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Ancient Cairo Church |
Sadly, there is a huge volume of Arab/Assyrian Christian Islamophobes on the internet; these people are propaganda merchants to say the least.
I’m sorry but when I hear the usual Islamophobic sentiment of “Muslims are ordered to kill all disbelievers” emanate from Arab/Assyrian Christians I simply roll my eyes and think all his/her carping is self-refuting; why did these “barbarous Muslims” spare you and your families – a question which rocks their anti-Muslim propaganda!
I could go further and point to the 5-15 million Coptic Christians in Egypt [1] – all alive and kicking despite Muslims having ruled Egypt since 641 CE [2]
Oh the irony, ISLAM saved Arab and Assyrian Christians – Islamophobes eat your hearts out!
Of course, the very reason why Muslims had not killed or forcefully converted their Arab/Assyrian Christian forefathers is because of ISLAM:
Whoever killed a Dhimmi will never smell Paradise [Sahih Bukhari, No 3166]
Prophet Muhammad also said said:
“Verily whoever oppressed a Dhimmi (a non-Muslim under Muslim rule), took from his rights, or took from him unjustly, then I am his opponent on judgment day…” [Ibn Hajar al Aslam, Muwafaqat al Khabar, Number 184/2] (Sourced from Mustafa Zayed’s Book Refutation of Robert Spencer)
*Dhimmi refers to “A non-Muslim living under the protection of an Islamic government” [Hilali/Khan's Glossary from their Translation of the Holy Quran]
Why were these folk not forcefully converted – Islam forbade it! [There is no compulsion in religion (see Quran 2:256)]
So, if the Islamophobic depictions of Muslims were true, our Arab/Assyrian Christian friends would not exist. The reason why they were not exterminated or forced into Islam was due to ISLAM’S tolerance.
Arab Christians less credible in the business of Islamophobia
I guess this is one of the reasons why Arab/Assyrian Islamophobes are afforded less credence in the West in comparison to Western Islamophobes. I mean, why aren’t the Arab/Assyrian Christians making as much cash out of Islamophobia as Western Islamophobes – after all, Islamophobia is a business…
Eradicating the Christian faith?
John Taylor Caroline confirms Muslims COULD have eliminated Christianity if they so wished BUT they did NOT:
But we have not heard – under Islamic rule – about any attempt to force non-Muslim communities to accept Islam, or about any organized oppression to eradicate the Christian faith. If the Muslim Caliphs had chosen the above two plans they would have swept Christianity with the same ease that Ferdinand and Isabella swept the Islamic faith out of Spain… [3]
Hmm, if Muslims are as bad as the Arab Christian Islamophobes are making out, then why did they not opt for a holocaust or a forced conversion on mass? The answer is ISLAM.
Eastern Churches testify to Islam’s tolerance
Yep, read it and weep, Islamophobes:
The eastern churches in Asia were already separated from the rest of the Christian world which was not to support them in any way considering them heretics of the religion. Therefore the sheer existence of these churches today is in itself a strong evidence of the general tolerance of Islamic governments towards them (Sir Thomas Walker Arnold) [3]
UPDATE: I have just been alerted to an excellent article by Adnan Rashid of the Hittin Institute which covers this issue extensively. An excerpt concerning the Egyptian Christians:
Egypt saved from the Chalcedonian persecution:
The same seems to have taken place in Egypt where, according to Dionysius, the Coptic Patriarch submitted Egypt voluntarily to the Muslims:
‘We have found in the tales and stories of Egyptians that Benjamin, the Patriarch of the Orthodox in Egypt at the time, delivered the country to the Arab general Amr b. al-As out of antipathy, that is enmity, towards Cyrus, the Chalcedonian (Byzantine) Patriarch in Egypt.’[12]
This enmity, however, was due to the persecution of the Orthodox Church in Egypt at the hands of the Byzantine Church. John of Nikiou (690 CE), who was a Coptic bishop in Nikiu (Egypt), confirmed the testimony of Dionysius:
‘When Muslims saw the weakness of the Romans and the hostility of the people to the emperor Heraclius because of the persecution wherewith he had visited all the land of Egypt in regard to the orthodox faith at the instigation of Cyrus the Chalcedonian Patriarch [in office 631/2-41], they became bolder and stronger in the war…And people began to help the Muslims.’[13]
And in some cases the Egyptians refused to fight the Muslims at all [14]. One must keep in mind that these are contemporary Christian sources testifying that the Muslims were actually being helped by the Egyptian Orthodox Coptic Christians to put the Chalcedonian Byzantine Christian persecution to rest. Alfred J. Butler, a leading authority on the history of Egypt, believed that the Muslim arrival benefited both Christian factions by enabling them to live in peace together under the Islamic protection:
‘After all that the Copts had suffered at the hands of the Romans and the Patriarch Cyrus, it would not have been unnatural if they had desired to retaliate upon the Melkites [the Romans]. But any such design, if they cherished it, was sternly discountenanced by ‘Amr, [the Muslim conqueror of Egypt] whose government was wisely tolerant but perfectly impartial between the two forms of religion. Many facts might be cited in proof of this contention…So that the two forms of Christianity must be imagined as subsisting side by side under the equal protection of the conquerors.’[15]
It is evident from the testimonies cited above that the Muslims came as a mercy for the wider Egyptian population. The Coptic Christians in Egypt were also a target for the Byzantine terror and it was this terror which caused the Copts to join the Muslims against their co-religionists. ‘Amr bin al-‘Aas (may Allah be pleased with him) had established a peaceful abode for all parties and this he did by implementing the Shariah Law in Egypt. Thus the real operation “Enduring Freedom” was accomplished successfully in the land of Pharaohs.
