q. 61:6).
The story of Cat Stevens' conversion to Islam
He marked the seventies with his unforgettable melodies and topped the charts for more than a decade, Cat Stevens stopped abruptly an exceptional musical career to the deep regret of millions of fans worldwide.
Cat Stevens who changed his name to Youssef Islam didn’t stop singing out of lack of inspiration but rather due to the fact that, he at last, found his own path by converting to Islam. This is the story with his new faith.
He says” I was born to a Christian family which revered money and did the same, I felt in admiration for singers to the extent that I made of them my supreme god , then decided to become one of them. I ended up by becoming one of the biggest Pop stars, and media made of me an icon, bigger than life itself and will live forever.”
Stevens further added” When day I felt sick and was admitted to hospital, there I had enough time to contemplate and think about things. My conclusion was that we are only a body, and all and all I was only working to satisfy my biological needs. The illness was a god send I opened up my eyes. Once I left the hospital I made inquiries through readings and concluded that Man was a combination of a body and soul.”
“My quest for truth continued in parallel with my artistic career , till the day when a friend of mine who came back from a trip in the East and told that he found serenity inside a mosque which he didn’t in a church, which led me to shift my interest to that religion and bought a translated Koran. At last I found answers to my questions: Who I am?, where I come from ? and what is my goal in Life?. Through my several readings of this holy book, I concluded that there is only one god with whom we can communicate directly without any interference.”
This how Cat Stevens converted to Islam
Celebrity rapper Loon reverts to Islam. Gunuine!
okay guys, i haven't read everything everyone wrote but let me just make one thing clear, for everyone who has a negative opinion on Muslims, i am a young Muslim, i take lessons everyday on how to be a good Muslim and everyday i am taught NOT to lie or steal, not to kill people or commit suicide because if you do either you will never go to heaven as Allah only he has the right to give you life and take it away. We cant even kill animals unless its for our needs or are dangerous to us, we cannot kill insects unless they are dangerous aswell, we cannot gossip and hurt people, We cannot Eat while our Neighbors are hungry,We cannot have too much pride and see other people lowly, if we do any of that we are not good Muslims, in fact if we dont follow our rules, we aren't Muslims at all. I have been taught to Respect People and their religions, never to force anyone to become Muslim, give Zakat which is to donate money, food, clothes and anything else possible to the needy, we are taught to give and never take because Allah will reward us. We are taught to pray five times a day and aswell as keeping up with our responsibilities like raising a family or Education , we are taught to Cover ourselves because it represents purity and it keeps us away from danger. No one can understand our religion unless they read it for themselves, so unless you do read it, do not make unhealthy comments about it, because afer you read it, your thoughts will change. there are good and bad people in this world, a lot of Muslims are good and are in the right path,but the Muslims who weren't blessed are not in the right path, its isn't the religions fault, its the persons fault, its their family's fault but never blame the religion, it has given us a peaceful way, if people do not listen its their fault not Islam's fault. Being Muslim is a very Special thing to me, even if you are born a Muslim or you say your Muslim doesn't mean you are, it comes from the heart and you have to have a good heart to be a Muslim because being a Muslim isn't easy, they people who are blessed can only succeed.
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