Friday, 29 October 2010

Abdullah Kunde's Conversion Story

Brother Abdullah is a young scholar on Islam and comparative religion from Australia .He has studied Biblical studies and Jewish Civilization from the University of Sydney

From Darkness to Light - Abdullah Kunde tells his story

Embedded from MuslimByChoice's YT page, his descrpition reads:

Is Jesus Christ God or just a prophet?
Did He ever claim to be God?
Why did I choose Islam?
Why I'm no longer a Christian
Brother Abdullah is a young scholar on Islam and comparative religion from Australia
He has studied Biblical studies and Jewish Civilization from the University of Sydney
He is now studying Medicine at the University of New South wales
While studying at the University of Sydney Abdullah was heavily involved in Islamic Awareness Activities including debates and discussions with various religious backgrounds
He also taught and facilitated a course about development of Hebrew and Christian Scriptures for an Islamic education center.

Come to Islam today!!!


thegrandverbalizer19 said...

With the name of Allah, Peace be unto those who follow the guidance from their Lord....

brother Abdullah Kunde walks with the light! Mash'Allah! May Allah bless and protect and safe guard him and encircle him with angels, and support him from places he never imagined! Ameen!

May Allah also bless my good brother Yahya Snow (and encourage him to put fatman on perm ignore hehehe)

Peace out....Islam STAND UP.

manny said...

first convert is khadija mother of believers

Yahya Snow said...

Walaikumsalam brother TGV

InshaAllah, I have run him out of here. I started quoting the OT to him and he was caught to be inconsistent as well as floundering.

He wastes his time starting arguments and seems to be insincere.

I hope he is not too far gone to be guided. He is in a dark place right now, May Allah guide him to the light.

I hope all is well with you. May Allah bless you further.