(Emphasis is mine - Yahya Snow)
You can (and should) read the ENTIRE article here - entitled A 7th Century War On Terror
We can see why Arab and Assyrian Islamophobes are taken with a pinch of salt as they go off on their spiel against Muslims. I invite you to move away from hatred and obfuscation by discussing the genuine objections to the Bible and the Trinity Muslims are advancing. Sly games of mud slinging are not helpful to anyone.
[1] Copts in Egypt constitute the largest Christian community in the Middle East, as well as the largest religious minority in the region, accounting for an estimated 10% of Egyptian population (Wikipedia)
[2] A Chronology of Islamic History 570-1000 CE, Ta-Ha Publishers Limited, p72
[3] Mustafa Zayed’s The Lies about Muhammad, How you were deceived into Islamophoia, 2010, p285
Muhammad and Jesus (p)
Christian Missionary Pastor converts to Islam
Bible: Muslims are blessed
Feedback: yahyasnow@hotmail.com
Yahya said,
why did these “barbarous Muslims” spare you and your families – a question which rocks their anti-Muslim propaganda!
I say,
Perhaps it’s because God has kept his promise to be with and protect his Church even in the midst of persecution.
Christians in the Middle east are a living picture of the fulfillment of that promise. Rather then a testament to the compassion of Islam they are proof of the truth of Christianity
For me a better question to ask is why despite of systematic grinding discrimination has the Church endured for so many centuries?
That Islam has not been able to triumph over the church in Muslim lands despite having protected status and government sanction should make one doubt the claims it makes for itself.
That’s just my opinion however and I would not base an argument on it.
FMM: Christians in the Middle east are a living picture of the fulfillment of that promise.
Yeah right. Where is the Byzantine empire? Gone, thanks to Islam.
Ethiopian Muslims Kill Christian, Burn Churches and Christian Homes in Ongoing Attacks
Washington--International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that today Muslims killed one Christian, burned down another eight churches, a bible school, and 17 Christian homes in stepping up their attacks against Christians in Asendabo, Ethiopia.
Yesterday ICC reported that the attacks started on March 2 after Muslims accused Christians of desecrating the Qur'an. Today's attacks bring the total number of razed churches to 13. More than 150 Christians are now without homes. The attacks have spread to the villages surrounding the town of Asendabo.
Christians are calling on the government of Ethiopia for protection. The Ethiopian government sent federal security forces but they couldn't control ten thousand rioting Muslims from continuing their attacks.
Asendabo is a town located in Jimma Zone, Western Ethiopia. Western Ethiopia was the scene of violent attacks against Christians in 2006 when Muslims killed more than a dozen Christian and burned down several churches. The attacks forces thousands of Christians to leave their homes.
"Ethiopian officials have a responsibility to protect their citizens from attacks. It is outrageous and a violation of their obligation under international human rights law for the government to let Muslims kill Christians and destroy their property. We ask that those concerned would contact the Ethiopian embassy to express their concern and ask for government intervention," said Jonathan Racho, ICC's Regional Manager for Africa
More Sharia in the United States
Dearborn, MI Muslims
ano said:
Yeah right. Where is the Byzantine empire? Gone, thanks to Islam.
I say,
The people of God don’t have empires that’s a Muslim thing. The destruction of a worldly empire that falsely claims to be “Christian” is yet more evidence that Christianity is true.
And Jesus called them to him and said to them, "You know that those who are considered rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. But it shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be slave of all.
(Mark 10:42-44)
Jesus answered, "My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world."
(John 18:36)
End quote:
Like the Babylon and Assyrian empires in the OT and the Roman empire in the NT the Islamic empire was unknowingly doing God’s bidding.
