ABN's Bassim Gorial asked to apologise for sleaze:
An old post but has a ring of relevance to some hoo-ha at AM:
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Weirdest missionary on the net? |
Try the London marathon bigots...
I had an opportunity to watch the London marathon a few weeks ago - I didn't bother. What makes these bigots think Muslims in the UK are going to stay up on a work/school night to confront the con artists of ABN. Yes, I wrote 'con artists', one of their leading conmen is a fella named Kamal Saleem who has THREE different Muslim-Christian conversion stories floating about. I guess those coward Muslims are secretly afraid of Kamal Saleem releasing another false conversion story, hence the lack of brave Muslim callers. Those Muslim cowards!!!
Sam Shamoun, really?
Yes, it is he up above. Muslims are running scared of him and keeping his 'Jesus or Muhammad' """marathon""" a secret, hence why the """marathon"""" is so anonymous and is receiving little interest. Or perhaps the shows are simply crowded with attention starved charlatans who have little/no credibility in the apologetic community - never mind the academic community. Eat your heart out Mr Sam 'Muslims can have sex with animals' Shamoun. Or perhaps its a case of nobody is interested in seeing this obscene bigot froth at the mouth whilst risking a hernia in his attmept to inject passionate insults to the proceedings.
For those who are interested in seeing how Shamoun fares in dialogue with Muslims just consult the sack load of posts within the Sam Shamoun section - that's the standard of Shamoun - short fry. But hey, I'm running for the hills...
David Wood the Hulk Hogan of ABN?
Here is a laugh for you, a person who actually met Deceptive David cracked me up with this gem:
What you probably don’t know Paul is that Wood also admitted in the course of one our exchanges that he had once put a person in a sleeper hold, suffocating him. He says he did that because his wife was being threatened, but I doubt that’s the case. [wrtten by IbnAbuTalib on the MuslimDebateInitiative blog: http://muslimdebateinitiative.wordpress.com/2010/06/19/extremist-christians-harass-muslims-in-dearborn-are-arrested-by-police/]
Yep, the David Wood section contains some of Deceptive David's strange arguments and episodes - he really knows how to deliver the smackdown (or should I say 'sleeper hold') to those cowardly Muslims.
Hey, Deceptive Dave, you don't need to initiate a 'sleeper hold' to achieve the desired result, this latest 'Jesus or Muhammad' """marathon""" is sleep inducing enough. Sooo sleep inducing that nobody knows it took/is taking place!
But hey, it's not about the fact their 'Jesus or Muhammad' shows on the cash strapped ABN are so dull and repetitive - it's all about the cowardly Muslims who just don't stay up, listen to the oft-refuted arguments (and lies, let's be honest - they churn out their share of liars on ABN) or call the show. It's all about the cowardly Muslims who refuse to turn up to the back yard wrestling extravaganza to face a couple of no-marks. Those cowards peeing their pants at the thought of Deceptive Dave's sleeper hold, you can feel this Muslim quiver in the subtext!
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David Wood belongs in a ring - a circus ring or wrestling ring |
True Cowards ABN, AnsweringIslam, AnsweringMuslims
I notice when questions are posed of Christianity the aforementioned simply scarper leaving their ardent Christian supporters in a state of confusion. Talk about taking the cash and running...
I ask the 'marathon' boys to pop over to 1MoreMuslim's blog and answer the questions he is posing, in the process help your colleague (Anthony Rogers) out with this series of questions. He seems to have left the building at the onset of those questions. Of course, it's not cowardice to them as he is a Christian who according to Christianity has the 'holy spirit dwelling within'... I'm not entirely sure why Christians are not sharing their 'answers' as folk have been asking for a long time. Why so silent? Perhaps David Wood has been practicing the sleeper hold on these Christians..
Please do answer when you do decide to stop playing WWE in your bedrooms, fellas:
To the fan boys of AM
If you want to learn about Islam, read the Quran yourselves, speak to Muslims and pick a scholarly book up rather than relying on a few unlearned guys trying to cash in on the anti-Muslim bandwagon.
FEEDBACK: yahyasnow@yahoo.co.uk
Become a Muslim if you love Jesus (p)
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Speaking of Chris Benoit, could you imagine if he left Qurans instead of Bibles with his wife and son he murdered them? We'd never hear the end of it lol
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