Instead of defeating the people of God persecutions purify the Church by driving away nominal believers and forcing those who are left to depend wholly on God.
You see this over and over again and it’s happening right now in Muslim lands.
For the Muslims doing the Persecuting however it would be a good idea to listen to the advise of Gamaliel.
But a Pharisee in the council named Gamaliel, a teacher of the law held in honor by all the people, stood up and gave orders to put the men outside for a little while. And he said to them, "Men of Israel, take care what you are about to do with these men. For before these days Theudas rose up, claiming to be somebody, and a number of men, about four hundred, joined him. He was killed, and all who followed him were dispersed and came to nothing. After him Judas the Galilean rose up in the days of the census and drew away some of the people after him. He too perished, and all who followed him were scattered. So in the present case I tell you, keep away from these men and let them alone, for if this plan or this undertaking is of man, it will fail; but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them. You might even be found opposing God!" So they took his advice,
(Acts 5:34-39)
End quote:
Fifth Monarchy Man,
And the Muslims living in Western countries who are free of poverty and oppresion is because Allah protects and loves Muslims who are true to Islam.
A new report that I came across showed Latvians are embracing Islam quite fast. And that's Latvia, a small European country not many know about.
Other credible reports have it that Muslims in secualr Turkey, Tatarstan and Azerbaijan are increasingly turning back to Islam.
You see Fifth Monarchy, Islam is clearly winning. It's all God's plan.
Hey Yahya is there anything even remotely close to the treatment of a non-Christian in the Bible? Wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't.
Fifth Monarchy is picking and choosing to what he see's as a "prophesy".
Well I can do the same. Those drunks and rapists trolling dark alley's are also fulfilling prophecies.
woman for truth
you say,
You see Fifth Monarchy, Islam is clearly winning. It's all God's plan.
I say,
I would not be so quick to judge by appearances.
For every convert in Latvia
or revert in Turkey who turns to Islam with no adverse consequences I expect I could show you a secret believer in Iran or Pakistan who now must fear for their life because they acknowledge that Jesus is Lord.
The point is it’s never a good idea to judge the truth of something by counting noses.
you said,
And the Muslims living in Western countries who are free of poverty and oppresion is because Allah protects and loves Muslims who are true to Islam
I say,
More likely it’s because God is calling them to repentance
Or do you presume on the riches of his kindness and forbearance and patience, not knowing that God's kindness is meant to lead you to repentance? But because of your hard and impenitent heart you are storing up wrath for yourself on the day of wrath when God's righteous judgment will be revealed.
(Romans 2:4-5)
End Quote:
you said:
Those drunks and rapists trolling dark alley's are also fulfilling prophecies.
I say
Yes they are. what is your point?
But you must remember, beloved, the predictions of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ. They said to you, "In the last time there will be scoffers, following their own ungodly passions."
(Jude 1:17-18)
end quote
Great post , please include Adnan Rashid's article entitled "a 7th century war on terror" to this post , it deals with this issue in more depth , its hitten institutes's website
Hmmm picking and choosing again I see.
Well Fifth Monarchy I notice a little contradiction in your posts. You said the Christians living free of oppression in Muslim countries is because god is protecting them but what about the Christians who fear for their lives? Is god not protecting them?
You said god is calling on Muslims in the West for repentance, but what about those Muslims who live in fear (and there's quite a few)?
To the Law and to the Testimony! If they do not speak according to this Word, it is because they have no light! Isa 8.2
Supporting evidence from fellow sects:
Thank you very much for the article recommendation.
I searched it on the net and found it on Paul Williams' BloggingTheology and have excerpted a portion plus linked to the full article so folk and read it all - I did not append all the article here as it seemed Adnan Rashid had put alot of effort into it - thus it would be better to link to the original or Paul's blog (as he had permission).
Sadly, I could not trace the original link from the Hittin Institute's site. I could not even get access to that site and sample other delights they may have on offer. Perhaps there is a problem with the site.
Thanks again.
Women for truth
You say,
You said the Christians living free of oppression in Muslim countries is because god is protecting them but what about the Christians who fear for their lives? Is god not protecting them?
I say,
Actually what I said was the existence of Christians in Islamic countries is proof that God keeps his promises to them. I never said any thing about protection.
Christ never promised to always protect his people from persecution. On the contrary we were promised that all true Christians would face persecution.
What Christ promised was that he would always be us and that the gates of hell would not prevail against us. He has kept that promise in spades.
You say
You said god is calling on Muslims in the West for repentance, but what about those Muslims who live in fear (and there's quite a few)?
I say,
Actually I said (quoting God’s word) that God’s kindness was meant to lead to repentance.
As for your question God is perfectly able to draw folks to repentance through fear as well if he chooses to.
So no contradiction here either
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